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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Mar 1, 2009 -> 07:55 AM) Apparently Curt Schilling thinks he can solve the Cubs World Series problem Of course he does. His exalted curse-busting ability is exceeded only by his arrogance.
  2. Good news! Thanks for all the updates.
  3. Attended Games: Old Comiskey The Cell Milwaukee County Stadium Wrigley Old Busch The Jake Minute Maid Park Fenway Walked around outside: Petco Camden Yards Kauffman Skydome (ate in Hard Rock Cafe)
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 11:59 AM) I watch the man speak everyday, and there is nothing inspirational in there since the election. I honestly feel like he is using the economy the same way Bush used 9-11. You are pretty much labeled if you don't agree with his policy ideas. He has even gotten to the point of calling out people who disagree with his policies or views and having the attack dogs called out on them (hello Rick Santelli). I am waiting for his team to start calling people unpatriotic. I certainly don't watch him everyday, but I did think his address to Congress was a good Barack Obama speech, and not devoid of hope at all.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 11:31 AM) There have been multiple times where a sell off was directly related to an Obama policy speech on something in the economy or private sector. This has been quoted all over the place by the specialists and marketmakers on many trading floors, on different occasions. Yes the market is going to go down when the President gets on TV and says things are really bad in order to get what he wants passed. I don't get why this concept seems to be so odd to people. Important people can move markets with their words. Hell am I the only one old enough to remember the "Irrational Exuberance" speech. Are you guys seriously going to tell me that selloff was independant of Greenspans words? But doesn't the market already know that "things are really bad?" Isn't that stark reality already factored in? I'm not naive enough to think that the President's words are meaningless, but it isn't like he's disclosing heretofore secret information. Things have been bleak for a long time now. I can accept that the market might be a little better off at the moment if he had taken a different tact to get the bill passed, but I have trouble comprehending how it would be appreciably better (especially long term) if he played Pollyanna instead of Eeyore.
  6. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 11:09 AM) Obama HAD to take advantage of this to get his s*** through, and everyone knows it. That part I get; the rest is Dick being dick.
  7. I think Dick Morris is a POS as a human being, so I'm inclined to disagree with whatever he says on general principle. He knows politics, but I'm not sure he knows economics (I admit I don't), and I think he has stretched his limited credibility in that piece. The Dow was near 13,400 in November 2007. It was 9600 on Election Day and its around 7,100 now. Obama has been president for 5 weeks. Yet the stock market has "crashed" because of him and his failure to lead? I somewhat agree with his point about Obama's economic fear-mongering, but that particular point's a tough sell for me, especially coming from Dick. Seems to me that the markets had been heading south for a long time before that. Dick's great at second guessing and playing contrarian opportunist, but would things really be that different if Obama whistled Dixie? I know confidence is great and all, but how does attitude solve the underlying credit crisis? ps. I love Dick's line about Obama's "failed policies." I guess if the markets don't immediately respond to them (long term consequences be damned), its okay to declare them "failures."
  8. I'm not swayed by the tenure argument. JFK was only president for 3 years, and he is on the half-dollar. Shoeless Joe may have been the greatest all-around player to ever wear a White Sox uniform, and while he was here, he won pennants and a series. The White Sox don't have too many of those. Lyons is deserving and I considered him, but I doubt many non-Sox fans have heard of him. Shoeless Joe is both deserving and iconic, though for both good and bad reasons. And don't forget, Shoeless Joe was found "not guilty." Blago might not be so lucky.
  9. I heard Mike Hunt was runner-up. I noticed that's from a morning show. The producer apparently hadn't had coffee yet.
  10. For once, I think ESPN got something right.
  11. I went with Shure after the original thread and I've been very happy with them.
  12. clyons


    QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 12:44 PM) Also I am missing a time line thing here. Back last year Jack tells Kate after the alcohol and drugs had taken him over that he had been flying continously to try and crash. This happens after his conversation with Locke and before his death. Also the obit said Bentham died in N.Y. Locke was in L.A. Soemthing doesn't jive there or the final scene was weeks or months after the Locke meetings or Locke does not die in the hanging...... Also Sayid becomes a bad ass again after working for Homes for Hope when he busts Hurley out........ Something ain't working for me. I'm not sure any of that is chronologically inconsistent. I took it that Jack had been wanting to get back to the island well before Locke showed up purely for his own benefit, because his life off the island sucked and back on the island he was king s***. However, he did not want to go along with Locke (who was his rival as Island king s***) on another journey of "faith and destiny," believing that he had to for the benefit of the rest. That conflict ("fate vs. probability") is what drove Locke and Jack apart on the Island and it still kept them apart up to that point. Jack only really comes around on this after he thinks Locke is dead and Mrs. Hawking reads him the riot act about having faith; what Ben said to Locke about Jack buying a ticket right away was typical Ben misdirection. Not sure about Sayid, but I'm sure being a badass is like riding a bike . . . I'll bet we learn he got blackmailed back into action. Maybe over something about his "murdered" wife? Anyway, that's my 2 cent take. Who the hell really knows with this show?
  13. clyons


    QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 10:35 AM) Liked the episode. Terry O'Quinn is amazing. Locke is my favorite character on the show. I posted a couple of days ago that this episode could be the one to get him an Emmy. It would be his second. He's already won one well-deserved award for playing John Locke.
  14. I didn't see this posted. Very cool! http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/news/press...sp&c_id=cws
  15. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Feb 24, 2009 -> 08:41 PM) Michigan State is going to be #2? Northern Iowa ?
  16. Nirvana counts. Because I'm old, I'll go with pre-Eliminator ZZTop.
  17. clyons

    2009 Oscars Thread

    If its gonna take that long to list each set of nominees, this show will last even longer than usual (and that's saying something).
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 07:55 AM) And it shows how the media controls cases. If Condit was the guy, the media would be heroes for keeping the pressure on the police on behave of the family and Levy. If he's not, they are goats for distracting the police and forcing them to check false leads and theories. I'll defend the media a little bit. If there are goats here, its the police for allowing the case to be controlled by the press and themselves to be distracted to that degree. Condit did have an affair with her and then initially lied about it. That was a factual story for the media to pursue, even if it did get the sensational 24/7 "Hard Copy" treatment. Condit made himself the focus of media and police scrutiny. Even so, good cops shouldn't be swayed by the Enquirer or Connie Chung. In any event, IIRC from the Post series (I didn't reread it) it sounds like the cops were just plain unlucky in not finding the body sooner, which would have put them in the right direction much faster. If that was due to incompetence, it had nothing to do with the media.
  19. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 07:15 PM) ISU is getting ran over by a stream train right now....cmon Niagara, really?? C'mon, now. Don't hold that 18 point loss to 8-20 Marist against them. The Purple Eagles are BALLERS!!!!
  20. This recent road streak has me convinced the Hawks are an elite NHL team. Not Redwing elite, but damn good.
  21. I hate drivers with vanity plates who are more creative than I am in slipping double entendres past the Secretary of State. Last week on the drive I saw a big BMW with the plate "FAT DUB 1". The clerk who approved that no doubt also let go a couple with "420" in them.
  22. Actual quote from CNN.com: "New research shows that, in men, the brain areas associated with handling tools and the intention to perform actions light up when viewing images of women in bikinis." http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/19/women...ref=mpstoryview The article does not elaborate upon the specific "tools" to be handled or the "actions" intended to be performed.
  23. I tuned in the Illinois game at about 7:20 thinking it started at 7:00. It took me until there were 13 seconds left until I realized it was the second half.
  24. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Feb 18, 2009 -> 12:47 PM) 1. Game 4 of the 2005 World Series 2. Game 163 3. The back-to-back-to-back-to-back home runs against Kansas City in 2008 with Thome, Konerko, Alexei, Uribe. 4. TIE betwee AJ's called 3rd strike in the 2005 ALCS and AJ's controversial interference call on the basepaths against TB. 5. The Sox/Cubs brawl after Barrett punches AJ. Wow, I was in attendance at each one of your top 3 1/2 (saw AJ's dropped third strike game; missed the TB interference game). That's pretty lucky, considering I'm not even a season ticket holder.
  25. Glad to see Kaner light it with Sharp out. Sharpie hasn't exactly been on fire of late either, but Kane does need to step it up while he's gone. I agree that playing with Toews will help.
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