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Paulie4Pres last won the day on June 10 2022

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  1. I'd rather light that $125 on fire and send the video clip to the White Sox than give it to Reinsdorf.
  2. 6'2 and...272 lbs.? What the f***? Is this Bartolo reincarnated?
  3. I really hope fans here aren't dumb enough to bet the over on this. If there's one thing this organization has taught us over the last decade, it's that there is no rock bottom for them. They can always suck more. How are they going to win games in 2025? Pitching? Defense? Hitting? They aren't going to be an MLB team in any aspect whatsoever.
  4. Freeman has a home run in six straight World Series games? That's honestly just insane.
  5. If you want to watch the teams on Fubo, it's going to cost you $95 a month. $80 a month, plus a $15 regional sports fee (FUCKING LOL). If you want to watch all three teams on the yet to be released piece of s%*# CHSN app, it will cost you $30 a month. Otherwise, it's $20 per team. They've already priced themselves out of the existing options. The ONLY way that $30 a month is a good option, is if you want to watch all three teams, and don't already have existing streaming/cable packages. ESPN+ package is $15 a month, plus a few bucks for a VPN. Watch your Blackhawks hockey. Cheaper. MLB single team is $120 a year. Cheaper. NBA is $17 a month. Cheaper. If you have an antenna that works, it's free... Personally, the only team I give a s%*# about at this point, is the Blackhawks. So, they will get $0 of my money. 🤣
  6. That's the thing. They haven't increased access to games. As of now, there are tons of people not able to watch.
  7. The guy is a fucking imbecile. He is where he is because of connections and nepotism. Absolutely clueless.
  8. To summarize: "Making money hand over fist used to be incredibly easy, because we worked with cable providers to steal money from their customers. The climate has changed, and people aren't willing to give us free money anymore. I find myself struggling to figure out how to make money when it's not just handed to me." Imagine using the word "fear" because your greedy billionaire ass doesn't know how to make your billion dollar franchise steal money from customers anymore. f*** this entitled prick.
  9. Anyone falling for this bullshit is a moron. Just so happens it's coming from Stewart, who is good buddies with TLR, who still works for the White Sox? Reinsdorf is such a transparent loser. Build your own stadium you cheap piece of s%*#. Or just die and make all Sox fans happy.
  10. Except I already have all of those channels, and don't need an antenna to watch them. So no, I won't spend $50 on an antenna for a single channel because the people running that channel are imbeciles.
  11. They have known this forever. It doesn't matter at all to the fans. Their lack of preparation and competence is why they are where they are today. I can't wait to see if they come out with their own app for this, given the incompetence they have displayed in every other technical aspect.
  12. Blows my mind that people are defending this unprofessional shitshow. Everything about this is substandard. The launch. The quality. The decisions surrounding the broadcast. The studio. The audio quality. Everything. It's a Jerry Reinsdorf owned clusterfuck, to a T.
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