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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (maki @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 09:38 AM) It's not going to affect that in the slightest. The only thing this is doing is making the tiny subset of tickets typically available via TM to the regular public even more limited, or most likely non-existent. That sucks, then. I was hoping this would make more tickets available to the general public.
  2. QUOTE (SHIPPS @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 12:09 PM) I am into your avatar dude. Thanks, man. I lurve those curves.
  3. QUOTE (SHIPPS @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 10:30 AM) Thats all that was too. I always type gibberish even when they are real words. Funny thing is... your online persona makes me imagine you as someone who would mumble words in person. ...kinda like Kenny in "South Park".
  4. I'm very mish-mashed when it comes to left/right. First off, I write left-handed and I do most things left-handed, such as forks, spoons, screwdrivers, steering, eating chips, dealing cards, etc. My right hand is my "cleaning hand" and the hand I use to punch with, hold things, etc. Throwing: When I was a kid and I played little league, I threw right-handed. I think it was because my parents didn't think of seeing if I was better at throwing right or left, so they just assumed I'd throw right. I've thrown balls with my right hand all my life and I have more accuracy. However, I seem to be able to throw things in my bedroom's trash can with more accuracy with my left hand. Hitting: Again, in little league I always batted right-handed. I'm still able to square up on balls and hit for power right-handed, but over the years my accuracy with batting right-handed went down. So in my frustration at the batting cages, I took a break and started batting left-handed and started hitting grounders and line drives with much more accuracy but no power. So now, when I goof around with my friends at the park, I can switch-hit and it's fun, it keeps things fresh. So, in summary... my baseball card would look like... Throw: R Bat: Switch
  5. Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of people who were able to go to playoffs games because they were connected to some corporation that got a bunch of tickets. Stuff like that always annoyed me, especially when it's people who are not even really fans of the team and there's bigger fans out there that would've given anything to attend a playoff game.
  6. 2 things: 1. As usual, I love how Ozzie cussed out the umpires after he got ejected. Go Ozzie! And the reasoning for his ejection was bulls***. 2. A question: if I was attending the game and sitting in the front row, would I get ejected from the game if I kept cussing out the home plate umpire after Ozzie got ejected? Just wondering, cause that's something I've always wanted to do. 3. I was VERY impressed with Dayan Viciedo's at-bat, especially the at-bat in the top of the 4th where he took a ball for a 3-1 count. Wow! ...ok, that was 3 things.
  7. QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 28, 2010 -> 12:54 PM) I don't get why people think Brooklyn Decker looks good I agree with you, I think she's ugly. :-/
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 27, 2010 -> 12:12 PM) Curious if this new photo in UK's Esquire changes anyone's mind. Didn't change anything for me. I still think her face is weird, she lacks any curves besides her boobs, she has no hips to grab onto, and she's too pale.
  9. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 27, 2010 -> 05:37 PM) A manager telling the press that he wants his GM to add to his roster suggests that he lacks confidence in his players. So of course Ozzie's going to tell the media that he doesn't want to add anybody. EXACTLY. I was just gonna post the same thing, but now I don't have to. Thanks for saving me the time, dude.
  10. Does anyone know if there will be a delay to the start of the game because of the rain earlier?
  11. The only time I wear jean pants (loose-fit Lee Dungarees and Levi's) is from late september to April. From April to September, I wear loose and baggy 3/4 long jean shorts (Phat Farm, Sean John, Truth, Mecca) with deep pockets. I only wear shorts that are long and hang below my knees, in fact I wear my crew socks halfway up my shin, so with my shorts on you only see about 2 or 3 inches of my legs, lol. I think any shorts that go above the knee look very girly and "white". During the summer, I wear sleeveless shirts and tank tops, either plain or with Sox logos or Harley Davidson stuff, on cloudy days (so I don't get sunburned). On most days, and all year round, I typically wear tshirts, 90% of the time. Usually I wear plain black tshirts, white sox tshirts, white South Side Irish tshirts, or other random plain tshirts or shirts with stuff like anarchy symbols on them, etc. As for shoes, 99% of the time I just wear black New Balance shoes. I only wear sandals if I'm making a quick trip to the store or something. As you can all tell, I usually go for the urban white trash look. I can't stand the preppy look or the formal look. Also, funny thing about me, I hate wearing jeans and jean shorts indoors. So, I wear loose athletic shorts all year round indoors. I call them "house shorts", lol. I also have 4 pairs of loose athletic shorts (all are black or dark blue) that I wear to the gym along with oversized white tshirts or plain tank tops. I also wear polo shirts all year round for work, but they must not be preppy-style. I like to wear size large short sleeve polo shirts that fits loose and covers up my entire upper arm. I hate polo shirts that has extra-short sleeves that runs up to your armpits. Also, any polo shirt I wear must have dark earth tones, such as black, dark blue, burnt orange, dark green, plum, dark raspberry, or even bold stripes with combinations such as white/green, or black/white/red, etc. I REFUSE to wear bright colors!!!
  12. Kudos to the creator of this thread. Your optimism is to be admired. :
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 21, 2010 -> 11:23 AM) I find it funny that any guy actually takes compliments from waitresses as anything other than looking for a bigger tip. Not a shot at you, Don, but in general. Actually, the funny thing is, Dominique the waitress wasn't even my waitress. She was working on other tables and was walking back and forth past me all night until she stopped at my table to talk to me. I was just hanging out with my friend and I didn't even order any food or drinks that night, lol. But yea, if she was my waitress and she said that, I'd be skeptical, I get what you're saying. But it's still kinda cool that a waitress that wasn't even serving me came up and chatted me for a bit.
  14. I'm gonna have to go with Dominique, I always come across HOT girls with that name, even came across a really hot black waitress with blonde hair named Dominique at Hooters who came up to me out of the blue and complimented me on my tattoos. Plus Vanessa, Ariel, and Keshia are other names I find sexy and met some hot girls with those names. As for guy's names, one name I always thought was cool as hell is Christian ever since I've watched "Lost" (Christian Sheppard) and pro wrestling (wrestler named Christian).
  15. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 17, 2010 -> 09:44 PM) Where is the guy who said Viciedo will hit more HRs in Sox uniform than Frank Thomas? It starts tomorrow big guy! Hahahaahahha! That was me!
  16. Awww, thanks a bunch, guys! ahahahahahahah, this thread made me LOL :
  17. Why don't you use "Enter Sandman" by Metallica and imitate the Sandman's entrance from ECW? You know, take your time walking around and spray a couple beers around and bash some beer cans on your forehead. That would be memorable.
  18. QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 05:36 PM) LOL What does that explain?! ..Why I like him so much? ..Of course, I know his whole story and everything he's been through and I see how well he handles everything! He's a great person and doesn't let things get to him!! He handles things gracefully and maturely ..That's why I love him ..I know what he stands for. I'm almost 3 years older than Chase. We met in elementary school, he was a grade higher than most kids his age ..he was in 3rd grade I was in 5th ...he was in my brothers class. ..We lost touch for years..I was in Arkansas, he in Montana ..I found him on FB ..requested him, he accepted ..we were talking for 2 months before both of us had to come Back to Taft at the same time!! ..We have been together ever since. He is more mature than a lot of guys I know my age, we are practically the same person!! Haha, that's cool to hear. Kudos to you two.
  19. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 11:14 AM) No, no... the EPA could nail their balls to the wall, according to Balta (which is a true statement... ironically enough). So, it's the EPA's fault because they refuse to act. But I'm sure George W. Bush told BP to blow up a well, you know, because every policy he had, or did not have, has led to the destruction of the world. Actually, Bush's policies very well could have led to the oil disaster in the Gulf. After all, Bush and Cheney wanted to deregulate everything. They even deregulated the oil industry, and that's why there's so many lax quality controls in this disaster. BP was basically allowed to drill a well without any regulations by the government to ensure no disasterous oil leaks would happen, and this is all because of Bush's business-first policies.
  20. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 11:14 PM) The drivers are the kinds of "Americans" I wouldn't mind getting rid of in a one-for-one exchange for some illegals. Me too. In fact, I'd be happy to drive the drivers in one big bus in a mass exchange for illegals.
  21. Disappointing game. In other news: John Danks' new moustache is sweet, he looks like a 24 year old Todd Jones. I wish more young baseball players my age (24/25) has facial hair and looked like real men like me and John Danks.
  22. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 08:47 PM) Id say Im equally addicted to both, sometimes when Im on facebook i accidently open up a new tab and go to facebook again I do the same thing. : I'm also on Soxtalk and facebook right now instead of doing homework. :-/
  23. QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 08:25 PM) I was soo addicted ..now this is my love!! Apparently you've been here since May 16th. Welcome to Soxtalk.
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