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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. Is Nix playing today cause Ozzie took a day off? I didn't see Ozzie in the dugout yet, and they've been showing Cooper a lot. And yea, I know it's prolly only cause Floyd is stinking up the joint. Hey the game's tied 2-2, ...terrific.
  2. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 07:45 PM) Teahen is not playing today. Nix is. Wow, I didn't realize that was Nix. He and Teahen kinda look a little alike cause they have black hair and they're white. I'm also surprised Nix is actually playing today. Who's cock did he suck to get playing time?
  3. Ok, now that we scored 2 runs, it's time to surrender 10. /green.
  4. What if Kenny pulls another Gio Gonzalez move and trade Jenks to Arizona for Brandon Allen and a lefty reliever?
  5. QUOTE (retro1983hat @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 09:24 PM) It's early. It's cold. The bats will wake up in June. The Twins have to come back to earth. Were still figuring out the lineup. I think I wrote the same post in 2007, 2008, 2009 and I'm sure I wrote it in a sideways timeline in 2002, 2003, and 2004. : And I'm pretty sure I had a flashforward where I saw myself throwing a remote control to my tv, shattering it, after yet another Sox loss.
  6. there's just no spark with this team, nothing's working right. And it's sad if Peavy's pitching worse than Randy Williams, god. I love the Sox and all, but it's getting harder and harder to watch these games.
  7. I was playing poker and missed it, but what were Maddon and Crawford b****ing about???
  8. awwww, 31 straight outs and the streak was broken. What's the record for most consecutive outs by a pitcher against the same team?
  9. QUOTE (beckham15 @ Apr 21, 2010 -> 06:04 PM) anyone have any info about this davis kid? He has potential to be a solid mlb starter.
  10. Is it bad of me if I hope Davis doesn't get shelled because he's on one of my fantasy teams? :-/
  11. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Apr 20, 2010 -> 06:23 PM) Same thing at home for me. It's just a blue screen. Comcast decided to cut that channel for no reason. sheesh, that sucks! I hate how they decided to put the Blackhawks on the regular CSN channel, because I don't even care about the Blackhawks or hockey.
  12. uh,... is anyone able to watch this on tv? It says it' supposed to be on CSN+ for me, which supposed to be channel 53 (regular CSN is 37) but nothing's on 53, just a blue screen. Is CSN+ a HD channel or something?
  13. I seriously hope the White Sox start drafting players that fit the "natural baseball player" mold rather than drafting players who are "athletes". Look at all the horrible players that were drafted just because they were considered to be good athletes: Brian Anderson, Joe Borchard, Josh Fields, Lance Broadway, etc etc etc. Just because someone's a good athlete doesn't mean it'll translate to being a natural baseball player. I'd rather see the Sox drafting more players of the natural baseball player mold, because lets be honest, a player like Mark Buehrle would never have been drafted if the Sox were looking for pure "athletes" when they drafted him. It looks like the Sox has a better drafting philosphy with the drafting of Beckham and Mitchell, but I'd rather see the Sox abandon the whole "drafting athletes" philosophy overall and start drafting guys who have shown in college baseball to be natural baseball players.
  14. I actually hope KW finds some sucker to take Scott Linebrink thanks to his performance so far, move Garcia to the bullpen to be the garbage long reliever, and call up Hudson to be the 5th starter. Is this, anywhere in the realm of reality, possible?
  15. QUOTE (Cali @ Apr 15, 2010 -> 05:07 PM) I'm gonna be in the city next week, seeing if any of you fine classy people have any places to recommend... There's this REALLY GOOD asian restaurant in Evergreen Park called Chi Tung. They are located near 97th and Kedzie, I believe. They have a huge menu with different kinds of asian food, they have one section of the menu devoted to Japanese food, another devoted to Thai food, and I'm pretty sure they have sushi as well. This is the type of place you can take a whole bunch of people to, cause they got something for everyone there. Also, the restaurant itself looks very nice and classy, it also looks like the type of place where every dish would be about $30 bucks easily, except most dishes were in the $10 range. It's a great place to take a girl on a date. Google it and check it out. Chi Tung.
  16. If only there was some way the MLB would set up savings accounts so that mlb teams can deposit the extra runs they score and save them for future games when they need it. yea, that's all supposed to be green.
  17. To me, it hoenstly looks like the ball slightly grazed the tip of AJ shoe by a hair the same moment it hit the ground. AJ probably reacted in anticipation of feeling a busted toe and winced, but when he noticed his foot was fine, he kept on with the act and continued to pretend the ball hit him more than it did. Simply put,... AJ is awesome.
  18. I was actually relieved to see the Sox score 11 runs today. It's always nice to know for sure how much they're capable of scoring in a game, because I was afraid for a second that the most runs this team can score in a game was about 6. Now we know they can be dominating if the right situations arise.
  19. Also, didn't the Sox trade a lefty reliever named Jose Lopez to Boston a while back for some guy? How is Jose Lopez doing now? I thought he was decent when I saw him pitch for Boston. I think I'd prefer having Lopez over Randy Williams.
  20. Nick Masset was always someone I wished the Sox had kept. I'd actually go as far as to say that I'd prefer Masset over Linebrink at this point.
  21. Hey everyone, I know you all are gonna tell me to see a doctor, but I'm just asking this question to see if any of you went through it and how long I should probably expect to hear normally again. Anyway, last friday I was sitting down watching the White Sox game, and during a commercial break I got up to wash my hands and rinse my eyes out because I had something in my eyes. When I got back to the tv, just before I sat down, my hearing went away suddenly just like that. On saturday, I saw a doctor and she didn't really seem to know why my hearing went away because I wasn't feeling sick. She did say I had a congested sinus and that surprised me because my nose wasn't stuffy, but I did have a little pain behind my eyes and between the eyes. The doctor told me to take Zyrtec, which I took for 2 days and didn't see any improvement. On monday I saw my audiologist to see if I had wax or fluid buildup, the audiologist told me my ears were free of wax and fluid and told me to take Sudafed PE instead, and that it was supposed to make my ears pop like I feel it's supposed to. Apparently Zyrtec was for drying out the fluid in the ears. Anyway, yesterday I started getting more and more dizzy from my ears, the room was even spinning in class because my teacher's constant lecturing kept making me dizzy. I tried to set up an appointment with an ENT, but the quack wouldn't see me for a week, so I called another ENT and got an appointment for tomorrow morning. My ears basically feel stuffy, I can barely hear anyone or myself talk, I'm dizzy if I'm around noise too long, and my sinus hurts behind/between my eyes. What I'm most concerned about is how long it might be till my hearing comes back. Because my hearing isn't good in normal conditions, and now it's even worse, which is really limiting my abilities at school and work. Who else here had experience with a sinus infection that caused a hearing loss? How long did it take you to hear normally again?
  22. Seriously?!?!?! People are embarrassed by this? That's nothing, guys. People get embarrassed way too easily from Ozzie. :-/
  23. Lets just say the Sox did design a park with a neighborhood plan similar to Camden Yards, Fenway, and Wrigley. What would the parking situation be like? Would people have to park their cars farther away from the park than the do now? If so, then that would actually suck because I always drive to the Sox games from Orland Park and I never take public transportation to the Cell. Maybe if they had put one big parking garage somewhere and created a little bar and shops neighborhood where parts of the current big parking lots are, then maybe that would work. But I have to admit, I think there is some South Side charm to how the Cell and the area around the Cell is right now. I think the way how there's lots of dusty parking lots, train tracks nearby, a busy highway a block or so over, congested traffic, and rather desolation in terms of a lack of bars and restuarants, captures the essence of the South Side in a perfect way. In fact, I like the grittiness, the slightly roughness, and socio-economic decay feel that the area gives, almost like a rust-belt city, and it has it's own charm. It captures the feel that I like of other South Side neighborhoods I like such as Wood Lawn and Hedgewisch in the far South Side. In those areas, a lot of architectural features such as old brick buildings, unkempt houses, and even railroad tracks and bridges, are very photogenic.
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