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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 19, 2010 -> 11:06 AM) And this is why it is a good thing that you are not the GM. Crede is toast, and Dye is one of the absolute worst defensive outfielders in the game and he refuses to DH full time. Teahen will also have to fail miserably for the Sox to bench him. Even if he's only putting up a .700 OPS, they'll still run him out there. And I think he's going to be just fine. He's a solid hitter. I appreciate the hell out of what Dye and Crede did for this franchise, but they are both has-beens as this point in time. Dye may have a little left offensively, but neither have anything left as overall good players. If I was the GM, instead of getting Teahen, I probably would've tried to see if I can trade Josh Fields and Chris Getz to Cincinatti for Juan Francisco. Hell, even if that didn't work, I'd try and get Teahen, then try and flip him to the Reds for Francisco.
  2. A. I always hated that SOX logo in B.
  3. QUOTE (chw42 @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 11:38 PM) Why is it that Peavy is getting into all these situations where he can get hurt? First a liner hit at him and now a car crash. What's next? This makes me think of thise "Final Destination" movies. :-/
  4. I still think the finale of Lost will have some parts inspired by Indian mythology. Already, they've named a group called the Dharma Initiative, and Dharma is an indian term: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma I think the "alternate reality" in season 6 will turn out to be another life, a future reincarnated life. In Hindu mythology, they believe in the constant reincarnation and that every time the world dies after it goes through the stages of destruction, everything is reborn again and everything happens again. Here's a link with info about Kali Yuga, which is supposed to be the last stage of our world in Hindu mythology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_Yuga But what I think they're gonna do with Lost is that the flash sideways reality will turn out to be a reincarnated reality, where there's slight alterations. I think it'll turn out to be an entirely different life with some situations influenced by what happened in their previous lives on the Island. I know Ben and his father were also on the island in the flash sideways reality, but I think it's still another life for them as well, and that the circumstances on the island in that life was different because Jacob was never around to manipulate things. Also, I think it's why some people might seem the same, because we can't really change who we are in one life or the next, such as Kate and Sayid, but you can change the direction you take, such as Sawyer saying he would've either been a criminal or a cop. I think the very last episode of Lost will end up having everyone dead, but the viewers will be left somewhat happy that they're not dead forever, because they all end up reincarnated in another life. And I really believe this might be the direction the show is going, because we've had a couple instances where Jack said to Desmond, and Desmond said to Jack... "See you in another life, brother."
  5. QUOTE (typewritermender @ Mar 15, 2010 -> 11:36 AM) Right but they're not the "black sox." For their aways and alternates the only "WHITE" in the uni is the logo. I'm not sure how "they're not the blue sox" et al. is an argument. Historically they've had plenty of blue & red in their unis. For the record, I'm not mad & I'm not trying to antagonize anybody. But I am legitimately shocked that I'm the only person that's tired of the unis. Zat is all But black is the opposite of white, and grey is a mix of black and white, so having jerseys that are black and grey along with white works fine with me. In fact, it makes sense to me to have a black jersey instead of any other colored jersey because black is basically the absense of white, hell, the black jersey is almost like a photo-negative of a white jersey, which is so cool. So that's why I'm against seeing the sox use a blue jersey, because it's not the opposite of white or the absense of white like black is, blue is a completely different color. And just because they used blue jerseys in the past doesn't mean it's a good idea. I bet a lot of people during that time were probably like "Why does the White Sox wear a blue and red jersey? They're the WHITE sox." Also, as for red, I think it'd be best for the white sox to avoid red because there's already the RED Sox. I think too many casual fans that doesn't follow baseball might mistake the white sox for the red sox if they saw red in our jerseys, then we'll always be in Boston's shadow. Also, another thing about the black jersey. I'm not sure where you're from, but I'm from the south suburbs of Chicago, and I've spent a lot of time in the South Side of Chicago, and I never ventured to the North Side and rarely went to any north side suburbs, but the black alternate jersey hits the spot for me because it just screams SOUTH SIDE. It captures the grittiness, the can't-tell-the-good-guys-apart-from-the-bad-guys, the overshadowed-by-the-northside-chips-on-shoulders, the no-nonsenseness, and the general feel of the South Side. Any other colored uniform would negate that feeling and it would feel like I'm watching another Cubs broadcast.
  6. the black jersey is my all-time favorite jersey among all sports teams in sports history. they BETTER NOT EVER get rid of it.
  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 11:38 PM) Go to Espn.com. They've got 2009 spring stats for every team. Thank you very much, Jordan! I really appreciate it!
  8. Thunderbolt, did you ignore Donny Lucy for the 2nd game in a row when you were asking for autographs? Poor Donny.
  9. QUOTE (BFirebird @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 02:09 PM) Which will come 1st though? "Former Cy Young Award Winner, Steve Stone" or "7th decade in baseball"? I bet he says it in every single Sox broadcast this season. Stone will introduce himself, then Hawk will introduce himself with "And I'm Hawk Harrelson, and this is my 7th decade in baseball."
  10. sweet, just tuerned it on now. sox are losing, but it's basebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. this is for an assignment for my statistics class, if anyone can save my butt with a link, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to gather data of the top 50 home run hitters (who played on mlb teams in 2009) from the 2009 spring training and prove that spring training home runs does not always correlate to home runs in the regular season. Such as Wilson Betemit hitting a bunch of homers and not much in the regular season. yea, i know playing time is a big variable, but part of my reasoning is that the lack of home runs during the regular season led to reduced playing time anyway.
  12. I have 3 authentic white sox jerseys, the white one, road grey, and alt black, all with my last name and my number 48 on it. I saved up for them for a whole year, and then got them all at the same time when I noticed authentic jerseys were 25% off on mlb.com the day after Thanksgiving. I saved about $150 and it was the best investment I ever made. All 3 of them are still in great condition and still hanging in my closet. I think I only wore each for about a total of 4 times, lol. I'm currently thinking of getting another authentic black jersey, probably from triple threat sports, with just my number on it without my name, and I'll wear it around more everyday. To the original poster, I definitely recommend an authentic jersey if you want to get one made of the same material that the players wear on the field. I also HIGHLY recommend waiting until mlb.com have the 25% off deal on the day after thanksgiving. Even if you only get one jersey, you'll save $50 on an authentic.
  13. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can help me find a website with historical statistics from the 2009 spring training? Hopefully with both the Grapefruit and Cactus leagues. I've been searching all night on my computer and I'm at my wits end.
  14. I'm curious to know what everyone's projections of Hudson as a major league starter would be.
  15. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 8, 2010 -> 12:06 AM) I highly doubt both Mitchell and Danks make it, and if they do, I'd be surprised if they do it in Chicago. I kinda think Mitchell is more likely to make it to the majors than Danks. I honestly haven't really been much impressed by Jordan Danks other than the fact he's John's brother.
  16. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 7, 2010 -> 09:45 AM) It was nice to see Carlos get off to a nice start, out of the DH spot no less. Perhaps, a sign of things to come. I was actually thinking about this the other day. With how it seems like we'll have Quentin and Rios for a while, we'll need to move Quentin if we ever have Jordan Danks and Mitchell up on the major league roster someday. I can actually see Quentin moving to DH, Rios play CF, and Danks and Mitchell play the corners in 2012. I kind of think the Sox will have Mitchell be mentored by Pierre for as long as Pierre is here, and maybe once Pierre is gone after the 2011 season, Mitchell might be ready for the majors. I actually wouldn't be against keeping Pierre as a 4th outfielder after 2011, anyway.
  17. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Mar 5, 2010 -> 02:05 PM) I'll vouch for that. I came in 13th out of 20 though until the last couple of weeks I still had a shot at making the playoffs. This league was very competitive and I loved it. From top to bottom every manager remained active through the end. There was no winning because the opposing manager didn't set his lineups. If you like the competition like I do, I highly recommend Dons League. I always play in the Soxtalk leagues too and enjoy them but inevitably in every Soxtalk league a couple of guys wind up not being at all active. Heck, last year the commissioner wasn't even active. Thanks, Big Ed Walsh. I hope you and Cowch become mainstays in my leagues, because as a commissioner I really appreciate how you guys stay active. :
  18. QUOTE (juddling @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 11:08 PM) Richard-centric episode coming up I can't wait for that episode.
  19. Hey everyone, for 5 seasons now, I've been running two 20-team leagues and both of my leagues are almost full (15/16) but I still have some spots left. Cowch and Big Ed Walsh played in my leagues last year, and they had a lot of fun. They returned this year as well for one of my leagues. If any of you want to join the league they're in, send me a pm and let me know. Here's some details about my two 20-team leagues, which are on yahoo: Teams: 20 Rosters: 25-man rosters Positions: C, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, LF, CF, RF, UTIL, SP, SP, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, RP, RP, RP, RP, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL. Scoring: 5x5 head-to-head with basic categories Drafts: League 1 drafts on Tuesday March 23rd at 10pm central-time. League 2 drafts on Thursday March 25th at 10pm central-time. Other info: Final decision on trades are decided by commissioner, unlimited roster moves, daily roster changes, 8-team playoffs. Also, both leagues has about 14/15 returning managers each. Both leagues are currently filled up with 15/16 total managers, and we will definitely have 20 managers by the time we draft. If you're interested: please message me, the fastest way to message me is to send me a pm with your email address, and I'll pm you back with my email address as well. As I mentioned, Cowch and Big Ed Walsh played in my leagues last year, so they can vouch for my leagues. Also, I think a guy with the screen name of smashrot played as well. These leagues are COMPETITIVE! Even the best I was ever able to do was 2 3rd place finishes.
  20. Anyone else have trouble finding a decent pair of jeans that fit right? I'm sick and tired of trying on every pair of pants at Kohls and finding out that "this pair is way too tight", "this one doesn't have big enough pockets", etc etc. In 2005 I lost 60 pounds and went fron a 42 inch waist to a 34/36, and I still can't find jeans that fit comfortably because the pants that fit right always end up having pockets that are too small that ends up making the pants too tight when I put my wallet in my pocket, and when I accommodate for that by getting a bigger size for bigger pockets the pants are too loose and I feel like I always have to pull my pants up. I brought 2 pairs of loose-fit Levis that seemed to fit good when I first got them 3 weeks ago, but now I'm realizing they're just too loose and the 30" legging are too long to the point where they go underneath the heel of my shoes. Why does it seem like finding the perfect pair of pants is impossible???? I admit, I have a cornbread-fed ass and legs thick as tree trunks, but my waist is narrower, which gives me an odd shape that is impossible to find the perfect pair of jeans for. Anyone else have these same problems? And what brands of pants to other guys of heavy-ish build on Soxtalk wear?
  21. Yea, so whenever my current 1993 Toyota Camry craps out and it becomes more financially sensible for me to just get a new car, I'm actually thinking of skipping Toyota for a generation due to all these acceleration problems and maybe get a Dodge. I've been thinking about a used Dodge Magnum (discontinued), or a used Charger or Avenger. If I get a used Dodge Magnum, I'm seriously thinking of a 2005 or 2006 model, but if I get a used Challenger or Avenger I'd prolly go older as old as a 2001 or 2002 model. My question to everyone on the board is: Who has a history of owning a Dodge? Are they reliable? Are they inexpensive to fix? Toyotas are relatively cheap to fix because how cheap the parts are, are Dodge parts cheap or are they more expensive because they're American? What about the fuel efficiency? I'm used to getting less gas with a v4 toyota, and I'm wondering if I'll be shelling out considerably more for gas for a v6 Dodge. And once again... about the Dodge Magnum, does anyone here own one or have anyone here owned one or know of anyone that owned one that can tell me if it's reliable and doesn't break down a lot? I've had a serious man-crush on that car and I'm waiting for the kelly book value of a used Dodge Magnum to go down more before I go to someone with a lowball offer.
  22. Hey everyone, I've watched every single episode of "Lost" since the first season, but I just wanted to ask everyone a question... Does season 6 seem a little "off" to you? I've been enjoying season 6, but something seems off to me, something seems different. It seems to have more of a soap opera feel to it, I actually feel like I'm watching a daytime soap. I'm not sure what it is, but I noticed that a lot of the camera angles they're using is different from previous seasons, the pace of the dialogue seems different, and the timing in the camera shots changing from one person to another person in the middle of dialogue seems different as well. Also, the music doesn't seem to be as dramatic as in previous seasons. Do you think this is all intentional? Is this supposed to be some kind of twist where in the final episode we find out that everyone died after the nuke blew up in the end of season 5? ...Or did they just hire a new film crew?
  23. My nominations: :-D Anderson-Fields Award: Teahen Danny Wright Award: Freddy Garcia Pablo Ozuna Award: Jason Botts (taking a wild guess in the dark)
  24. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 1, 2010 -> 09:39 PM) The guy spent 3 months in a Florida treatment clinic, but he still denies that alcohol is an issue. Detroit thinks it is; otherwise, why would they have a program set up for him while he's in Spring Training? Hopefully, this program helps him with the addiction that he's denying. Who knows. None of us personally know Miguel Cabrera, it might be possible the media oversensationalized the story. It's completely possible that Cabrera is really not an alcoholic and that he just got hammered drunk one night when he couldn't handle his liquor. And the "rebab" thing seems to be nothing more than a public relations damage control move by the Detroit Tigers.
  25. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 1, 2010 -> 02:29 PM) Well yeah, not saying Longoria will be poor anytime soon. But relative to other top players in the game, he's going to be pretty underpaid for a while. He might be a top 10 player in baseball right now. There's nothing to suggest he won't get better and stay at an elite level through age 31 (outside of injury, which can't be forseen). I actually think all other MLB players of similar skill to Longoria are overpaid. I kinda hope contracts like Longoria's will start a trend of moderate contracts, but then again people like Boras and the Yankees will always screw it up and overpay players. I really wish the MLB had a salary cap.
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