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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. Lol, I know for a fact that the most expensive toilet seat they have available at Menards is $27.98. As for me, my preferences vary based on whether it's a public or private toilet. Private toilets: unpadded/full circle or oval/wood or heavy plastic. Public toilets: unpaded/horseshoe/wood or heavy plastic. I hate using padded toilet seats, it just seems like if someone takes leak without raising the toilet seat that any urine that lands on the toilet seat would be absorbed a little bit by the padding. I find it gross and I think plastic and wood toilet seats are easier to clean and sanitize. :-p
  2. Hey Shipps, if you really like this lady, then you gotta see the movie. You don't want to ruin your chances of getting to know this girl more by appearing to be difficult to get along with or unwilling to compromise on movies. I'm pretty sure if this is an amazing girl, that 2 hours of crappy movies once in a while will be a small price to pay for more time spent with her.
  3. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 05:40 PM) also, "pools" of paint are not a good idea. They do not stick as well as many lighter layers. My bad, I should've been a little more clear when I made my "pools" comment. What I meant was: after the coin is engraved, there will be separate areas to paint that will all be separated by the raised parts of the coin that hasn't been engraved. So there would be different "pools" for me to apply thin layers without having to worry about different colors bleeding together if there were no raised edges instead. For example, with the letter "D", you have one "pool", but you want to apply 2 different colored paint, which is a bad idea since they'll bleed together. However, in the letter "B", you got 2 "pools" one on the top and another on the bottom, which will work better on keeping different colored paint separate. Sorry for the confusion, bro.
  4. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 05:39 PM) Be selective. . . if they're not worth sniffing, they're not worth painting with.
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 02:14 PM) Start with a paint manufacturer and work backwards. Call their consumer hot line, explain the project, and see which paint and process they recommend. You will need to know the material and finish of the coin. I'd pick a broad based paint manufacturer like Rustoleum as a start. You may also find yourself at an auto parts shop. That's a good idea, thanks, man. I work at a hardware store, and it seems like all my place got is just big cans of spray paint and small bottles of painter's paint. Which is not what I'm looking for, what I'm looking for is more along the lines of small bottles of paint that needs to be applied delicately in tiny spots, almost like model paint, I suppose. Hmmmm.
  6. QUOTE (Heartattack19 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 04:47 PM) I would start with a good primer to give the paint something to stick to......probably the gray primer. I would assume model enamel paints would work, i do not know about the acrylic paints, i always have trouble with those. Good luck! not sure if this helped at all.... Primer, that's a great idea. Last year I made homemade lamps for relatives for christmas, used primer before applying glossy black spraypaint, and it came out beautiful. With the size of the engraving, I will have to delicately apply the primer and paint, do you by any chance know if there's any small bottles of primer out there that comes with a teeny brush? Almost like how a bottle of white-out or nail polish does?
  7. Thanks for the responses, guys. I find it a little hard to figure out exactly what kind of paint I should use. If anyone want to see the kind of coin I'm thinking of getting engraved, it's the ones they provide in this site: www.pokerguard.com Among the 3 choices for the coin, I'm planning on getting the 3rd one with the chip design. Since it's silver, I'm not sure if there's a certain kind of paint I ought to get for that, hmmm.
  8. QUOTE (mreye @ Oct 21, 2009 -> 09:25 PM) Sued? For? Sports are an extra curricular activity. You have no "right" to be on the team. When I was in high school we had to sign something that said we would not drink, smoke, etc. during the season, outside the season, at school, outside school. If we were caught, we were off the team. Sue? Yeah, makes sense. That's how too many parents are these days: "I don't give a crap about my 16 year old drinking and driving and smoking weed, I just want him to play in the big game this Friday!" Well I don't think schools have any "right" to punish kids for what they do outside of school. That's just going too far and infringing on their personal lives. Sheesh, there's way too many people who "follow the rules" on this site.
  9. I tried looking all over the internet, but I couldn't really find anything. So I thought I'd ask you guys: Does anyone have any experience in painting coins? If so, what kind of paint do you use? The reason I'm asking is because I'm planning on having a silver coin engraved with a design, and the engraved areas will provide excellent little "pools" for paint to be applied and kept separated without blending together. If anyone have ever seen military challenge coins and how they have that shiny glossy enamel-looking paint, that's the effect I'm shooting for. I'm not sure if I should try and get some kind of enamel paint (don't even know what kind) from a hobby store, or just get glossy red and black fingernail polish. I'm not sure if fingernail polish would work as well as enamel paint, or if enamel paint has to be applied in some complicated manner. Any input or advice would begreatly appreciated, and if anyone's wondering, I'm trying to make a custom poker card guard.
  10. SouthsideDon48


    Didn't the original miniseries have Robert Englund? And when does the re-make air?
  11. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 02:22 PM) As long as the age of consent allows you to have consensual sex because you've reached a minimum age, you should be able to make choices on your own about medical treatments that result from sexual contact. I totally agree with you, I was about to post a very similar comment. If a teenager think they're mature enough to have sex, then they should be considered mature enough to have an abortion procedure to undo their "mistake". Honestly, I think putting a teenager in a position to have a child at such a young age is very socially irresponsible. Abortion procedures should be available to all teenaged girls because, in my opinion, getting an abortion is the more responsible decision for a pregnant teenager to make. Also, I'm against how the law requires a parent to be notified. Because 1: What's to stop the parent from preventing their teenager from getting the abortion if they're oposed to it? And 2: The fact that parents will have to be notified will probably scare off some teenagers from doing the responsible thing of getting an abortion, instead, they'll proably do a dangerous wire-hanger abortion and we'll probably find more dead fetuses in dumpsters all over Illinois.
  12. If we can get Damon for a reasonable contract, then I would love to have him on the Sox. He's a better player than Pods, I've had enough of Pods in the outfield, and an outfield of Quentin/Damon/Rios would be pretty solid.
  13. the Christmas Shopping Procrastination thread
  14. To reply to the main topic of this thread: I don't consider it to be horror films, but I love the "Saw" series. I love how every movie is interwined in a way to one gigantic story arc. I'm not a fan of typical horror movies, but if I had to pick a horror movie, I'll go with "the Strangers"
  15. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Oct 31, 2009 -> 06:00 PM) Well, for starters, the murder was in 1974. I began working there in 1980. A few people that I worked with were employed there when the murder happened. A maid was brutally murdered in a room where she had been cleaning. The murder was sadistic, violent and sexual. A guy who worked Security had been a County deputy and was on the scene at the time of the killing. He knew all the grisly details. He was one of a number of Security guys who several times saw "Paula" walking in the hallways late at night. One of them told me that he passed a woman in a hallway one night and felt something was kinda weird about her. He turned immediately after passing her but she wasn't there. The guy who was a county deputy saw her at least twice that he told me about right away after it happened. He told me he saw her a lot.. He said she would often just pass from one room to another across the hall without a sound, without a door opening and closing. . One of my co-workers was in the basement one night with another Security officer. They were down at housekeeping to get a cot and they saw Paula and said she walked right into a wall and just vanished. My co-worker was telling me about this about a half-hour after it had happened and he had goosebumps. He said it really freaked him out. The only things that I ever witnessed was once seeing someone in the office out of the corner of my eye. She moved really fast and just sort of was suddenly there and then gone. But, I definitely briefly saw her and it was a woman. Another time I was going to a restaurant to Z out the register and as I approached the restaurant double doors just slowly opened up for me. These were glass doors. There was nobody else around and being that they were glass I would have seen if there was somebody on the other side opening the doors. This was indoors and there was no air-conditioning or breeze. There's no explanation for the doors opening the way they did. We used to get our work done and take turns going to rooms to have a little nap (this was third shift remember). On a couple of occasions I had such an uncomfortable feeling in rooms. I just felt that I wasn't alone. It was very creepy and I'd get kinda a sense of dread. One time I was awakened by someone touching my arm and trust me, I was alone. Walking down hallways late at night I often felt very creeped out and was almost afraid to look behind me. Oh, one other weird thing. There are 334 rooms in the hotel and while I worked there, 2 other hotel guests died. One died in a restaurant and the other died jerking off in his bed. But, the strange thing was they were both occupants of the same room, which I might add was not the room the murder had happened in. Just a strange coincidence. Just for the record this was at The Abbey in Fontana, Wisconsin. Whoa! :-O That's creepy stuff right there.
  16. I was told from some people that I look a little like a white Donald Faison. So for Halloween, I might get a green surgeon's scrubs and walk around with a framed photo of Turk from "Scrubs"
  17. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Oct 14, 2009 -> 04:49 PM) I enjoy the S curve. It tests your motor skills. I agree. I also drove both directions on Lake Shore Drive 2 times this past month and I never realized how enjoyable it was to drive on Lake Shore Drive. It seriously feels like you're driving in a real-life video game, such as Crusin' USA and Cruisin' World. Even though I was only going 45mph, I felt like I was racing everyone on the road. The drive south on Lake Shore Drive is very enjoyable and the view is awe-inspiring at night time. The lights from all the skyscrapers is majestic, the towering view of buildings such as the Drake right ahead of you at one point of LSD and the view of the museum straight ahead of you at another point of LSD is just freaking awesome and ejoyable to see while driving on LSD. It seriously feels like you're in a video game, and I think the lay-out of LSD is great just the way it is. I'm actually surprised they don't have special sanctioned drift-racing events on Lake Shore Drive, I'm not even a drift-racing fan, but I think even that would be awesome.
  18. SouthsideDon48


    You should tell people that you're tight with Avon Barksdale.
  19. Ugh, getting ticketed for going 4.7 over is ridiculous. Lemme see if I can remember my ticket history: *First ticket was for going 60 in 45 in Orland Park in 2003 or so. Ended up just paying the ticket, I think it was $100. *Got a ticket while my old 1990 Cadillac Deville was parked at work for not having a village sticker. *Got arrested in 2006 for a road rage incident, threatened a old man with a baseball bat after he gave me the finger, but it turned out "he" was actually a very butch-looking woman. I got raped with tickets, among them was a ticket for no front license plate and failure to reduce speed. Also got 80 hours of community service, but got kicked out of the first place I was doing community service at for calling the woman in charge a d!ke. I was then sent to the forest preserve where I had to wear jeans in the hottest days of July picking up garbage at all the picnic areas, which I thought was actually kinda fun. *I always have to park my car on the street at home, one time during the winter I got a $30 ticket for parking my car on the street in the winter of 2006 after it snowed overnight. My driving improved in 2006 cause I was sick of getting pulled over, but I got a ticket in 2007 for not stopping all the way for a stop sign while leaving my college, but that was only because I didn't see the sign because I was paying attention to oncoming traffic from the left so I can quickly make a right turn. The cop was a greasy jerk in an unmarked SUV who was hiding in the campus parking lot somewhere. *Got pulled over again in December 2007 for running a stop sign that EVERYONE runs at my grandparents' neighborhood (the intersecting street was a rarely-used alley-type street behind a car repair shop). This was before Christmas and before I was supposed to go to Vegas. I didn't want to waste money I saved up for Vegas on a traffic ticket, so I explained to the cop that I was heading to my grandparents' house and that I needed money to buy Christmas presents. The nice cop felt bad and let me off with a warning. *In fall 2008, I got a $90 parking ticket for parking a little bit over the line in a bus stop zone in Chicago on Damon ave. I didn't even see the sign when I originally parked because it was completely obstructed by a tree and I couldn't read it without pulling branches down. I also didn't know the benches was a bus stop. *In the winter of 2009, I once again got a ticket for having my car parked on the street after it snowed overnight, this time the ticket jumped up to $50. *In January 2009, I found that my car had a flat tire when I was leaving the bar after playing poker, finally got the spare out of my trunk after it was frozen stuck, and started driving home around midnight. I was driving 5 mph BELOW the speed limit because I didn't want to drive fast on a spare, and I STILL got pulled over. I explained to the cop that I didn't want to drive fast on a spare, and he ended up "escorting" me all the way home. I still didn't know if he was genuinely helping me or if he still thought I was up to no good or something, so I ended up having to keep driving 5mph below the speed limit just to make myself look credible, which made the drive home even longer and nerve-wracking. *And lastly, just 3 weeks ago I went to my car at 12 noon only to find a $50 ticket on my windshield for not having a village sticker. After I got rid of my Cadillac in 2004, I never got a village sticker for my Toyota because I don't believe in it. I was able to go 5 years without a village sticker ticket, and I ended up saving money because village stickers are $30, and $30x5 is $150, which is what I would've paid for village stickers over 5 years, but ended up only paying $80 ($50 ticket + $30). So I saved $70. That's how you beat the system, folks.
  20. I think many people will have to turn the closed captioning on their tv's.
  21. I've actually liked Alejandro De Aza for a couple seasons now. I think he'll make a great 4th outfielder. The dude can play all over the field and I think he'll be very valuable to the Sox. Actually, if worse comes to worse, having a guy with Aza's positional flexibility will enable the Sox to easily carry an extra bullpen arm at critical points in the season if the bullpen becomes too taxed. This is a great move with lots of upside, he won't be a franchise player or anything, but he'll be a lot better than Mackowiak and Wise.
  22. QUOTE (AssHatSoxFan @ Oct 19, 2009 -> 10:36 AM) odds on how soon south park makes an episode involving this? lol, I just logged in to ask the same question.
  23. Someone else suggested it already, and I second it: Corey Hart.
  24. *A White Sox jersey personalized with her name and number on it in an attempt to make her become a Sox fan? *Season 1/2 of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"? *A card. Be careful not to get any gift that might be percieved as if you're interested in becoming kissing cousins with her, though. lol
  25. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Sep 28, 2009 -> 11:33 PM) For all the s*** around here about ex-Royals relievers, we've sure found a gem in Carrasco. This guy is such a huge benefit to our staff. Agreed. :
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