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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 07:40 PM) No, I mean Tony Pena did not net the Sox Brandon Allen, it is the other way around. He's referring to the deal from Arizona's perspective. So it's true, Tony Pena did net the Diamondbacks Brandon Allen.
  2. I like it, it's nice and simple. I like how the Sox does things like that, as well as how they have that one blue seat signifying Pods' World Series home run.
  3. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 10:52 PM) You're correct, but even with the concessions Buffet's people didn't like Tinley Park's facilities or its location. That's the main reason he decided to move his act to Bridgeview. And for the record, Buffet's a great guy, but the people working for him are some of the biggest assholes you'd ever encounter. I work for Toyota Park, where two of his concerts were held last season (as will two this year), and his security detail actually forced several of our companies employees home because of trivial "mistakes." Apparently, they -- and every other musician -- own the park and have the power to enforce such actions. One of his main security guards told our employees stationed outside Buffet's dressing room that they weren't allowed to make eye contact with must keep their eyes fixated in the floor when Jimmy leaves to perform. When Buffet shook one person's hand he was sent home for making eye contact. It's ridiculous how they run it. Wow, that's utterly ridiculous. How can people treat other people like that. If someone told me not to make eye contact with someone, I'd throw a big "FU." to their face. Does Buffett even know his security detail are doing this???
  4. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:08 PM) Me too. Dude, yours is awesome, I can never figure out how to make it that way with the fades and backgrounds, that's awesome.
  5. I made a new signature, WOO-WOO!!!
  6. Aww, it would've been nice to see how Nunez would handle this type of situation in the 9th, and keep Thornton's arm fresh if we could by only bringing him in if Nunez screws up.
  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) ? I've never understood how someone can build a team that can win 100 games during the regular season, but somehow they aren't built to win 3 of 5 or 4 of 7 in a playoff series. Please explain. I think the Angels benefit from playing in a weak division and padding wins against the Mariners and A's. Kinda like how the Cubs pad wins against the likes of the Pirates.
  8. If Ozzie goes to the bullpen for the 9th inning, I'd like to see Nunez on the mound. With a 5-1 lead, I'd like to see how he handles it in the 9th inning, because I think he might make a good potential closer in the future.
  9. Floyd's pitching a great game so far, hopefully he doesn't allow any more baserunners in this inning. Also, is Detroit winning or losing their game today?
  10. That Charlie Hough looked OLD!!! How old was he in 1992? He looked like he was in his 50's!!! :-O
  11. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 07:45 PM) Agreed. I like them and St. Louis the best. Cardinals radio with Rooney and Shannon rules. Where would you rank the Sox broadcast among major league broadcasts?
  12. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 05:08 PM) He's one of Boras's favorite clients and he's headed into his first year of arbitration. What do you think? Uhhhhhh.... Boras? No thanks, forget about Weaver, then. ...Now I have that feeling you get when you find out that hot girl you have a crush on has genital herpes.
  13. Wow! That's awesome! Which moon is this on? Phobos or Deimos? I wonder if it's actually a plataeu-type formation.
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 12:00 PM) I really like how this would balance our team out. I agree. I would love to have a team with that type of DH flexibility.
  15. Does anyone know what's Jered Weaver's status is like with the Angels? I've always wondered if he'd be a good trade target, hmmmm.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 09:30 AM) I equate your limp-wristed comment to 'bicyclist are f**s'. But which would you prefer? Me using the term limp-wristed or saying "bicylists are ***'s"? See, even I won't even use the "f" there, at least I'm trying to be as non-offensive as possible while still getting my point across. These competitive bikers DO wear tight spandex, after all.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 08:02 AM) So it's only bigoted if it offends you. You're not getting my point. My point is that I didn't call anyone out or anything. People should only get offended if they're called out, as if I called NortsideSox72 and said "You're a _____!" Or whatever. I got offended once when Duke Nukem came out and said I'm a racist in another thread, that was calling me out. But too many people on this site get offended over every little thing, even when their name was never called out. Sheesh!!!!!! Also, what do you think is more offensive? Calling some imaginary competitive biker "limp-wristed" or calling someone ignorant? Cause NorthsideSox72 is quick to throw the ignorant tag out at people. He said I was ignorant of the law even though I made every effort to say that I knew the law (such as saying bikers were discouraged from using the sidewalk). There is a huge difference between being ignorant of the law (like NorthsideSoxFan accused me of) and knowing the law but disagreeing with it (which describes me). Also, for the record, last night I was reading this thread at the dinner table on my phone, and NorthsideSox72's post actually made me laugh out loud, and my 51 year old mother asked me what was so funny. I showed her NorthsideSox72's post, and my earlier post, and even she thought it was funny and not offensive, and she usually gets offended VERY easily. I honestly think NorthsideSox72 has a vendetta against me that's bigger than the alleged vendetta Ozzie had against Brian Anderson. I always feel like I'm being singled out on this site.
  18. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 07:17 AM) I guess I was just surprised, for a guy who claims bigotry against certain people in various other discussions, to see you make a bigoted statement like that. How is it bigoted? I think you're just being a little too sensitive about everything, it's not like I insulted you personally or called you out. I guess I'm just not finding "limp-wristed" as offensive because I used to joke around with a friend by calling him that as his nickname. Even he thought it was funny. Chillaaaaaaaaaaaaaax
  19. How about "playing with the Winston-Salem Dash"?
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 4, 2009 -> 04:32 PM) I get to post this for the second time in a week, but to different posters... you managed to be offensive (limp-wristed?) and incredibly ignorant (see all you said regarding bikes and sidewalks and the law) in the same post. Good job. lol, at least "limp-wristed" by-passes the filters.
  21. I call it "building up endurance".
  22. I hate cyclists. I live in the south suburbs and nothing gets me more steamed than seeing a cyclist riding their bike on the street when there's perfectly clear and open sidewalks just 5 feet away. I know cyclists are discouraged from using the sidewalks, but I consider cyclists to be pedestrians, no different than people on rollerblades. Another thing, out here it's usually those limp-wristed ones wearing retarded tights that are preparing for a bike race that are always on the road, even one-lane roads like Wolf road which should be the last streets cyclists should think about riding on. Another thing I hate: pedestrians in front of food stores/walmart/kmart/etc. I hate how the rules of the road gives pedestrians the right of way, and they just walk all over the parking lot, forcing drivers to stop at stop signs and slow down just to let these pedestrians cross the street. I believe cars have the right of way, not pedestrians, and that pedestrians should wait until the path is clear before walking across the lot to their cars. We all learned as children to look both ways before crossing the street, and the same should apply to pedestrians in parking lots. I always look both ways in parking lots and even run across the path so cars won't have to stop or slow down for me.
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