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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 20, 2009 -> 11:12 PM) I got a $75 ticket for a similar offense. I assume you'll get something similar. Just pay it and be done with it. Here's one thing, though. I'm worried I might not get the ticket in the mail because of the old address on the title and getting a warrent out for my arrest.
  2. Yea, I was driving in Worth today at the intersection of 111th and Harlem ave. I was driving east on 111th street and I approached the intersection of Harlem with a red light, and made a quick right turn while the intersecting traffic was making left turns. I didn't really stop because if I did, I would've lost my opportunity to turn safely, I sorta slowed down then kept going. But as I was making my right turn, I noticed 2 camera flashes and saw a camera. Then as I pulled into the parking lot of the post office, I noticed there was a sign saying "No turn on Red" that I missed because I was paying attention to the traffic in the intersection. So am I busted? Am I getting a ticket? To make matters worse, I looked at my car's registration and noticed for the first time that it was still under my old address from 2004. I've been getting new license plate stickers every year and just never noticed the address.
  3. I'd definitely consider Doug Davis. He's a sinkerball pitcher and I think he'd do good at the Cell.
  4. Mad Max 2: the Road Warrior I always watch that movie. I must've watched that about 100 times as a kid. The chase scene at the end is so cool on so many levels.
  5. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 01:00 PM) Don't want to jinx anything, but it sure seems like Alexei has settled in at short. aww, you had to say it. :
  6. Yes! Wise hit a home run! Now you can all stop drinking the Hatorade for today.
  7. I know a lot of people hate him, but I'd actually try and get Elijah Dukes. I think he can be had for cheap.
  8. 30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular: 1. Abortion should be legalized. 2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted. 3. The Bible is a book of lies. 4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded. 5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits. 6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives. 7. God didn't create man, Man created god. 8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes. 9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed. 10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops. 11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence. 12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools. 13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools. 14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races. 15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge. 16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines. 17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do. 18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets. 19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes. 20. Rich people need to pay more taxes. 21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood. 22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States. 23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time. 24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed. 25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences. 26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco. 27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this. 28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive. 29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools. 30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.
  9. I like watching women's oil wrestling. Does that count?
  10. Oh boy, a Shawn Johnson thread on Soxtalk. My friend Faztradamus is gonna bust a nut when he sees this...
  11. I was affected very hard by the death of Bernie Mac. It took me a couple weeks to get over it, and I still find myself depressed over his death every once in a while. Another death that bothered me was John Ritter. Plus Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge of Public Enemy, Ric Rude, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, and Bam Bam Bigelow.
  12. I'd live frugally with it. I don't need a big house, so I'd be perfectly fine living in a small 2 or 3 bedroom house or condo. I don't need a fancy car, just a fuel-efficient car that can get me from point a to point b. I'd rather just put all the money in the bank and continue living life as if everything's normal. I also wouldn't quit my job, either.
  13. What? No one likes Gino's East deep dish sausage patty pizza???
  14. Hey, what kinda pitch was John Danks throwing that made the announcers wonder out loud if he was working on a Satchel Paige hestitation pitch? Did anyone else see that? The even showed a replay od Danks throwing it. I thought he was trying to throw a knuckleball at first. What's the story on Danks using this pitch? How long has he been doing this? This is the first time I ever notice him doing it.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 3, 2009 -> 11:03 AM) To be honest I hate divisional games sometimes. I was going to start a thread/poll about this a month ago and for some reason I didn't. I get sick of seeing the same teams 18 or 19 times a year. I mean, in the NFL, the Bears don't play the Packers 3x a year, etc (pretty bad comparison but you get the point). I totally agree with you. I was just going to post a similar comment. It gets boring watching the Sox play Detroit 9 times, then Kansas City 9 times or so, then the Indians 9 times, then Minnesota 9 times or however many times they face them during a season. It gets boring and stale seeing the same old opposing lineups again and again. Honestly, I'd rather see more interleague opponents instead.
  16. I have a hearing impairement and I use a hearing aid in order to hear, anyway... I've had people ask me how it's possible I can legally drive if I have a hearing loss. Apparently they think that just because I have a hearing loss that I shouldn't drive because I "can't hear things on the road". Seriously, I hate ignorant people like that. If they followed that belief, then people who wear eyeglasses probably shouldn't be able to drive as well. I can't find a source, but I've been told by some people that deaf people and people with a hearing loss are usually statistically better drivers than people with normal hearing.
  17. I don't think you did anything wrong at all. It sounds like that girl needs to learn more about baseball/softball if she doesn't like being pulled for a punch-runner. Just tell her you pulled her like the Sox used to pull Carl Everett and the Twins used to pull Matt Lecroy.
  18. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 29, 2009 -> 04:40 PM) Gary Steelheads Rockford RiverHawks Gary Steelheads? Did they just change their name or something? I thought they were known as the Gary Railcats???
  19. QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jun 29, 2009 -> 12:59 PM) Stan, here is a quick link from MLB Trade rumors with age (Only right handed Aces (Majority are) that jump out at me are Beckett (Club option), Lackey, Lee (lefty but with club option), Brandon Webb (Done for season but with 2010 club option and huge risk now): http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2008/12/2010-mlb-free-a.html Starting pitchers Brandon Backe (32) Miguel Batista (39) Josh Beckett (30) - $12MM club option with a $2MM buyout Erik Bedard (31) Kris Benson (34) Daniel Cabrera (29) Chris Capuano (31) Bartolo Colon (37) Jose Contreras (38) Doug Davis (34) Justin Duchscherer (32) Adam Eaton (32) Shawn Estes (37) Josh Fogg (33) Freddy Garcia (34) Jon Garland (30) - $10MM mutual option with $2.5MM or $1MM buyout Tom Glavine (44) Mike Hampton (37) Rich Harden (28) Mark Hendrickson (36) Livan Hernandez (35) Tim Hudson (34) - $12MM mutual option with a $1MM buyout Jason Jennings (31) Jason Johnson (36) Randy Johnson (46) John Lackey (31) Cliff Lee (31) - $8MM club option with a $1MM buyout Braden Looper (35) - option Rodrigo Lopez (34) Jason Marquis (31) Kevin Millwood (35) - Rangers can decline $12MM salary for '10 unless he reaches 180 innings in '09 Brian Moehler (38) - mutual option Brett Myers (29) Vicente Padilla (32) - $12MM club option with a $1.75MM buyout Chan Ho Park (37) John Parrish (32) Carl Pavano (34) Brad Penny (32) Odalis Perez (33) Andy Pettitte (38) Joel Pineiro (31) Sidney Ponson (33) Mark Prior (28) Horacio Ramirez (30) Jason Schmidt (37) John Smoltz (43) Tim Wakefield (43) - perpetual $4MM club option Jarrod Washburn (35) Brandon Webb (31) - $8.5MM club option with a $500K+ buyout Todd Wellemeyer (31) Kip Wells (33) Randy Wolf (33) I'd go after Doug Davis in a heartbeat. The guy is an unheralded stud. He's always been one of my sleeper-picks in late rounds in fantasy baseball for 3 years now and he never disappointed. I also think he might fare well in the Cell.
  20. Is Norris Hopper the guy that used to wrestle in the WWF? :-S
  21. Las Vegas Northwest Indiana Kansas City San Antonio Houston
  22. SouthsideDon48


    hey, try www.fatwallet.com One of my friends always finds us great deals for Vegas from that site.
  23. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jun 19, 2009 -> 04:56 PM) Two wheaten terriers and a shi tzu. Also have my sisters' 2 dogs living with us until she and her husband find a house since they just moved. Kinda crazy right now with 5 dogs around, but they're great. One of my sister's dogs is from Iraq. My brother-in-law saved him from some Iraqi kids that were pegging him with rocks, and it was his company's "mascot" until the Army said they couldn't keep him. So, he had to ship him home. He's the greatest dog too. Is this the same dog from Iraq that was mentioned in the Chicago Sun-Times a while back???
  24. I have a lab mix named Candy (my sister named her). We adopted her from the shelter, and when we first got her she was a very frail and sickly dog that was so skinny you were able to see her ribs. Now she's a happy and healthy goofy dog that acts like she's a 4-year-old child. :-D
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