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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 29, 2009 -> 11:03 AM) I have hope. Aramis ramirez was pretty brutal early on in his career and is now good enough that nobody cares to bring it up. Sometimes players have to develop defensively too. That's actually a very good comparison. I can actually see Josh Fields being a tick under Aramis Ramirez offensively in a few years, with some stolen bases.
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 11:46 AM) Directly west on madison. eh, I've never been a big fan of Forest Park. It always seemed like one of those snobby affluent towns.
  3. I don't blame Hanley for being pissed off, I've been in similar situations. I think it's retarded how baseball teams like the Marlins and Yankees have hair and facial hair requirements. Facial hair and how long a player's hair is has nothing to do with how they perform on the field, so the notion of "looking professional" is ridiculous. The fact that the Yankees forbid facial hair (except for Giambi last season) is one of the many reasons why I just hate that team. Also, as I said, I've had issues where bosses made a big deal about my facial hair and my 3/4 shorts extending too far below my knees. I almost always have a 5 o'clock shadow of whisters along with my moustache and goatee, it's my style, and it pisses me off whenever one of my bosses tells me to shave. Well, I never shave because they tell me to, I only end up shaving when I feel I need to, and I've never gotten fired or reprimanded for not shaving because I'm one of their top employees, so they can go ef themselves. Also, as for my 3/4 shorts, I think they're much more professional-looking than those regular shorts that cuts off at the knees. People who wear regular shorts that cuts off at the knees have no idea how dorky and "white" they look. Anyway, the Florida Marlins need to worry less about "looking professional" and more on trying to win ball games. Fight the good fight, Hanley!
  4. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 03:46 PM) What an inning here. Fields walks, Lillibridge and Anderson with back to back bunt singles, Ramirez knocks Fields and Lilli in with a double off the RF wall, then Quentin knocks in Fields and gets Ramirez to 3rd on a rope to CF, and then Thome sac flies Ramirez in and gets Quentin to 2nd. Awesome. Wow! Back to back bunt singles to load the bases??? Yes!!! That's exactly what I want my White Sox to do!!! Yes!!! I wish I could've watched that awesomeness on tv, I'm stuck here sitting in my car on my lunch break at work. :'(
  5. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 12:39 PM) To think there will be days when both Lillibridge and Corky Miller will be in the lineup with Lillibridge likely leading off, that'll be embarrassing. I don't expect Miller to get a hit this year and I fully expect Brent Lillibridge to strikeout in half his ABs. ugh, I don't think sunday games will even be worth watching. I agree about the Lillibridge striking out in half his AB's, except I think it'll be more. *shudders*
  6. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 12:44 AM) Forest Park is the new southside parade, mark it down. CLose to the city, tons of bars. Where is Forest Park, anyway? I rather have it in Evergreen Park cause I know the area very well and relatives lived there all my life. :-p
  7. Seems like Lillibridge's future should be with the Sox as their batboy.
  8. I've been thinking of the possibility of Ben really being dead and thought of this theory: With the death of young Ben, it throws Sayid, Sawyer, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Jin, Juliette, Miles, and Daniel into an alternate timeline. Basically an alternate universe. For the rest of this post, whenever I say things like "Original Sayid", I'm referring to the Sayid that crashed in 2004, escaped the island, crashed again in 2007, but ended up in 1977 because of a flash. Anyway, back to my main point: the alternate universe/timeline theory... I think, once Sayid killed young Ben in 1977, it changed the course of their future from 1977 on. However, 2007 and 2004 is their past because they already lived it and they can't change their past. However, in 2004/2007, when they ended up being flashed back in time, their past was still intact and from 1974/1977 everything they'd experience would be in their future. If they did not kill Ben, then they would've been on the same timeline to someday cross paths with Original Sun in 2007, and even original pre-flash version of themselves in 2004/2007. Something tells me that they were on track to live in the same timeline because Sun and Frank were shown pictures of them from the past in 1977 by Christian, but the picture was taken before the timeline was altered when Sayid killed Ben in 1977. Here's where my theory gets tricky... Since Sayid kills Ben in 1977, it splits Original Sayid, O. Sawyer, and all the other flash people to an alternate timeline where Ben was dead. HOWEVER, since they all met and crossed paths with Original Ben in their pasts in 2004/2007, it doesn't change their past. In one timeline, Ben is still alive, because he was in their past, and is dealing with Sun and Frank and the Flight 316 crash. In the other altered timeline, Ben was killed, and the Originals lives from that point on, but with alternate versions of themselves somewhere else in the world. In the alternate universe: -Henry Gale would crash his hot air balloon on the island and not be killed by Ben, -Alex would not be killed because the mercenaries would never have been sent to the Island, -Alternate Juliette is never brought to the island, -Alternate Sayid was never hired by Ben to kill people like Andropov, -Rose and Bernard and other people would still crash in 2004 in the alternate timeline. Basically, I think the future is altered, like a fork like a Y, were the left fork is the original timeline with Ben alive and is the "original past" of the people who got flashed back in time, and the right fork being the altered timeline due to Sayid killing young Ben in 1977, creating an alternate timeline with an altered future.
  9. A catcher trying to bunt??? YES! If he has enough speed to create a bunt-single, then I want Lucy on the 25-man roster! Me likey!
  10. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 09:34 PM) Betemit could end up more productive than Swisher at a fraction of the price PLUS the Sox get Marquez and Nunez. KW = Outstanding GM I totally agree. And as for Betemit/Marquez/Nunez, I was way more excited about what we got back in the Swisher trade than what we got back in the Vazquez trade.
  11. Wow, awesome episode. I'm starting to wonder whether we're gonna be in for a surprise on when they say stuff like "you can't change the past". I'm starting to think they mean that you can't change the past if it already happened, but... if you're in the past then you ARE the past and thus, in the present and can change the present. dunno if that makes sense...
  12. Is it just me, or does it seem like a big conflict of interest for Bud Selig to be running the WBC and being biased towards a certain country playing well? I wish Bud would just shut up, because if he changes the WBC so that America would have an edge, then that's just unethical, in my opinion.
  13. I went with Getz because I think he'll be the biggest surprise to the casual White Sox fans that do not obsessively follow White Sox message boards, like me, or really know anything about the Sox's minor league system. However, if I was able to vote for 3 choices, then I would've gone with Getz, Fields, and Betemit. I think Getz will be the sparkplug-type of player that will stimulate our offense. With Fields, it seems like a lot of casual fans forgot about the 20+ home runs he posted in 2007. Also, with his knee all taken care of, I think the extra speed boost Fields has will make him an even more well-rounded player that can steal some occasional bases. He will definitely make our line-up more speedier and give it a different look from the station-to-station line-up we've had the last couple seasons. And Betemit,... this guy is gonna rock. He's gonna be one of the most potent bats off the bench and, as someone else said in an earlier post, he will hit some game-winning home runs.
  14. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 10:35 AM) I know Swish was brutal last year but considering the other options we are left with,it was a mistake to get rid of him,I believe he would've had a good comeback year for us...he couldn't be worse than what he did last year... ^^^^^^ I agree.
  15. SouthsideDon48


    QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 09:57 PM) I had a dream about 15 years ago where I was in a room living somewhere. It was supposed to be my room, but it didn't look like my room. Eight years ago, we moved to a new house, the room that I moved my stuff into was the room in my dream 7 years before. I have dreams like this all the time where I am somewhere that I don't recognize, then years later, I'm actually there. My brain somehow sees into the future when I dream. I wish that I'd get lottery numbers or something... omg! That reminds me! When I was a young kid in elementary school, and I found out who my teacher for the 3rd grade and my classmates were going to be, I read the list of classmates' names nd noticed a name of a new kid that I never saw before. Later that night, I had a dream of meeting the new kid, and in the dream he looked EXACTLY like how he ended up looking in real life. It was weird. Also, another dream I had that I just remembered had me in a courtroom, and I was sitting before the judge during a sentencing hearing and when I heard that I was being sentenced to prison for 30 years, I very loudly whined "THIRTY YEEEEEAAARS???????" in a moment of extreme despair in the courtroom at the judge. To this day, I'm still terrified that the "30 years" dream might end up becoming prophetic.
  16. Also, I have a question and I want to make sure if it's cool with everyone... It's too late now, cause I just thought of it, but would it be okay if I create an official Soxtalk 20-team league for the 2010 season? Since it seems like all the other soxtalk leagues everyone else create are 12-teamers, I guess I ought to just take it upon myself to create an official 20-teamer. Is that cool?
  17. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 10:21 PM) We have openings in 3 leagues. Sign up guys! Quick, which leagues have openings and when are the draft dates? If I can make a draft date, then I might leave roto league for a soxtalk head-to-head league.
  18. SouthsideDon48


    QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 06:46 PM) Reading that gave me intense chills. Yea, I still get chills everytime I think about it, too.
  19. SouthsideDon48


    I've had a lot of weird dreams throughout my life, and some of the weirdest ones I remember are: When I was about 5 years old (in 1990), I had a dream that to this day I'm convinced was a vision of a past life. In this dream I was in the Vietnam war and I was just getting out of one of those double-propeller helicopters in a small clearing in the jungle. This is the only dream I ever had where I first saw myself in the 3rd person and my "essence" slowly floated to and entered my 3rd-person self (a LOT like in that movie, "Fallen") and from that point on I was inside my past self in the dream. Well, me and 2 other guys started walking into the jungle and later we came upon a small foxhole-type of shack type of thing, and 2 asian-looking guys heard us and came out shooting some rifles at us and running at us. I was the last one to be killed as I was trying to run away, I ran through another clearing and to the jungle on the other side while being shot at the whole time, then I ended up falling against a tree trying to cover myself with my back against the tree from the bullets but I didn't know where they were coming from, then all the sudden I got shot all along my right side. I was still on the ground with my back against the tree, but I slumped to my left side to the ground and died and my "essense" floated out of my body and I saw my dead body on the ground (MUCH like how Goodman's character died in "Fallen"). I thought it was really weird how I had the dream in 1990, and a movie came out in 1997 depicting the essence entering and leaving the body the same way I saw in my dream. In another dream I had when I was 6 years old in 1991, I dreamed that my mom and grandparents took me to show me the house my mom grew up in. This house was in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood in Chicago and I remember getting out of the car and looking at my mom's house across the street. It was a nice sunny day and it was daytime, but all the windows of the house was pitch black, and I saw these eyes in the upstairs window to the right looking out at me. It was just creepy eyes with blackness all around it and it kept staring at me. What really creeped me out years later was when I watched "the Grudge" and a very similar pair of eyes was shown on some hospital security tv in the movie. It sent chills up and down my spine. Anyway, that dream stayed with me for years and one day I ended up telling mymom about it, and she asked me which window I saw the eyes in, and when i told her, she froze for a few seconds and told me that it was her dead brother's bedroom window. Turned out that she had a lot of paranormal activity happen in that house while she was growing up after her brother died. Another dream I had was during high school, I dreamed I was having sex with this hot girl, but instead of cumming in her, I peed in her. She was so mad and grossed out that she jut got up and left. In another dream I had when I was in high school, I dreamed that I was back in middle school, and my middle school gym teacher was trying to discipline me so he cut my right arm off right in the middle of the gym, and I had a small stump left where my arm was supposed to me. I also had this recurring dream that kept recurring for about a week about a year ago. I dreamt that I was in some sort of massive dilapilated warehouse complex with decaying red bricks and black wrought-iron fire escapes. I was in a sense of panic because there were bad people chasing me with guns and I kept trying to run all over the place to keep them from finding me, but I couldn't run away because I had to save someone else that was trapped somewhere inside the complex. So I kept running out through fire escapes and finding a way to sneak in and no matter what I did I couldn't find the person I was trying to save and I kept getting lost because the place was so big and people were trying to find me. This dream kept recurring where I found myself on the same black wrought-iron fire escape and it didn't stop until I reached a certain room, but I don't remember anything else.
  20. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 03:36 PM) Very nice. I'm happy they'll finally have a real stadium. However, I hope the rumor of them becoming the Miami Marlins doesn't come true. What's wrong with Miami Marlins? I think it sounds better.
  21. lmao the worst players in the lineup are winning for us, wtfffffff
  22. Getz is freaking awesome! I'm completely sold on him. I feel 100% confident with him in the lineup and playing 2nd base. Same with Fields. Those two guys are gonna impress people this year. I like them cause they are not flashy players, and are sometimes overlooked, but they get the job done.
  23. Awwww, Fields caught stealing by a mile. I like to see action on the basepaths like that, though. With Fields, Getz, and Alexei being the type of guys who would run if they think there's an opportunity, I'm very excited to watch this year's offense, VERY excited.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 02:19 PM) so do we think Pronk was on PED's? I don't think so at all. I just think he's falling victim to a bad rash of injuries and natural declination due to age. Now Andruw Jones, that's someone I think was on PEDs.
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