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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 02:16 PM) Anyone have a Gameday link by chance? Can't find it, and frankly don't know how you guys have BEEN finding them, since its not on the scoreboard. Hey, it's on tv. Or are you at work?
  2. ohhhh, Poreda. This is gonna be a fun game to watch. Also, I gotta say, I like his pitching mechanics. It looks fluid, disciplined, and solid... very solid. I like his potential.
  3. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 02:13 PM) He likes to walk people. that's good for us.
  4. I'm starting to wonder whether Fausto's performance in 2007 will end up being more of a career year rather than his average performance.
  5. QUOTE (tommy @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 02:07 PM) Wise flew out, Getz got on, and stole 2nd. Thanks for filling me in. I like Getz, I think he'll be a solid sleeper in fantasy baseball. Also, speaking of Konerko, am I the only one that thinks he always look a little like one of the characters from that movie, "Super Troopers"? I can't help but chuckle a little bit everytime I see him.
  6. YES!!! a Sox game on tv! Sweet! I've been laying on the couch all day since I got home from school, now I can watch something enjoyable. So Getz got on base and Konerko's batting in thetop of the 1st, who got out? Edit... I see it was Wise, I also don't know why I thought Getz was Beckham, I guess they both look alike a little. More young guys need to grow facial hair to look distinctive, lol.
  7. Quick question: Why does it always seem like the Catcher position is the most offensive-challenged position in the majors? It seems like such a barren wasteland, and I think we're lucky we even have AJ.
  8. Despite so many bullpen spots left to fill, I feel very optimistic and confident with the bullpen. I think we got one of the best back-end corps of relievers in the majors. Jenks Linebrink Dotel Thornton Those are 4 very solid guys for the late innings of winning ball games, I feel like we are in a great spot to win with any of those 4 guys on the mound. Linebrink, Dotel, and Thornton can all be counted on for the 8th and 7th innings, which is great depth. Also, Dotel has got to be one of the most underappreciated relievers in White Sox history. People seem to only remember his bad moments rather than all the times he was lights-out and got some much-needed strikeouts in high-pressure situations. He had 92 strikeouts in 67 innings last year! For that kind of strikeout rate, I'd be more than happy to put up with his 3.76 era. I can also only think of a handful of non-closer relievers that had similar innings-to-strikeouts rates like Dotel last year, and they are: Marmol 87.1-to-114, Balfour 58.1-to-82, Cruz 51.2-to-71, and I think Dotel has every right to mentioned in the same breath as those guys, despite his era being a little higher, but with 92 k's that's not such a bad trade-off. Also, another thing that makes me excited about the White Sox bullpen is when I compare our Big 4 (Jenks/Linebrink/Dotel/Thornton) to what other bullpens in the Central Division has for similar roles: Detroit: 9th: Lyon (kinda sucks) 8th: Zumaya/Rodney (solid) Cleveland: 9th: Wood (injury risk) 8th: Perez/Lewis (solid) 7th: Betancourt (sucks) Minnesota: 9th: Nathan (solid) 8th: nobody special (supposed to be Gurrier?) Kansas City: 9th: Soria (solid) 8th: Cruz/Farnsworth (solid) In fact, the only bullpen I think has 8th and 9th inning guys that stack up well with ours, and be competitive, is Kansas City. Really, Kansas City has done a great job at building their bullpen up to this point. Based on guys that would pitch 8th and 9th innings of winning ballgames, I'd rank the AL Central bullpens as: 1. White Sox 2. Kansas City 3. Cleveland 4. Detroit 5. Minnesota Also, just for giggles, lets look at the Cubs: 9th: Gregg/Marmol 8th: Gregg/Marmol Just 2 guys and they're almost interchangeable. We got 4 solid guys and they got two. The Cubs has more relievers that you'd rather pitch in losing ballgames to keep your solid guys fresh, and guys you'd rather have pitching the 6th and 7th innings. So yea, the Sox bullpen is one of our strengths, have confidence, everyone.
  9. Hey everyone, I started a new thread because I didn't want being back an old thread from a page or two back. I've been thinking the past couple days about the Sox lineup because it seems that, unless we get someone from outside the organization, that we'll be more than lilely having a BA/Wise platoon in CF with each getting starts based on righty/lefty pitching. Anyway, I was thinking that the Sox should probably take a slightly unconventional route with utilizing BA/Wise in the line-up, and here's 4 different line-up ideas that's been bugging my mind the last couple days, with a little reasoning for why I plugged them where I did... With BA in the lineup... Scenario 1: 1. Getz 2. Fields 3. Quentin 4. Dye 5. Thome 6. Konerko 7. Alexei 8. AJ 9. BA *I can't help but think if BA is in the lineup that Ozzie would have AJ bat 2nd and BA 9th, but I actually think if BA hits 9th that Fields should hit 2nd behind Getz. Fields would likely see better pitches to hit with Quentin batting behind him, and Getz seems like the best lead-off hitter. With this line-up, the chances of having 2 guys on base for Quentin is very good, and it also keeps Alexei further down in the lineup where he can bring in rbi's as well. However, plugging in Anderson in the 9-hole is sort of an easy out for other teams, which leads me to scenario 2... BA in line-up, scenario 2: 1. Getz 2. BA 3. Quentin 4. Dye 5. Thome, 6. Konerko 7. Alexei 8. AJ 9. Fields *Here, BA and Fields switch places. Now the 9-hole won't be as easy of an out for other teams, and by plugging BA in the #2 spot, he can be the one to benefit with better pitches due to Quentin being behind him and the Sox should have him focus more on "moving the baserunner over" rather than trying to be a hero with a hit. By putting BA in the 2-hole, and if Getz gets on base, just have BA move Getz along with a bunt half the time and a base-hit attempt the other half, if he gets on base, great, but if he moves the runner over in a sacrifice without creating 2 outs, then that's just as good. I personally think that BA would be a better hitter if he's told to just move the guy along rather than trying to score them. Many people will probably hate this idea because they don't believe in giving up outs, but sometimes you gotta give up a gambit to win like in chess. Scenario 3: Wise in lineup 1. Wise 2. Getz 3. Quentin 4. Dye 5. Thome 6. Konerko 7. Alexei 8. AJ 9. Fields *If Wise is in the line-up, this is what Ozzie is probably more than likely to do. I don't really have too much of a problem with it because Wise would only be getting half the starts if he was in a platoon with BA anyway. This would also give the Sox some speed in the top of the order and Getz would benefit from seeing better pitches with Quentin batting behind him. Scenario 4, Wise in lineup: 1. Getz 2. Wise 3. Quentin 4. Dye 5. Thome 6. Konerko 7. Alexei 8. AJ 9. Fields *However, since I think Getz is the better batter, why not flip Getz and Wise? Put Getz at lead-off and pot Wise in the position where he can see better pitches due to Quentin batting behind him. Plus, Wise can also be told to just "move the baserunner over" if Getz is on base. The awesome thing with Wise batting 2nd with Getz on base is that Wise would be quick enough to get a bunt-single for a base hit, which would put 2 baserunners on base for Quentin and utilize Wise's speed in the best way possible, despite being unconventional. What does everyone else think?
  10. I really like John Shelby's potential. He's the 5-tool type of player the White Sox really needs, and I really hope the Sox doesn't end up trading him away. If he stays in the White Sox system, how far away is he from making it to the major league club? 2011? 2012? It would be pretty neat having an outfield of Shelby/Jor.Danks/Quentin, and for the first time ever, I'm actually pretty excited about players in the White Sox systen because of players like Allen, Viciedo, Beckham, Link, Nunez, Marquez in addition to Jor.Danks and Shelby. Plus the fact that we already got guys like Quentin, Fields, Getz, Floyd, and John Danks on the main roster. It really is an exciting time to watch prospects in the system. Thanks for posting the article, OP, it was a good read and it made me more excited about one of the slightly-forgotten men in the Sox system.
  11. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 03:20 PM) Geez... pissy much? Yea, I always use my phone during red lights and straight streets anyway.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 02:11 PM) Jose doesnt look to have much leg drive, I hope that doesnt lead to arm trouble. Getz turns a nice dp there. I'm unable to watch the game, (currently in my car driving to Joliet), but are you saying Jose cut how leg stride in his delivery to the plate? If that's the case, I hope it doesn't cause him problems either. Isn't Jose a big work-out freak? Hopefully he has enough arm strenght to compensate
  13. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 01:57 PM) Ahh but you forgot about a guy who might be better than Blanco with the Braves and its not Schafer. It's Josh Anderson who is out of options. He was drafted in the 4th round of the 2003 draft. BA was a 1st rounder in the same draft. He has a .344 OBP in almost 3000 minor MiL AB. BA had a .364 OBP in 1136 MiL AB. Josh A. in 2 abbreviated seasons with Houston and Atlanta has a .315 BA and a .364 OBP with 14 XBH in 203 AB. In the last 4 seasons in the minors Josh A. has 175 SB averaging near 44 a yr. I read he's a better fielder than Blanco and over all is considered a good fielder. Don't know if he's available but he's fast, can field and can hit which makes him better than Wise, Owens, Blanco (another slap hitter , not the best fielder type). He's basically the same height , weight and age as BA except faster , bats LH and slightly less power. Would be cool seeing the Sox with Josh and Brian Anderson. Did we accidentally pick the wrong Anderson in that 2003 draft, or what?
  14. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 11:15 AM) Gwynn Jr. is no better than Owens or Wise unfortunately. He is also out of options. He has a nice name, but he doesn't have much game. That's true, but at least someone like Gwynn would give the Sox more options to choose from. Also, we're not going to get anyone spectacular in return for just one minor leaguer in a two-team trade. I think guys like Cameron and Bill Hall are out of the question, and Braun and Hart are not even in the realm of possibility. So it leaves the possibilities to some random minor leaguer from the Brewers' system or someone like Gwynn. And the fact that Gwynn is out of options makes it much more plausible, from the Brewers' perspective, that they'd take a chance to trade him away without losing him if they tried to slip him through waivers. Gwynn may not be good, but he seems like the "diamond in the rough" project guy that the Sox organization tend to go after. hmmmmm. I'm just 100% speculating here, but it'd be cool if the Sox end up doing something that I speculated.... that way I can say "I called it."
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 10:41 AM) Well, we did just trade Sergio Miranda to the Brewers. Could be related somehow maybe? Could it be a precursor to a three-way trade somehow? If it's not a three-way trade, I wonder what CF or leadoff-type guys we could possibly get from the Brewers? Gwynn Jr???
  16. QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 10:20 AM) Like NSS said, the bolded part is what I don't get, If you're saying "I think Lopez is a much better player than Anderson will ever be" well, then yeah, that makes sense. But not comparing a 2B to a CF. Well then say that to Kalapse, then. He' the one that brought up Jose Lopez in the first place.
  17. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 08:46 AM) Does anyone think Getz could be an option in CF once Beckham takes over at 2B? I wouldn't mind seeing the Sox explore that possibility, and Getz does seem to have more atheltic ability than Mackowiak. Hmmmm.
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 07:20 AM) I get that you hate Brian Anderson and never think he will amount to anything, but this statement doesn't even vaguely resemble something that would make sense. What's a 2B have to do with a CF? You're just kind of reaching for more reasons to hate Anderson and going around in circles. Hey man, I was only responding to Kalaspe's post where he brought Jose Lopez and Swisher up. He brought up Jose Lopez out of the blue, and I was simply stating that I'd take Lopez for 2nd base over Anderson in CF any time of the day. I can go further and say that if someone is faced with the choice of having Anderson or Lopez on their team, without consideration fort he positions they play, then they should always go with Lopez.
  19. What films was she in? I don't really recall seeing her in anything.
  20. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 17, 2009 -> 09:12 PM) f***ing Jose Lopez nearly put up 85/85/20 last year while playing half his games at Safeco, hitting in an awful lineup and being bad. Give Nick Swisher more than 588 PA last year and he does it with ease (finished with 24/86/69). Jose Lopez and Nick Swisher are still better players than Brian Anderson, Brian can only hope to match their numbers. I'd take Jose Lopez at 2nd base over Brian Anderson at CF in a heartbeat.
  21. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 18, 2009 -> 09:06 PM) BA's upside far outweighs that of Izturis's. Also, Izturis averages 2 homers 41 Rbis and .260 per 162 games and 568 at bats. BA averages 11 homers 37 Rbis and 222. in 360 at bats. In other words, you're wrong. Lol, but if Anderson averages 11 homers and 37 rbi's in 360 at-bats, then that means my prediction of approximately 15 home runs and 60 rbi's in 500 at-bats or so is a pretty good estimate.
  22. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 17, 2009 -> 09:01 PM) You do not know that Anderson cannot do that. Do not say something you cannot prove. Well I've seen enough of Brian Anderson to be able to say with conviction that I believe, with a full season of at-bats, that Anderson cannot do any better than 15 home runs, 60 rbi's, and a .235 average. At best. There's better centerfielders out there, and it's time to forget about Anderson. Anderson's nothing more than an outfield version of Cesar Izturis.
  23. sorry if I'm veering a little of-topic in this thread, but... am I the only one who enjoy games more when the bullpens get involved? I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I always enjoyed the merry-go-round of relief pitchers being used in late innings than seeing the same pitcher during an entire game. It mixes things up and makes things interesting.
  24. I still think Franklyn German should be considered to be in the running for a bullpen spot. He should be ranked above Russell and Wassermann.
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