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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Mar 7, 2009 -> 10:07 AM) is this a troll job? Cotts is not very good. Stop listening to Cubs fans, their management and their announcers who are trying to convince everyone that they're bullpen is good on paper. On paper it's average. A troll job? Why would I be trolling about Neal Cotts? Just because I happen to like someone that used to be a former Sox member, and he kinda sucks now, I'm a troll? If so, then anyone who wishes Joe Crede is still on the Sox are trolls as well. I don't even listen to or watch Cubs games, so I have no clue about what the Cubs' organization opinion of Cotts is. I was under the impression that Cotts was getting lost in the shuffle among Cubs relievers, though. And even though Cotts may no longer be as dominating as he was in 2005, and that he has a 4.5 walk ratio, I still think he'd be serviceable as a 5th or 6th inning reliever if he was still on the Sox. I definitely think Cotts is still better than Wassermann, Russell, and MacDougal.
  2. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Mar 7, 2009 -> 09:13 AM) Scott Radinsky? Sorry, I misspelled his name, I was talking about Radzinsky, this guy... http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Radzinsky
  3. Also, now that some of the Losties are trapped at the same time period as the Dahrma Initiative, does anyone think we'll finally see Radinsky? Radinsky is one of the characters I've wanted to see for a while now.
  4. I finally caught up and saw the last 2 episodes, and I have something to add to the Anubis/Egyptian statue discussion: Whether or not the Egyptian statue is Anubis, I immediately noticed how the statue was mounted, it seemed to me that the statue was facing out towards the sea. This reminded me of the Easter Island Heads that were carved and mounted facing out to sea by ancient polynesians. These Easter Island Heads were a big part of Oceanic Mytholgy (Oceanic... Oceanic 815...?) and the ancients believed that the E.I. Heads would protect their Island from invaders from sea, they believed that the Heads would intimidate any potential invaders upon sight and that it would discourage them from attempting to approach the Island. I can kind of see a relation to the Egyptian statue in Lost to the Easter Island Heads, mainly in how they might serve the same purpose. Some people believe that the people trapped on the Island in Lost are in some way trapped in the Afterlife, and in a way, I can kind of make sense of the Anubis (if it is Anubis) statue in relation to the Oceanic Myths of the Easter Island Heads by summing it up this way: "The Anubis Statue on the Lost Island is mounted on the beach facing out to sea to protect the dead on the Island to ward off people from the realm of the living from entering the afterlife." I also think the Island might be some sort of Limbo, and that would also kind of explain the Anubis statue, because Anubis was believed to have guided people to the afterlife. What does everyone else think? I think people should look more into the Oceanic myths as well, because the Island is located in the same general area where ancient Oceanic myths originated from.
  5. It still kills me to see him in a Cubs uniform, and I really don't know why we even traded Cotts away in the first place. Did we even really need to get Aardsma? I thought that trade was extremely lopsided when it occurred, but then again I might be a little biased since Cotts is a 2005 Post-Season Hero. Now that Aardsma is long gone, and who knows whatever became of that Carlos Vazquez dude that was thrown in the deal, the trade is clearly in favor of the Cubs. It sure would've been nice to have Cotts as the 2nd lefty in the bullpen along with Thornton. Then even throw in Richard as the 3rd lefty then our bullpen would've looked more complete with: Jenks, Linebrink, Thornton, Dotel, Cotts, Carasco, Richard. Kenny, this is one trade where I have to ask you... "What were you thinking?"
  6. I'm really liking Kroeger, I hope he makes the team instead of Brian Anderson. This is how I see the outfielders of significance: Kroeger>Wise>Owens>Anderson As for Marquez, I'm really liking his chances as a starting pitcher in the major leagues, but I think his time is in 2010. I'd love to have him as a spot-starter or to take over if/when someone gets hurt.
  7. Speaking of Wilson Betemit, has anyone noticed those cool white eyeglasses he wears while playing? He reminds me of D-Von Dudley when he's wearing them, lol.
  8. With all the drug wars and kidnappings going on in Mexico right now, I can't help but think that the Denzel Washington movie, "Man on Fire", is a pretty close to accurate depiction of the conditions in Mexico. I wouldn't go to Mexico without 2 or 3 bodyguards watching my ass. ...unless I can somehow get in Mexico by myself with a dufflebag full of weapons like in "Way of the Gun". hmmmm Yea, that's what all tourists should do if they go to Mexico: get a bodyguard or arm yourself to the teeth with weapons.
  9. Hahahahaha, great blog! Thanks for the link, Beckham's a good blogger. I was laughing very hard at the part where he compared how he felt to how Chris Farley's character felt in that "Japanese Game Show" SNL skit. lol. I bookmarked the page.
  10. Definitely Richard. He can handle himself against major league pitching. Broadway cannot.
  11. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 11:48 PM) Kroeger has an outside chance, Restovich is bound with Van Benschoten, Broadway, Wasserman and Russell for Charlotte. Broussard will probably be there with them as well. In no way, shape or form is Restovich able to play CF. Anderson will either be the starter or the RH outfielder off the bench. German, ten years ago....maybe. Who knows what he is now, just a journeyman pitcher. He was once one of the more highly touted prospects in the game, but I also think he will be in AAA unless DJ Carasco really falls apart this spring. What do you think the bullpen will be like this year? Assuming we go with a 7-man bullpen again this year, I'd rather see German with the major league roster instead of Wassermann and Russell. Plus, having German pitch the type of innings Wassermann and Russell would've pitched can't hurt, anyway. I'd like to see a bullpen like this: Jenks, Linebrink, Thornton, Dotel, Carrasco, German, Richard.
  12. That's a Sox winner! I was hoping to see German pitch, but oh well. I think German is probably a good fit for our bullpen. Also, I like Kroeger and Restovich, and chance we can get rid of Owens and Anderson and put Kroeger and Restovich on the major league squad?
  13. I hope to see either Jon Link or Franklyn German pitch next.
  14. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 10:52 PM) Are you easily amused? If Getz would've been able to bunt the guy over to 3rd, then that would've been a good play.
  15. yes! Getz trying to bunt! that's what I like to see!
  16. ugh, Wassermann. I hope he's only pitching this inning.
  17. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 10:06 PM) I remember feeling so bad for Mack back in '06 when Ozzie was forcing him to play CF. They'd interview him after the game and he'd come right out and say that he's incapable of playing centerfield but he'll continue to do what the manager asks of him. Mack was in an impossible position and it tarnished his reputation as a ballplayer in this city. He was actually a very good corner outfielder, he just couldn't handle center. I gotta say, I didn't dislike Mackowiak. I actually liked him cause he was a hometown boy from Oak Lawn, which is where my dad's family is from. I just thought Mackowiak was average. Nothing spectacular.
  18. I really like Getz's bat and his hustle on the basepaths. I wonder why he's not being considered as a lead-off candidate as well, like another poster said a few posts earlier. Getz seems to have the natural hustle for it.
  19. QUOTE (Want2Repeat @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:58 PM) Not a lot of movement on that pitch. Hmmmmm, I remember reading somewhere that Van Benschoten used to be a good batter, once hitting 35 home runs in his senior year of college, I think. ...I wonder if we can "Rick Ankiel" him. hmmm
  20. QUOTE (Want2Repeat @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:51 PM) I know it was spring training and super super early, but the dude looked brutal on Sunday trying to field the ball. Please tell me this guy is a better fielder than that.... To be fair, Betemit is more of a 3rd baseman and 1st baseman. Shortstop is probably his worst position, and I feel bad he got those errors the other day, because I think he was trying too hard to impress Ozzie by trying to prove he can play a position he's not to good at.
  21. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:50 PM) Yeah, the one thing Rob Mackowiak did while he was here was hit, especially in 2006 when he put up a .350/.458/.500/.958 line as a pinch hitter. He should have started in LF and led off in '06. I still don't understand why Rob Mackowiak's time with the Sox was viewed as such a failure, if Ozzie hadn't asked him to do something which he's incapable perhaps things would have been different. Really? Wow, then I must've seen most of the games where he struck out and hit into an out. He just never stood out for me. Cintron was worst than him, though.
  22. Van Benschoten seems like he might be a good bullpen arm. I think Coop can work wonders with him. His delivery seems very smooth.
  23. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:44 PM) I LOVE Wilson Betemit. LOVE. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to dislike him which is a damn shame. I agree with you, man. I've been a fan of Betemit since the season he was traded from the Braves to the Dodgers. He was a sleeper that helped my fantasy baseball team in one of my 20-team leagues that season.
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