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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. I think they should add Manny Ramirez's new contract with the Dodgers on that list.
  2. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 07:26 AM) According to Cowley, Viciedo left early yesterday: Ugh, Viciedo better have a good excuse, or Ozzie will never let him live it down. I hope Viciedo aint developing an attitue.
  3. QUOTE (YASNY @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 02:35 AM) Guillen won't play Dayan in RF because of a guy named Jermaine Dye. He won't get to play in LF because of Carlos Quentin. Cubano, you add a lot to this board but saying that it makes you mad because Ozzie won't give him a shot in RF really proves your obvious pro-Cuban player bias. I'm not siding with anyone here, but think how much it might help the team if Viciedo plays on the Sox as some sort of super-utility player. Since it seems like he'll have trouble winning a starting job, Viciedo can prove valuable to the team if he can play 1b/3b/lf/rf/dh. That way, all the regulars like Jermaine, Quentin, Fields, Konerko, and Thome will play everyday except for the occasional day off, which is when Viciedo will fill in. That's 5 positions, so if we assume that out of 10 games, that each of the 5 starters play 9, and take 1 day off every 10 games, then Viciedo can play 5 games out of every 10 games, or something like that. That's exactly why I love super-utility players, especially if they're good. The Sox just need to have Viciedo play a couple of those positions in spring training to see if he can even play those positions, though.
  4. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 11:30 AM) whats the ceiling for jordan danks? is he projected to be a starting cfer one day? c-flowers 1b-viciedo 2b-beckham 3b-fields ss-ramirez lf? cf-danks rf-quentin kw had done a great job in rebuilding our farm system Throw in John Shelby at LF and Brandon Allen at DH. With those two players thrown in as well, I'm very excited.
  5. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 06:43 PM) Lost. I'd love to be part of a Dharma Purge scene or a passenger on 815/316 I totally forgot about "Lost". I would've liked to have been one of the tail-section survivors along with Anna Lucia, Mr. Eko, and Bernard. I'd probably get killed off right away by the Others.
  6. Here's a couple for me: "The Beast": It's filmed and set in Chicago, I think it would be awesome to be a background character sitting at the bar of that tavern Ellis Dove and Charles Barkley (sp?) goes to. Maybe even have a cameo sitting on the EL train, wearing a Sox t-shirt of course. "Oz": I pretty much look 100% Irish and I always kinda look like riff-raff because of my always-present 5-o'clock shadow. So if the show was still being aired, I should've been a background character that's part of the small Irish faction in "Oz", maybe even be Ryan O'Reily's new podmate in season 6. "Sliders": anyone remember this show? I wouldn't mind being a background character in a really messed-up anarchistic world. "Cold Case": I SO wanna have a "then-and-now" sequence on that show!!! Or.... I can be a dead poker player. hmmmmm. "Tilt": anyone remember this show? I wouldn't mind being someone eliminated from the tournament in the last episode in a small cameo. Any Law&Order: I totally want to be one of those characters that's being interviewed by the detectives in the street and totally acting like it's no big deal and working on whatever I'm working on while answering questions like how pretty much every single "man on street" tip is portrayed on that show. I find it funny how New Yorkers are portrayed as if they're like "whatever" as if they're questioned about homicides everyday. "Sons of Anarchy": I can see myself being an extra getting beaten up after getting lost in the middle of nowhere and asking the wrong people for directions. I'll think of more....
  7. god that's barbaric. That's not hilarious at all.
  8. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Mar 1, 2009 -> 03:36 PM) I would just like to point out that you guys (mods. & admins) are pretty selective on who you decide to call out on the "rules". Zelig, Alpha, Thank you for backing me up, I appreciate it. I do feel like I'm being targetted by NorthsideSox72. He always seems to nit-pick at my comments such as my post in this thread, how I made a bold prediction of Viciedo passing Frank Thomas' all-time Sox home run record, and how I said I was tired of how energy-conscious our country is becoming. I felt I had a right to defend myself because I interpreted Nukem's comment as an accusation that I'm racist, which I'm not because I'm a white guy and my girlfriend's black! How much more non-racist can I get???
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 09:23 AM) This is even sillier than your statement that Viciedo will surpass Big Frank in homeruns. It's not silly at all, man. I work in the electrical hardware industry and I'm always one of the first ones to find out about changing energy regulations. Energy-efficiency requirements seem to be changing every other month to the point where it seems like these legislators are bored and have nothing better to do. I'll give you one example: ceiling fans. Before 2007, all ceiling fans were pretty much made with standard-base lightbulb sockets and no attention were really given to how much energy it used besides recommending a certain wattage usage per socket. Then 2007 rolls by and some energy-efficiency legislation (can't remember the name) was passed that stated that from that point on all ceiling fans must be built with candlelabra-base sockets instead of standard base. That was pretty much pointless, in my opinion, because the only difference between the effect of a standard base bulb and a candle base bulb is a slight difference in the amount of heat it gives off. The amount of wattage being used was still the same, whether it was 40 watts standard base or 40 watts candle base. Now about 4 months ago, they changed regulations again, and most ceiling fans are going BACK to standard base, but the ceiling fans will have CFL lightbulbs included. There's also supposed to be a special built-in sensor which will automatically shuts off ceiling fans if people tried to use regular incandescent lightbulbs instead of CFL's when a certain amount of heat from incandescent bulbs are generated. C'monnnnnnnnn!!! Way too much ado over nothing. Seriously, I find it very anal and very annoying, because I'm always one of the first ones to find out about this stuff because I work in the industry. I tend to follow the credo of "if it aint broke...". Plus, not only that, but regular incandescent lighbulbs will be obsolete soon, along with the 8-track player and the vcr. All bulbs will soon be cfl's and LED lightbulbs, and even cfl's are projected to be obsolete in 20 years as well as the technology for LED lightbulbs improves and becomes cheaper to manufacture. The only problem is that the light quality of LED lightbulbs sucks, in my opinion, because it's too blue-ish. Unless you like having a lightbulb that seems like it's from a spaceship. I just find it socially irresponsible how incandescent lightbulbs will soon be off the shelves and people will have no choice but to spend more money on expensive cfl's instead. Honestly, don't you think it will be more of a financial burden on a person if they have to spend $4 bucks on one 13-watt (equivalent to 60 watts) lightbulb instead of buying a 99-cent 4-pack of regular incandescent bulbs? So yea, I really am tired of how energy-conscious our country is becoming. I see the "green industry" as being similar to the oil industry, because both are just out there to make money. I wouldn't be surprised if some green industry lobbyists are paying off legislators to pass legislation favoring green initiatives just like how the oil industry pays off the automotive industry to not develop 100-mile per gallon fuel efficiency technology. So yea, I don't see anything silly at all with being increasingly annoyed with all the energy-consciousness nowadays. I just wish things were left to be. And painting the Sears Tower silver just to achieve an energy-efficiency rating is a travesty. If the Sears Tower is not black, then it's not the Sears Tower.
  10. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 11:38 AM) Oz was an excellent show, but for me a few of the middle seasons didn't work very well, specifically when they got into the jail guard stories. With that said it was still an excellent show My favorite seasons were the 1st, 4th, and 5th seasons (except for the final episode). I thought the 2nd season kinda dragged on and the 5th season slowed down after the fast-paced 4th season. Among my favorite seasons, the 4th season is probably on top of my list because it seemed like an inmate was dying everyday in Oz. I liked the high death toll in the 4th season, lol. Oh!!! I forgot about Supreme Allah, he was an awesome character, too.
  11. QUOTE (rowand's rowdies @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 09:42 AM) Marquez looked good against the Cubs, I was there. He's got a strange delivery that looks like it fools hitters. Almost like they expect him to throw faster. Then again, that's usually how the Cub's hitters look - fooled. Hey, I haven't seen Marquez pitch yet, but I'm interested in hearing about his delivery. What makes his delivery deceptive? Does he hestitate like some japanese pitchers do? Or does he have a quick windup that makes it look like he's putting more into throwing the ball than he really does?
  12. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 08:00 PM) This has to be the best shape Jose has been in since Joining the Sox, he looks great and the goatee is awesome. Is it just me, or does that awesome goatee make Contreras look a little like Mr. Eko?
  13. Hey, don't forget about Richard's awesome start against the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium late last year. I think he can pull off more starts like that if he was a starter in 2010 or made spot-starts in 2009.
  14. These characters from "Oz": Dino Ortolani, Jefferson Keane, Christopher Keller, Ryan O'Reilly, Augustus Hill, Kareem Said, Shirley Bellinger, Vern Schillenger, Simon Adebisi, Raul Hernandez, and Miguel Alvarez. Best tv show ever. I was also a big fan of Warden Leo Glynn, Clayton Hughes, John "Desmond Mobay" Basil, Bruno Georgen, Pancamo, Father Ray Mukada, Martin Querns, Jazz Hoyt, Timmy Kirk, Karl Metzger, Johnny Post, Che Guerra, and Kenny Wangler. ...thanks a lot, now I'm in the mood to watch some "Oz".
  15. I picked Sawyer, he always has his funny moments.
  16. QUOTE (Cubano @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 06:44 PM) Who knows what he might do? So far he is hitting 375 in 8 AB with a homer. This game is about making adjustments. This kid has been under heavy training since he was much younger. He has shown the power to the opposite field. That is a big plus. He can catch up with a big league fast ball. He won't be a gold glove 3B but he be alright. He has played RF and I do not like the fact that Guillen refuses to play him there. He may do nothing in the Majors and he may not do nothing in AAA or AA. But I think he can do well. He is young and coming to age. I just compare him to other cuban defectors stats wise in Cuba and what they have done in the USA (Majors, AAA, AA). Viciedo should hold his ground. At least, that is the probability. Fields just put more presure on Viciedo today. Let see how he responds. Hey Cubano, I have a question for you: If you personally watched Viciedo play 3rd base in Cuba, how good is his defense compared to Edwin Encarnacion of the Reds? I think Viciedo will hit very good, but I wonder about his defense sometimes and whether his defense will make him the AL-version of Encarnacion.
  17. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 09:53 PM) He does actually. And if Beckham continues to get at bats, its going to be hard to keep him off the major league team. Even his ground outs are impressive from a contact standpoint, the kid can f***ing play. Hey, do you think Beckham can have a rookie mlb season comparable to Braun/Longoria/Bruce? Better? Worse?
  18. As for all the Contreras love, this is the way I see it: If we had a choice between Contreras and Vazquez as 5th starter, then... Contreras>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vazquez. ...Make that an infinite amount of >'s.
  19. I'm probably gonna go to Majestic Star casino in Gary, Indiana to play a poker tournament, then check out the poker room at the new Horseshoe casino in Hammond on my way back home. I never understood why some people feel the need to "party" on spring break, plus I'm much more happier being at the poker table than being in a strange land with a bunch of drunk college students.
  20. QUOTE (rowand's rowdies @ Mar 1, 2009 -> 11:01 PM) I went to the game today, lot of fun, beautiful facility. Anway, just wanted to warn everyone about something that happened. If you are going to the game, DO NOT PARK on the dirt lot next to the CVS. There are no signs, but it is in walking distance of the park around 107th and Camelback. When I arrived, there were about 50 cars parked already. No signs were there, no cops, nothing. I figured it was free parking, something some spring training sites have and a Glendale thing with the Cardinals and Coyotes. When I got back to my car, every car (over 100 now) had a ticket for $135. This is flat out robbery by the Phoenix Police. I asked a cop on my way out, and he just said "you shouldn't have parked in a open field. We dont need to put up signs in every open lot." Well, you do when it's right across the street, a huge open area, and on the 1st day of a new park. I emailed the facility about this, and hopefully something happens, but just wanted to throw a warning out there. Dude, that totally sucks. God I hate cops.
  21. It seems like if the Sox were to do a Cabrera sign-n-trade with the Jays that we'd probably get a package of A and AA prospects. Similar to what we got in the Vazquez deal.
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 1, 2009 -> 02:17 PM) So you're not going to fit Brandon Allen in there at 1B or DH? Do you really think either Dye OR Konerko will be here in two years? I guess it's possible, but not very likely, unless the "recession" becomes a fullblown depression and the economy of baseball worsens even more. Oops!!! I completely forgot about Brandon Allen. Thanks for catching that, dude. Add him to that list, too. Viciedo, Beckham, Allen, Shelby, and Jordan Danks are the Sox prospects that excite me the most. I have high hopes for all of them. I still don't really have an opinion on Flowers yet, really. I also can't help but think that Lillibridge will become an underachiever like Brian Anderson and Jerry Owens are.
  23. I was impressed with Beckham, Allen, and Harrell. I think Brandon Allen will make a nice addition to the major league roster someday, he has some good speed and he looks like he has a good eye for the ball. I also hope to soo Franklyn German on the major league team sometime this season.
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