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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 10:11 AM) Unfortunatly there were many a bandwagon type fan in attendance that couldn't name you one member of the South Side Hitmen or don't know who Jimmy Piersall is and didn't know that Harry Carey first started his take me out to the ballpark with the White Sox. *...slowly raises hand* Uh, I've heard of the South Side Hitmen many times, and I've heard of the players' names before, but I just can't remember them for the life of me if I had to name them off the top of my head. Jimmy Piersall? Never heard of him, who's that? I knew about the Harry Carey thing, and I always find it hilarious when I hear people (usually Cubs fans) say that we're stealing the 7th inning stretch from the Cubs, lol. Honestly, I'm just a late-bloomer when it coems to baseball. I went to my first Sox game when I was about 8 or 9 years old and my favorite Sox player at the time was a back-up catcher named Mike LaValier (sp?). I also played little-league baseball, but at the time I didn't really learn how to play baseball at the same pace as my peers because my dad was too busy with opening can after can of beer. I ended up falling out interest with baseball only to end up watching the Sox again in 2002, and really becoming a hardcore Sox fan after Ozzie Guillen was hired in 2003. 2004 was the first season where I actually watched about 100 games, then I've been hooked ever since. So yea, I may not know of the older era, and I'm only 23, but I'm by no means a "bandwagon" fan by any stretch. I bleed black and white!
  2. Share some intimate details about yourself with her, such as what your favorite meal is. Then show her how thoughtful you are by going out to the store to get all the ingredients so she can make it for you for Valentine's Day. When you're eating the food, remember to be completely honest about how she cooked the food, she'll appreciate it cause she'll want to make sure she'll do a better job next time. When you're done eating, tell her how full you are and make sure you let out some burps to prove it, then loosen your belt as you get up to go back to watching tv in the family room. Let her have time to concentrate on washing all the dishes, pots, and pans by herself.
  3. Just throwing out a theory here: Is it possible that Locke might get "lost in the past" somehow in another flash, then he lives on the island from that time and eventually becomes the person known as Jacob? Then in 2004, the plane crashes with 2004 Locke aboard and the original Locke is already on the island as Jacob. Any possibility to this theory? This Locke is Jacob theory has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks now.
  4. hahahahahahha, that's awesome, lol!
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 3, 2009 -> 10:36 AM) Don, Proflowers generally send unblossomed flowers to the person and the flowers bloom after a day or two in their house. Keep this in mind as when they arrive they arent very pretty. ftd.com sends already flowered arrangements. Sweet, thank you very much for that info, I'm glad to be aware of that. Thanks a bunch, dude.
  6. Is there any possibility that we can trade Dye in some package for Matt Kemp? Brian Anderson/Dye for Kemp?
  7. Hey everyone, I'm planning on ordering flowers online for my girlfriend this year for Valentine's Day, and I was wondering if any of you can suggest any good reputable sites to order from. I'm currently thinking of ordering from this site: http://www.proflowers.com/valentines-day-vdf ...but I'm not sure if the prices there seem fair or not. I don't want to get anything that would look ridiculously cheap, but I also don't really want to go over budget too much either. I like the idea of ordering online since it'd be more convenient and I also have to have it shipped to New York because she'll be there during Valentine's Day. So yea, if anyone else can suggest any other sites or so, please let me know..., I'll also come back later and post links for the stuff I'm thinking of ordering, and you all can tell me what you think. Plus, maybe us dudes on this site can use this as a resource to help all of us prepare for Valentine's Day.
  8. QUOTE (Cubano @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 11:32 PM) I rather have somebody denying that clothing controversy as oppose as having somebody representing the USA after saying she never felt proud to be an American. How about that Harvard degree? How about that money you made in the USA? Somebody is little confused. Michelle, Michelle go oversees and live w/o your American dollars. Then, tell me you are not proud to be an American. There's NOTHING wrong with saying you're not proud of America. Saying that is part of your right as an American! Those people who try to say that people shouldn't badmouth America are actually being unpatriotic! Blind loyalty to a country, even if it's America, is a dangerous thing, and it's actually more patriotic to excercise your right of freedom of speech by voicing your dissenting views on America, such as saying things as "For the first time in my life, I'm proud of America", or "F**k America", or whatever. It's people like Cubano and those in the conservative media, that has a problem with Americans trashing America, that are the dangerous ones to our American values and rights. Being blindly loyal to a country, even a "great" country like America is dangerous! And a little dissention, such as publicly voicing your distaste of America, is healthy and patriotic. If you don't like the idea of people speaking trash about America, then maybe YOU should go to a different country where it's illegal to have a dissenting view. You'll fit in perfect there. And as for me, I don't even see anything wrong with burning American flags, it doesn't affect me as long as it's an American doing it. Plus, I too am finally proud of America for the first time after Barack Obama was elected president. After years of being embarrassed of America's belligerent foreign policies and racial inequality in this country, I am finally proud of living in a new America after seeing the large crowds of people of all races at the Obama election celebration in Chicago and the inauguration in D.C. I am finally proud, and anyone who has a problem with me not being proud of America before can just go and shove it.
  9. QUOTE (Cubano @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 11:04 AM) Since I am paying lot of money in taxes to support a war in Iraq and others in the USA that went to see Obama when I am sure many do not have the means to do it. Cubano, you seem to be pretty ignorant about America. The majority of the people in this country struggle, even the middle class is disappearing. Think of the Food Pyramid, that's exactly how wealth in this country is split up. The richest 2% (the superwealthy) of this country make up the tip of the pyramid, followed by the upper class, then the middle class (which is shrinking), and the vast majority of Americans make up the bottom of the Wealth Pyramid at the base. You seem to think that most Americans have money, and that's delusional. Sure, the poorest American has more than the poorest Cuban in Cuba, but when it comes to cost of living in America it's not easy. And many people work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Here in America, if you're not born into a rich family, then you're gonna struggle in life. The whole idea of "working hard and making lots of money" is just an unrealistic vision of America that a lot of immigrants have of this country. The real quote should be, "Working hard just to make ends meet."
  10. I never drank alcohol, smoked cigerettes, or done any drugs. Plus, I hate football, I think it's so boring.
  11. How about just getting a plank of wood and secure it with screws onto the loft shelf (where the head of the bed would be) so that about 1/6th of the plank of wood is protruding out from the loft shelf? Then put the bed's matress over the plank/loft shelf, then problem's solved!
  12. Speaking of Beckham... Lots of people hope he'll be an impact player when he gets called up to the MLB. My question is: Do people see him being an impact rookie like Ryan Braun, Jay Bruce, and Evan Longoria? Or is he another first round draft pick that we're hopeful on like we were with Joe Borchard and Brian Anderson? I'm trying to figure out how much of an impact people on this board can see Beckham having, and if people think he might be of the same caliber of Braun/Bruce/Longoria, then that'd be eff-ing sweet.
  13. This is great news, I've always been a big fan of Contreras. I also think that the time that he spent on the shelf due to his tendon also benefitted his arm due to the extra rest, so I think he'll be back all refreshed whenever he comes back in 2009. Also, I agree with the posters about Contreras' slow delivery being a poor fit for the bullpen. If anything, if he's in the bullpen, then he might be better off as a longman or be called into the game when there's not any runners on base. But then again, his long warm-up process might make him more ideal as a starter despite the risk of him reinjuring his tendon. With Colon and now the news of Contreras, I'm at least a little bit more excited about this season. Even if we don't do good, at least we'll end up with a higher draft pick.
  14. I'm disappointed. I preferred Circuit City over Best Buy. I always felt like I was paying more money at Best Buy, and Circuit City was one of the only places around that was still selling VCR's a couple months ago. Also, I thought the dvd's were priced better at Circuit City, especially the older titles. What I'm REALLY sad about is that I used to always talk to this HOT Jamaican girl at my local Circuit City. Now I won't be able to go there to "buy some dvd's" anymore.
  15. I'm 23 and I live in the south suburbs. I can see myself living my entire life in the suburbs of the south side, if it doesn't get any more expensive than it already is. I can always just move to Northwest Indiana if it does, it's still technically part of Chicago's Southland and they got the best casinos in the region there.
  16. How about: Alexei Ramirez "Cuban Missle" night where, instead of a bobble head, the first 15,000 fans get a minature-sized replica of a Cuban Missle. or... Free Carlos Quentin Caricature Night where the first 12,000 fans get a caricature of a cartoonish Carlos Quentin with big arms, similar to Popeye the Sailor, holding a bat at the plate. or... Mark Beuhrle Slip N Slide Night, where the first 1,000 children under the age of 12 get a special MLB-licensed "Mark Beuhrle Slip-N-Slide" to take home for slip and sliding fun. or... Catch Bobby Jenks' 100mph Fastball Night. A random fan will be chosen to put on catching gear and catch a 100mph fastball thrown by Bobby Jenks for a free autographed Jenks jersey.
  17. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jan 3, 2009 -> 01:56 PM) False...I just haven't started it yet. The person below me wishes they could go to summer camp again. FALSE! I had a miserable time at summer camp, couldn't even sleep my whole time there. The person below me has an uncircumcized penis.
  18. Hahahahaha, hilarious thread, I'm still laughing about this whole thing, and the title of the whole thread is classic. "It's about my penis" hahahahaah
  19. Happy New Year, lets hug it out, b****es!
  20. Anyone try Fatburger? Delicious place. Kanye West just opened one in Orland Park on Lagrange road near 153rd. The patties they use on their Kingburger is huge! You can also add extra patties for, I think, about two dollars per pattie. You can also get toppings such as chili and a fried egg on your burger. If anyone ever go to Fatburger, GET a fried egg or two on your burger, it's DELICIOUS!!! Other favorite foods: BBQ chicken pizza: I love this stuff, I just wish I can find more pizza places that makes this stuff. BBQ Swordfish: I tried this at the buffet at the Bellagio in Vegas and I've been craving it ever since. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to find some BBQ Swordfish in the city or the south or west suburbs? Stuffing-filled Turkey roll-ups: this is one of my homemade dinner favorites, and here's the recipe: Ingredients: *medium-sliced turkey meat freshly sliced at the deli (thin enough to roll) *stove-top stuffing or any kind of stuffing. *can of turkey gravy. Directions: Cook stove top in a pan until it's cooked. Then get a baking pan, preferably a glass tray. Then get one or 2 slices of turkey (your choice), put stuffing on a neat line on the turkey, then roll the turkey (like rolling a big fat cigar) until the stuffing is enclosed within the turkey. Then, put the rolled up stuffing-filled turkey in the tray and make more. After you're done rolling up all the turkey roll-ups and they're neatly placed in the tray, open the can of gravy and pour it all over, making sure it's nice and moist. Then put it in the stove and bake on 350 for about 10 or 15 minutes or less, just make sure it doesn't get dry, crispy, or burned. Two stuffing-filled turkey rolls usually makes one serving, so make 8 turkey roll-ups for 4 servings, etc, etc. Eat with a fork and knife and serve with mashed potatoes, corn, broccoli, bread rolls, or whatever your family likes. This is a meal that is easy enough for a man who's not a very good chef to make.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 03:48 PM) So today I was able to pull without much effort almost every movie from my 2 PC's in my house. Was that all hardcore porn?
  22. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 29, 2008 -> 02:06 PM) I also bought a $20 Norelco one from Walmart many years ago. I wouldn't recommend it for any precision facial hair work, but it gets the job done. Norelco... that sounds EXTREMELY familiar. I think it might've been one of the two I was deciding between. I'm actually about to shave right now, (yea, I'm standing shirtless in the bathroom typing this on my cell phone like a nerd) and I looked at my trimmer and noticed the brand name is Wahl.
  23. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Dec 27, 2008 -> 01:29 PM) I'm looking for a new one, anybody have any recommendations? IMO, the most important thing is that the height setting is secure and does not change while in use. I've never had one with a vacuum, but theI like the idea. About two years ago I got a simple beard trimmer kit from Walmart for about 15 or 20 bucks. It's similar to the trimmers they use at places like Supercuts when they trim your sideburns and the back of your neck. It's serving me pretty well and I use it to trim my moustache, goatee, and sideburns, then I use a regular old-school razor for the rest. My only problem with it is that the attachment that you use to change the size of the hair on your beard/goatee isn't too good, it doesn't really do anything to bring the hair to the trimmer blades. I guess if you find a trimmer with a vacuum function that it wouldn't have that problem. Anyway, I'm not sure what brand name it is, I just don't remember. But it is very good with shaping goatees, just not with the thickness.
  24. SouthsideDon48

    Who am I?

    Col. Saunders of KFC?
  25. QUOTE (ChWRoCk2 @ Dec 27, 2008 -> 01:31 PM) I believe your able to join keeper leagues through Yahoo now. I know they now have the option to set the league as a keeper when creating one. If theres enough interest I am down for a second keeper league or can fill in for someone. I've heard some other people say that, but I couldn't figure out how to set a yahoo league to a keeper league. Is it something you have to do before te season, or after the season has finished? The only reference to any form of "keeper leagues" I can find on yahoo is for the "Yahoo Plus" leagues that costs $120 bucks.
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