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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 07:24 AM) You are forgetting I added MOST OF THE TIME. But of course some people do not understand what that actually means or did not read that. And respect was a very poor choice in my post. But I am certain y'all would think it was cool that mom is still wearing a mini skirt and halter and dad wears platform shoes with that leisure suit and getting his hair permed. Fashions change, and as they do, stuff starts looking silly. The jersey fashion will go away, as has every other fashion throughout history. But I will admit I was wrong. Y'all have convinced me there are guys over 25 with lifestyles where they can wear jerseys most of the time and not look silly. They can wear them to work, out to dinner, on dates, etc. and they look great. Actually, I work at a hardware store and I see old men in their 50's and 60's coming in all the time in White Sox and Cubs jerseys. Jerseys can be worn as casual-wear by people of all ages. I also refuse service to customers wearing Cubs jerseys.
  2. Definitely 35. I can see 35 being retired within 10 years and I can see 13 being retired sometime after Guillen retires from managing or 10 years after he retires.
  3. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 07:58 PM) Because one of these guys have to be traded and Swisher is the only one who can't block a trade. It's not really that complicated. Thome would be the guy I'd want to dump too, but he'll only go to the Indians or Cubs. Cubs don't need him and we're not dealing with the Indians, so Thome is here no matter what. Paulie might go to the West Coast, but only if he feels like it. He doesn't have to go anywhere. Hmmmmm, why not deal with the Indians? If Thome would let us trade him there, then lets do it. He's been clogging up our basepaths for years now, let him clog up theirs, instead.
  4. For next season and in the future, I wish the Sox would put an emphasis on "5-tool" players. I think we've had too many players on the Sox who are one-trick ponies, I'd rather see 5-tool-style players that can do everything, similar in the mold of Grady Sizemore, Curtis Granderson, Jimmy Rollins, Brian Roberts, BJ Upton, Cory Hart, Brandon Phillips, etc etc etc. Basically players that can contribute here and there and not constantly try to hit home runs all the time. The only player currently on the Sox that I can see even possibly resemble anything close to a 5-tool player is Alexie Ramirez. Hopefully the Sox start drafting players with 5-tool potential as well, and that's why I'm a little optimistic about this Beckham dude, cause he seems like he can become the 5-tool type. I'd also like to see Kenny possibly take a chance on another one of those Cuban free agents that Cubano posted about.
  5. Here's some moves that I would like Kenny to do: Scenario 1: *Trade Javier Vazquez to the Houston Astros (he wants to play close to home) for Ty Wigginton and Wandy Rodriguez or Brandon Backe. *Then trade a package of Lance Broadway, Mike MacDougal, and Chris Getz for JJ Hardy. *Sign free agent starting pitcher Randy Wolf. *Sign free agent relief pitcher Juan Cruz. *Trade Paul Konerko to the Angels for Chone Figgins and a prospect. *Trade Jim Thome for anything and keep Ken Griffey Jr. Lineup: 2B: Figgins SS: Hardy LF: Quentin RF: Dye DH: Griffey CF: Ramirez 1B: Swisher C: Pierzynski 3B: Wigginton Bench: Wise, Fields, Anderson, Uribe, Hall Rotation: 1. Buehrle 2. Floyd 3. Danks 4. Wolf 5. W. Rodriguez-or-Backe Bullpen: Jenks Linebrink Thornton Dotel Cruz Richard Scenario 2: *Sign free agent Orlando Hudson. plus other roster moves.
  6. I wonder if any sox fans in attendence will throw their white towels into the field if the Sox loses tonight.
  7. Or you can try and make a Sox-Man costume similar to what White Sox super-fan Sox-Man wears. But your son can be known as Sox-Boy instead.
  8. QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Oct 5, 2008 -> 11:37 AM) I heard Cowley on the score yesterday, and he basically said that all of MacDougals teammates hate him, because he's "odd" in the clubhouse. I'm going to say he must be pretty f***ing "odd" if this group of nutjobs thinks he's "odd." Ugh, to think that guy is going to make 2 mil for doing nothing! Now I can't help but imagine Mike MacDougal's personality to be similar to Napoleon Dynamite's.
  9. I finally got around to start saving up for my first authentic White Sox jersey. What I'm doing is saving $25 bucks from each paycheck, and I currently have $150 saved. I figure I'll order my jersey in 6 or 7 weeks after 3 more paychecks. I'm planning on getting the authentic black jersey with my last name and my number, 48, on it.
  10. I would actually like it if the sox can somehow trade with the Dodgers for Matt Kemp or the Astros for Ty Wigginton.
  11. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Sep 30, 2008 -> 09:52 PM) The Umpiring Crew for the Sox/Rays Division Series will consist of Joe West, Gary Darling, Jeff Kellogg, CB Bucknor, Eric Cooper and Ron Kulpa. Personally, I f***ing hate Joe West. What? No Doug Eddings? Hopefully our inside man will be umpiring the ALCS or World Series if we make it there.
  12. QUOTE (spiderman @ Sep 30, 2008 -> 08:30 PM) C: A.J. Pierzynski T.Hall IF: 1B: P.Konerko 2B: A.Ramirez 3B: J.Uribe SS: O.Cabrera 3B: J.Fields OF: J.Dye K.Griffey Jr. N.Swisher (1B) B.Anderson D.Wise J.Owens DH: J.Thome Pitching: J.Vazquez, game 1 M.Buerhle, game 2 and possibly 5 J.Danks, game 4 or 5 G.Floyd, game 3 B.Jenks M.Thornton S.Linebrink O.Dotel H.Ramirez D.J.Carrasco C.Richard, long-relief That's the EXACT same roster I've been suggesting to my friends.
  13. I just noticed how Freddy Garcia and Gavin Floyd both wear the same number: 34. Which makes the fact that Garcia was traded for Floyd all the more ironic.
  14. I hope to see wholesale changes next season, here are who I want the Sox to get rid of: He Gone: *Joe Crede: He's become the south side's version of Mark Prior. Also, he hasn't helped us since 2005, he waited a year too late for back surgery, and his agent is Boras. Get rid of him, good riddance. Jim Thome: Even though he has a vesting option for 2009, he hasn't been much of an asset to this team. He's too slow-footed, Ozzie's afraid to play him on the field, he only tries to hit home runs, and he almost always ground-out to first. I'd rather not have someone on the team that other teams will always use the Thome-shift on. We need to replace him with someone who's more verstatile and speedy. Paul Konerko: I think his time has come. Out of all the players I don't want to see back next year, I think he has the most trade value. It'd be nice if we can trade him, in a package possibly, for some speed and 5-tool players. Then we can shift Swisher to first base and field a more defensively-capable outfield. Javier Vazquez: He's clearly proven that he's not a big game pitcher, I think his time with us is over. Hopefully Kenny can pull off another trade similar to the Garcia-for-Floyd/Gio and the McCarthy-for-Danks/Masset trades. Boone Logan: He had a lot of promise and I don't know what happend to him, but I'm tired of seeing him giving up runs everytime he comes to the mound. I hope he's replaced with another lefty, hopefully someone from free agency. I will give him credit for having the coolest name on the White Sox roster, though. But even if we can't get rid of Boone, I rather stick him in the bowels of Triple-A, never to see the daylight of the Major Leagues again. Mike MacDougal: Too many wild pitches. He can prolly turn things around, but the only way I'd like to see MacDougal back is if he only pitches for mop-up duty. Hopefully we can package him in a trade for a bullpen upgrade. Horacio Ramirez: Out of the group of Boone/MacDougal/Horacio/Wassermann, the only one I wouldn't mind seeing come back, but in a mop-up role in the lowest position in the bullpen (the position Adam Russell holds now), is mop-up. However, he doesn't seem like he's able to find his niche with the White Sox. Ehren Wassermann: I definitely don't want to see him back, I have no confidence in him. Toby Hall: I'd rather see the Sox use a young back-up catcher in the mold of Russell Martin/Kelly Shoppach/Geovany Soto. Brian Anderson: I don't get people's love for this guy. He's a defensive replacement, at best. Hopefully we can package him in a trade for someone. Ken Harrelson: Seriously, get rid of Hawk and keep DJ. I'm sick of hearing all of Hawk's nostalgia. As for players I think the Sox SHOULD keep: Keepers: *Orlando Cabrera: I don't know why the Sox won't try to keep him, he's the only one who's been performing consistently in the 2nd half. Sure he may be a little bit of an antagonist, but I think he's been trying to be a team player. Besides, I think keeping Cabrera and keeping Alexie at 2nd is better than Alexie at shortstop and Getz or a free agent at 2nd. *Ken Griffey Jr.: I like him better than Thome because he bats left-handed as well, but he is also still capable of playing on the field. I think he can help the team much more as a DH who can make starts in the field in 1/3 of the games the Sox play, that's something Thome can't do. *Carlos Quentin: No brainer. *Alexie Ramirez: No brainer. *Nick Swisher: I think the reason he sucked so much in his first year with the Sox was cause he was trying too much. I think we'll see a much more consistent Swisher next year. *Juan Uribe: Whether Uribe plays as a utility player off the bench or not, he's extremely valuable with his defense. Plus, I think his batting improved significantly over the past few months, I think he should stay. *AJ Pierzynski: We need him for the controversial umpire decisions that are bound to happen in the future just because he's AJ. *Jermaine Dye: If we can get rid of Thome, I can see Dye and Griffey splitting time at DH and right field, with Dye getting 2/3 or 3/4 of the starts in right field. *Dewayne Wise: One thing the Sox really needs is a speed element, so we should keep Wise, eve if he ends up being a pinch runner off the bench. We no longer have Ozuna, we might as well keep Wise. *Mark Buerhle: no brainer. *John Danks: no brainer. *Gavin Floyd: no brainer. *DJ Carrasco: I think he can still contribute next year when a new season starts. *Bobby Jenks: no brainer, unless we trade him for a package and sign free agent K-Rod. *Matt Thornton: no brainer, one of the few relievers I have confidence in. *Adam Russell: I have confidence in him, I don't know why Ozzie hasn't used him that much this month. *Clayton Richard: He has surprised me. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a 5th starter, but I'd rather see him pitch as a long-reliever out of the bullpen for another season. NOT SURE: *Josh Fields: bleh. *Jerry Owens: bleh. *Chris Getz: didn't impress me. *Lance Broadway: I don't really have an opinion of him. DON'T TRADE AWAY: *Jordan Danks *Gordon Beckam *John Shelby Free Agents I'd like to see with the White Sox: *Juan Cruz: I think he would be an improvement in the bullpen, he also consistently strikes out more batters than innings pitched.
  15. Too bad we can't package Konerko and Anderson together and trade them to the Dodgers for Matt Kemp. Slot Kemp at CF, move Swisher to 1st, and sign Wise as the 4th outfielder. Then trade Thome for anything.
  16. Did anyone see any John Danks merchandise, like t-shirts or jerseys, there?
  17. I'm actually having a gut feeling that the Sox might win 2. ...they BETTER win two.
  18. I think they should've just got rid of Hawk. I always preferred DJ over all the senile ramblings of Hawk. DJ and Stone would've been a great duo. Hopefully... the Sox are only making this move so that Hawk isn't a wet blanket for the rest of the season if... the Sox is really planning on replacing DJ with Stone, then replacing Hawk with DJ. I'm just dreaming, but that would've been an even better scenario.
  19. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 26, 2008 -> 04:54 PM) I thought that had more to do with head injuries than it did anybody getting picked on. That's still pussification.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 03:34 PM) The fact we're pitching Ramirez instead of Thornton makes me think that Thornton asked for another day off. That's the only possible reason I could think of. That's EXACTLY why the Sox should've called up Broadway instead of activating Crede. We could've easily been able to go a couple days with one less fielder until it's time for call-ups.
  21. Ugh, this move pisses me off. The Sox should've called up Broadway instead to help the bullpen. Honestly, if we had Broadway start the suspended game, then it would've gone a long way to potentially preserving Thornton and Carrasco for other games. Plus, they should've just kept Crede on the DL for a few more days and activate him when rosters expand in september. Plus, Uribe is way better defensively at 3rd base, Crede had way too many errors before going on the DL. Crede will never be the same player we saw in 2005 ever again. I would've been much more happier to never see Crede in a White Sox uniform again, good riddance to him.
  22. LMAO!!! Classic AJ! :-D That was such an awesome win. Some of my most fondest Sox momories consists of the "coincidental happenstances" of AJ Pierzynski, lol. Also... what did Maddon do when he moved BJ Upton to the infield as a defensive play in the 10th inning??? It looked like Maddon moved Upton to a position between shortstop and 2nd base and left only 2 players in the outfield??? Am I hallucinating??? lol
  23. I saw some at JC Penny's. But it seems like they sell out fast, cause they only had the really big sizes and the small sizes, but no size Large. Also, it's funny how some shirts sells out fast while no one wants Thome's and Crede's shirts, lol. I gotta say though,... I can't wait until I can get my hands on a John Danks shirt! He rules!
  24. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 06:56 PM) I think the Sox specifically target Figgins and make their best run at him. Beltre will get serious consideration, but he might be dealt elsewhere. I think he'll be the Sox #2 option. My pick for 2009: Chad Tracy. I think KW swings yet another deal with his favorite trading partner and Fields is then traded in a different deal, maybe for Roberts? Yea, I would love it if the Sox got Chone Figgins, too. Also, as for Chad Tracy, funny thing is that I just added him to one of my fantasy baseball teams after Mike Lowell went on the DL. lmao.
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