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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Alright, White Sox!!!! The great thing about Porcello? He's doesn't strike anybody out.
  2. Wow, Freddy handled M-Cab in that previous At-bat. And it's nice to see TCQ off to a good start.
  3. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ May 18, 2010 -> 11:55 AM) Yeah he was first team all state this year, signed with South Florida, plays multiple positions. There isnt much about him out there but I remember someone saying he actually was legitimate and could go as high as the 2nd round. It'll just be interesting to me if the Sox do draft him what the reaction here would be. I'd be fine with it. It sounds like he can actually play and we really need middle-infield depth.
  4. Workman knows how to pitch. Great feel for velocity, hits his spots. I see him turning out to be one of the better pitchers in this draft a few years down the line.
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 18, 2010 -> 02:37 AM) Nix is a scrub; Teahen is a scrub. But I would agree Teahen should be removed from the field permanently. Oh, let him play one day a week. But Nix also is a scrub. Nixs' defensive advantages along make him a great platoon option with Teahen.
  6. Brentz was actuallly a much bigger prospect a few years ago. He's fallen off a bit, but his upside is a lot bigger then his current numbers show. That being said, i'd still take Wilson over him.
  7. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 18, 2010 -> 08:53 AM) That's right. This pitching staff is more talented than the one that lead the 2005 to the World Series. And the offense is much, much worse.
  8. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ May 18, 2010 -> 12:17 AM) Okay, sorry then. But you still love Nix though, and he still does suck. BTW why would Nix being in the doghouse be a joke? Nix sucks and therefore he belongs in the doghouse anyway. I mean who in their right mind would start him more than 1 day per week? That's lunacy. Nix is here because Lillibridge didn't turn out to be what KW thought he was. Trust me. i love, A.J, and it'll be a sad day in White Sox land when he's no longer on this team. I love A.J. even more (shockingly) then i love Nix. I don't think Nix needs to have a huge part on this ballclub, i just think he should have Omar Vizquel's part on this ballclub.
  9. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ May 17, 2010 -> 11:51 PM) What the hell is with the Nix love all the time? He sucks. He's a bench player walking a very fine line and who will probably end up a AAAA player within the next year or two because he can't make enough contact and he's often a mental midget on defense, despite what all those metrics might say. He's the type of player who is constantly on the bubble, and barring a perfect storm scenario involving an injury to a starter and a period of strong individual play, will never ever ever make it as anything other than bench fodder. And funny how you talk s*** about AJ... What has gotten into you tonight, man? I wrote a skit about how A.J. doesn't take pitches, which he doesn't, I used Nix because he being in the doghouse is a running joke on this board. I wasn't making some sort of sweeping statement about the state this team and the people on it; I was going for a quick laugh.
  10. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ May 17, 2010 -> 11:37 PM) The board is going nuts with this trade everyone crap. Anyone who believes Tyler Flowers will as good as AJ Pierzynski has his head in the clouds, Really? You really feel like given the wealth of information that we have on Tyler Flowers at the major league level that you can defend this claim?
  11. Spending the night rotating between Clayton Richard against the Giants and John Ely against the Astros. Not even going to comment on CR, because I’m a firm supporter of the Peavy trade, but my god,it looks like Ely really knows how to pitch. He sequences each batter perfectly, and changes speeds at will.
  12. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ May 17, 2010 -> 09:39 PM) I'm not in favor of firing Guillen, but he is the one who said during the off season that he's excited to get the chance to coach, and that he would take all the blame if this didn't work. I don't favor firing him because who could've imagined that so many would under perform? Is that his fault? Debatable. The lineups he's been putting out there are his fault, he's also taken responsbility for the DH fiasco.
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 17, 2010 -> 08:58 PM) Ha, it's obvious from this post that you don't know how to spell a certain word correctly. It's "because" isn't it? That word's been breaking my balls this last week. I have no idea because it hasn't really been a problem for me before. i can write, but i can't type it. Edi: Holy, crap I just checked and it was completely and because. What the hell is happening to me?
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2010 -> 07:07 PM) You and I have very different definitions of "A lot". Agreed, i'm the biggest Nix Lover on the board, but i still need to see a few more things lock in with the guy, before i make him a dramatic offensive upgrade over Teahen.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ May 17, 2010 -> 06:36 PM) Nix should be starting every game against LHP, especially at 3rd base. Our defense significantly improves in this scenario, and honestly we don't lose that much on offense either.
  16. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ May 17, 2010 -> 11:37 AM) Someone once suggested, fire Ozzie and make AJ a player manager. This team would never get on-base. "Guys, go up there and swing at EVERYTHING." "What if i want to take a pitch, AJ? You know, work an at-bat?" "Then i'll punch you in the f***ing face, Nix. What do you think? Holy crap, man. You're lucky i let you out of your cage. Stop pushing your luck. And go out there and swing like a man, p****."
  17. I don't think of what's to come as a firesale, more like purge. Get rid of elements that need replacing, and replace them with guys to add to the young core to compete as soon as next year.
  18. QUOTE (Chisox_fan @ May 17, 2010 -> 0 5:01 PM) Beckham sitting out the Detroit series. cst_sox: Plan with Beckham is to sit him both games in Detroit, get back to Chicago and move forward. No plan to demote him. We're all agreed that this means he'll back hitting 2nd tomorrow, right?
  19. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ May 17, 2010 -> 05:00 PM) He played 3B all through the minors until he reached the majors last year and is playing 3B in AAA again this season. He played 1B because Young had moved the third. If you bring him in to play 1B you are blocking Viciendo with a player that is just as bad as Fields at hitting the baseball. He has no value to this team at 1B. Then play him at DH. If you can clear A.J.'s salary and get a guy who has massive power potential from the left-side, i don't see the downside. If it doesn't work out and he continues to k at a bizzare rate, at least you've given Flowers half-a-year of experience behind the plate.
  20. So, Nix gets on-base four times his last start and then precedes to never be played over a slumping Beckham. Awesome.
  21. This isn't a firesale, it's more in line with the on-the-fly rebuild philosophy that KW has utilized the last 5 years. We should not be looking to trade core guys like Danks, Floyd, Or Rios unless they're pieces to a bigger, better puzzle.
  22. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 17, 2010 -> 03:29 PM) We're hitting .227ish with a .238 team BABIP. That cannot stay that low that long. It can stay long enough for us to be a non-factor in the race for the division. Remember how insane the Twins hits with RISP last year? And we all said they'd fall back to the pack? It didn't happen.
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