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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (flavum @ Apr 26, 2010 -> 04:43 PM) Some short interviews with Kannapolis players, including Thompson. Seems like a humble guy. http://intimidators.podbean.com/ Thompson seemed shocked in spring when i called him over for an autograph. I don't think he's used to be recognized. I imagine that will change quickly.
  2. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Apr 26, 2010 -> 03:47 PM) The biggest problem with our homeruns is that the majority are solo shots. I think this is a symptom of a larger problem with the general construction of this lineup; we have an overwhelming lack of players who can get on-base on a consistent basis.
  3. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 26, 2010 -> 09:59 AM) Chris Davis has been given the starting job two straight Aprils, and has turned that into a trip down to AAA both times. I know, he squandered his chances and i don't think Smoak loses that job, that's why i think he can be had. Also, throw in Hank Conger a catcher for the Angels.
  4. Both teams should play for the right to punch A.J. in the face.
  5. QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Apr 26, 2010 -> 12:05 PM) Anyone know if David Holmberg will move up to Class A Advanced this year? I looked him up on MILB.COM but they still have him in the Appalachian league. I hope so. He has the stuff, but i don't see him as a guy on a fast-track.
  6. I'll say it right here. Bobby needs to be moved before his peripherals catch up to him. Now's an ideal time because his velocity is back and his ERA looks fine. We cannot have him let at least one guy on-base per inning. On a positive note: SWEEP!
  7. Jenks needs to stop letting men on base. I don't care if he still gets the save, this is becoming a huge problem.
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 04:30 PM) Remember that when you complain about not bunting in the future. We didn't score either f***ing way. With this lineup it doesn't f***ing matter either way! That said, give me a walkoff homer anyday today. Keep it tied. You over simplify nearly everything, Greg. The bunt lessens an offenses chances of scoring a run. It takes the bat out of the hitters hands. We can't hit every damn thing, but at least we're letting the hitters try.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 04:24 PM) Teahen would look great batting 2nd. He really makes the pitcher work. He's like a less spazzy Swisher. He's got a great approach to the plate. That's the positive thing about players coming out of the A's organization. Not counting Eric Byrnes of course.
  10. Teahen's a great guy and a good ball player. I'm happy to see him hitting like this after a dreadful spring. He's having the best at-bats of anyone on the ballclub. He just doesn't have the pop that Paulie or Jonesy have.
  11. It's a bit odd that Ozzie didn't even bother watching the rest of the game. Hell, in my experience a lot of managers still manage to refer all their instructions to the Bench coach from the dugout.
  12. The Purple Phallus beat up a pretty good pitcher in Tim Melville. That's good to see.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 04:07 PM) Any more generalities you want to get off of your chest? "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
  14. QUOTE (jphat007 @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 04:05 PM) What is that going to do? It's not like it's one or two guys. The entire offense sucks. What it's going to do is give our best hitters the most at-bats. That's all you can ask for.
  15. Chris Davis and Kila Ka'aihue
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 03:53 PM) Quentin is so awful in right field. It's a damn shame that if we tried to move him to DH, he'd lose his mind.
  17. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 24, 2010 -> 07:00 AM) Has there been a worse everyday position player in baseball than Carlos Lee? Warning: anyone under 17 should be accompanied by at least 2 adults when viewing these numbers. BA: .143 HR: 0 RBI: 3 OBP: .169 SLG: .175 OPS: .344 BB%: 3.1 K%: 19.1 LD% 5.9% WAR: -1.1 Only 65 PA. But that's just bad. Have you looked at a certain White Sox catcher?
  18. ThunderBolt

    i am drunk

    I really need to sober up. I've got things i wanted to accomplish today and Spring Weekend has not helped them any.
  19. Kyle McCulloch and small sample sizes are a match made in heaven. Going strong three innings into his AAA career.
  20. Anyone else see poor Omar Visquel get completly ignored on a high-five attempt as Jones crosses home plate after his walk-off? http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=7620537
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 24, 2010 -> 06:58 PM) How about Kenny lucking into that pickup of today's hero? That wasn't luck, that was just a move that took an incredible amount of guts to make. Rios was a guy coming off of a bad year where he was making a boat-load of money and the White Sox made a tactical move to get him, it's not like they stumbled across him on the streets.
  22. Why Is Rios still hitting so low in the order?
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