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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 02:54 PM) Great, so we get guys on base, and the only people on base are the people who are actually able drive in runs. Lead off double by Rios, Teahen works the count and get's on base, Q scores them on a gapper to center. It's not a ridiculious notion, and remember Rios is only really going to leadoff once per game. After that, it's just a manner of getting the best players the most at-bats.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 02:50 PM) Rios 9 Teahen 5 TCQ DH PK 3 Jones 8 AJP 2 Beckham 4 Ramirez 6 Pierre 7 I like that a lot, actually. I'd switch Aj and Beckham (even though it throws off R/L) ,but that's pretty damn solid lineup when we're working with this cast.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 02:37 PM) Who should be hitting 2nd then? Beckham is hitting .143 the past week and .228 on the season. Teahen. He gets on-base at a fantastic rate. Or if you don't like that: Alex Rios.
  4. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 01:56 PM) The lineup is the easy part of managing IMO. You can't really manage unless the players you put out these produce The manager make the lineup that's supposed to optimizes the chances for ideal offensive production, Omar Vizquel hitting 2nd is not the work of a manager who knows what he's doing.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 11:51 AM) Frankly...that is actually part of his job. He's been out-managed in game lots of times. If he can't get his team's mental state where it needs to be...then he isn't really doing anything. The problem is, is that Ozzie is outmanaging himself. He's putting himself in the position to fail with the lineups he has going into these games.
  6. If we're well out by the end of May, I’d call up Flowers, Hudson and Danks and insert all of them into the starting lineup/rotation. This would move Pierre to the bench, Rios to the top of the order, and Danks hitting lower in the order until we can access how much of a problem his K-rate will prove to be at the major league level. I'd try to move A.J and Jenks, I’d DFA Nix, and I’d position the lineup towards integrating some of the younger guys, while building from the already established core. Guys like Viciedo and Retherford should make no more than a cameo appearance come September, unless they're going ballistic in the minors. With the pressure off, I’d put these guys in the position to get used to the speed of the major league game, and be prepared to come into 2011 having had half a year under the belt and ready to succeed or fail on their own merits.
  7. QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 12:51 PM) Jesus man we're not even out of April yet and people have dug the grave? I'm cynical but even I'm not THAT cynical. We're already six games behind a much better team. Grave digging seems a better option then sunshine and lollipops.
  8. These Bulls have so much fight in them. Now, are we all glad they made the playoffs?
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 11:01 AM) http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AmtV...dominican042210 Sandy Alderson trying to clean up the Dominican "buscones" (player agents) mess....and a mention of Dave Wilder. Very interesting article. If anyone can do it, it's Alderson. That guy is a task master.
  10. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 10:29 AM) Chris Davis is still very young, trade for him? I'd be all over this. If he could figure it out he'd be an explosive option at 1b, Dh, or 3b.
  11. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 10:54 AM) Filling out the line up is Ozzie's job as the manager. I don't see him or anyone else getting fired. We still have about 147 games left to go so there is always hope that things start to gel Filling out the lineup is the managers obligation. Filling it out in a semi-competent fashion should be his duty.
  12. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 02:24 AM) Just an FYI, but while some of us might like seeing young players, the majority of the fans will have zero interest seeing young players, especially if they aren't high upside young players, go through the motions of a 90 to 100 loss season. I imagine Chicago would fall in love with Jordan Danks, but i can't imagine their being much enthusiasm for some of the other guys.
  13. I'm inclinded to agree with the notion that we're not going to get markedly better until Ozzie is no longer filling out the lineups. I do think we'll improve, but there's no defense for some of the things Ozzie has been pulling. They defy general baseball logic and reason. With any luck he'll be managing the Braves next year.
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 04:11 PM) Ryan Braun is a bad mofo. He is one of the better arms in the Charlotte Knights pen. Oh, that Ryan Braun.
  15. QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 03:10 PM) Not that I want to parrot Ranger here, but I have a feeling tonight's game is not going to come down to Kotsay and Vizquel, but instead, whether or not Peavy can get it done again. Yeah, he's going to have too. Why? Because Kotsay and Vizquel are in the lineup. It's a roundabout way of looking at things but it's true. We're forcing our pitchers to compensate for the s***ty lineups we have playing behind them.
  16. If we're not going to play Nix, why did he make the team coming out of spring? Why not just do the 13-man pitching staff that Ozzie was tossing around? Bring Threets up here (prior to his DL stint) or Torres.
  17. Ozzie is honestly costing us games with these lineups. You can't string an offensive together by throwing this group of guys out their, you just can't. It's all about optimizing your run scoring chances. Put the guys who get on base at the top, and the guys who can't at the bottom. Ozzie just doesn't give a damn.
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 03:04 PM) If they called me, I could have told them that Teahen (despite his "plus" arm) was not the person to trade for to play 3B, and certainly not to sign to an extension. He's fine as a utility/bench player on a great team, but he's arguably not a starter on most upper-tier teams because his offense doesn't compensate for his defensive shortcomings at a power position. Teahen is getting on-base at a ridiculiously high rate. He's not the problem.
  19. I hope Jayson Nix has discovered a few new hobbies. Even when we play the bench, his ass is still sitting directly on it.
  20. Look at the lineup for today's game. This is Ozzie's team and if he keeps putting it out there, it won't be for much longer.
  21. Ozzie really puts no thought into these things. He doesn't weight matchups outside of R/L, and he certainly doesn't give a damn about OPB. He just goes with his gut. We will not be winning that much this year until Ozzie realizes he's not managing an NL lineup circa 2005. Or better yet when he's fired and gets to manage an NL lineup.
  22. Guys, cool off. Of course the White Sox are relevant. We live and die by this team.
  23. I actually took a lot of crap from people for telling them that i went to see a movie alone. Never quite understood that one either.
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