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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Oct 12, 2010 -> 09:30 PM) In terms of pure skill, you can make an argument Clausen was #1. Overall though, Bradford was #1 with a bullet. Maybe back when he was coming out of High School. Clausen's College career exposed a lot of deeper flaws that arm strength just can't hide.
  2. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Oct 14, 2010 -> 12:53 AM) i saw a defensive tutorial video on youtube the other day that demonstrated that a teams defensive aggressiveness is purely based on the teams' coaches' defensive philosophy. i.e. if you play the raptors, the defense will sag and passes will be a lot easier, whereas if you play against coach thibs Bulls, the defensive pressure is set at 95 so all players will play very aggressively. or if you are just playing against actual quality defenders, then they will play the passing lanes tough. I'd love to see them remodel the Bulls playbook and make it more motion oriented. The majority of the plays available set up long jumpers around the perimeter and demand you do a lot of the ISO stuff that was a staple of the Del Negro era.
  3. NBA 2k11 is breaking my balls. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but it's impossible to do some fairly basic things on offense. Like driving, scoring in the paint, and running a fastbreak.
  4. This motion offense really complements the Bulls roster well. Thibo really looks like he knows exactly what he's doing.
  5. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 10:11 AM) In don't like the Yanks either, but I just can't bring myself to root for the Texas Rangers. That team still has the stench of george w. bush all over it. Out of all of the reasons to not root for a baseball team, this is a pretty fascinating one. Apparently, there are some things that 16 years and multiple ownership and personnel changes can’t wash away.
  6. The ginger ale thing was a pretty sweet way for the Rangers to get Hamilton involved in the celebration. I was wondering if they were going to be doing anything like that when TBS showed them in the clubhouse.
  7. I hope we go in for the kill. If the people in charge actually learn from their mistakes, then winning the division shouldn't be a problem. Let's stop experimenting with how to assemble a good baseball team, and make a good baseball team.
  8. It sounds like the Mets are closing in on Sandy Alderson. If that gets done then it's a great hire for them. He’s the perfect guy to instill some disipline into that organization.
  9. I adore the fan who brought a sign that says, "Big Time Timmy Jim" to the ballpark tonight.
  10. A Rich Hahn-led hypothetical Mets team has a better shot then we do at landing Carl Crawford.
  11. Getting back on topic: Ill throw my favorite tools man crush B.J. Upton into the mix. If you put that guy next to Rios and actually teach him some mental discipline; you’ll have a hell of a ballplayer. That being said it’s easier said than done.
  12. Jesus, he's actually going to do this isn't he?
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 5, 2010 -> 12:40 PM) I have no idea why the GM of a team would give you a rooting interest. It would have absolutely no effect on me rooting for anything. One way for a team to get my casual interest is to hire a sabermetric guy to assemble a team. Another way is to hire a sabermetric guy from the front office of my favorite team. As it stands, i go to the Met games about a half-dozen times per year, and it might be nice to see what Hahn could do with that ballclub. I'm not saying that i'd be a Mets fan, i'd just pay more attention to see what kind of approach that Hahn takes.
  14. ThunderBolt

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 4, 2010 -> 03:17 PM) i disagree. people didnt think ledger was a joker type actor, because they didnt know what type of joker that nolan was going to portray, but ledger played many different roles(comedy, drama, teeny bopper, hero adventure). david cross has pretty much played the same sort of character with little difference. i like it, i just dont think nolan would want him. the riddler is going to have an edge, of that im sure I have three guys in mind for the Riddler. A lot of whom have already been covered. 1. NPH. 2. Joseph Gordon Levitt 3. Alan Tudyk These guys are all very capable of pulling off the various facets in the Riddler's personality.
  15. ThunderBolt

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Felix @ Sep 18, 2010 -> 04:53 PM) That's what I figured. I don't see why anyone would have to see the movie if they've already read the book. I mean, unless they have some sort of Sandra Bullock fetish or something. It bothered me how they wrote off the huge role that Sean Tuohy played in Oher's life. That man pulled every string there was to pull for the kid and he was a non-factor in the movie.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 5, 2010 -> 11:23 AM) Can someone explain the Rick Hahn love affair to me? I honestly don't pay attention to what he has done or is responsible for so I'd like to get a little educated on the topic. There's a couple of reasons. For one, Baseball America adores him and it seems like Kenny-leans heavily on him. He's sabermetrically inclined and seems to be the guy who works out contract details. He's also one of the only guys who came away looking good from The Club.
  17. I'm pulling for the Twins here. I want the Yankees out early and i think the Twins get slammed in later rounds.
  18. I wouldn't mind Hahn getting the New York job. It would give me an active rooting interest when i go to Mets games. That being said he is clearly very valuable to Kenny and the White Sox organization as a whole and his loss would be problematic.
  19. Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a bit of a low key affair due to a couple schools things on the docket for tomorrow, but it was a good day nonetheless.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 29, 2010 -> 05:11 PM) I can't remember a single season where KW hasn't thought he was going for it coming into the year. It's a bit of a double-edged sword too. He's unwilling to invest in the future when it stands to risk the immediate present. Personally, i kind of love that philosophy. Although, i will admit their has to be a time where we cut our losses and start building towards the long-term.
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 29, 2010 -> 09:11 AM) Yeah, so, not really realistic. True, although about two weeks ago losing out didn't seem altogether impossible. I'm just frustrated with the whole organization at this point.
  22. I can only watch these Red Sox games because of my college sitiuation. Frankly, i'm not overly enthusiastic about watching meanigless wins ruin our draft position while giving Ozzie something to harp about going into his (god willing) lame-duck year.
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