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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 1, 2010 -> 04:21 PM) I thought Garland wouldve been great for the Mariners, someone who you can count on putting in alot of innings (even if they are very mediocre) just to have some stability behind the big 2. His landing with the Padres should help him though in that huge ballpark. I like that idea a lot. Garland would have been great in that ballpark and with that defense behind him.
  2. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 1, 2010 -> 02:40 PM) oh, and Ryan F. Garko signed with the Mariners, 1 year, $550k. Kotchman/Garko at 1B? That's pretty damn solid. Sign Mark Mulder and an innings eater of a #4, and i'll be about ready to concede them the division.
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 31, 2010 -> 04:23 PM) He's not going to retire. Half of that $6 million was deferred. It's also a bit ridiculous to think that a guy really would retire over the difference of a few million $'s. It's petty. The man isn't going to retire unless he loses the ability or desire to play.
  4. I'm in the Peavy camp. I love Buehrle, and i'm all about tradition, but we shouldn't screw with our optimal rotation just to throw Buehrle a bone that was already taken by Contreras three years back.
  5. QUOTE (Cali @ Jan 31, 2010 -> 12:01 AM) Song of the moment... Spoon - "Goodnight Laura" f***ing AMAZING... It's damn good, isn't it? I think i prefer the more hook-based songs like Got Nuffin and Written in Reverse becasue they're as classic Spoon as you're going to get, but the whole album is really solid.
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jan 31, 2010 -> 02:35 AM) And also have the best 1-2 punch in baseball with Felix Hernandez and Cliff Lee. The issue being that the back of their rotation is awful. Having Ian Snell and Yusmeiro Petit as your 3 and potential 5 may have seemed awesome 5 years ago, but it's certainly isn't now.
  7. QUOTE (chunk23 @ Jan 30, 2010 -> 02:08 PM) They corrected the PECOTA projections. Sox now projected to take 2nd at 80-82, and with significantly fewer runs scored. Can't say i'm suprised. Every projection i see has this as a two-team race with the Sox struggling to put up runs.
  8. I'd love to see the projected runs scored in Neyer's system. I can see us winning the division, i just think it would be a lot easier with another bat.
  9. I think Renyel Pinto or Taylor Tanksersley could be had from the Marlins for a lot less than Scott Downs. Honestly, if i had run of this team i'd sign Damon, Leslie Anderson, and then float Kotsay to the Marlins as a one-year replacement for Ross Gload.
  10. Joe Pos, John Sickels, Michael Lewis (when he writes about baseball)...
  11. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 30, 2010 -> 09:56 AM) Our team does realize that the designated hitter doesn't play the field, right? Stupidity abounds. And to think I used to think Ozzie was just eccentric.
  12. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 07:31 PM) I'm just shocked Bill Simmons wrote something that wasn't recycled from something he wrote the ten years ago. Nah, that's just the majority of his jokes.
  13. QUOTE (chunk23 @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 06:20 PM) http://www.baseballprospectus.com/unfiltered/?p=1495 They recognize and admit that there are problems, and will be trying to correct them. God willing, the White Sox are doing the same.
  14. Leslie put up huge numbers last year, and consistently has a high average and a high OBP. "In 2008-2009, Anderson batted .381/.490/.572. He finished 5th in the batting race behind Michel Enríquez, Yulieski Gourriel, Yorelvis Charles and Giorvis Duvergel. He also won a Gold Glove at first base. He left Cuba following that season."http://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Leslie_Anderson
  15. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 12:07 PM) Why are you going to sign Branyon though when you just told Jim Thome there are no at bats for him? Because hopefully someone comes to their senses about Mark Kotsay being a DH?
  16. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 11:33 AM) In the the steroid era pitchers had to pitcher more carfully as the long fly ball was now a home run hence walks went up. Also striking out is no long an issue so guys can do the old Nick Swisher and rely on the umpire to call ball four or strike three on a close pitch. As our good friend Hawk always told us. It is easy to win with hudson, Mulder and Zito. Beane is a real good GM but I do not think he reinvented anything. He also plays in the worst hitters park in baeball with the huge foul territory. Moneyball isn't about reinvention, it's about innovation. It's about exploiting market inefficiencies. OPB was an advantage for Beane until everybody else started doing it. Moneyball isn’t irrelevant it’s never been more important. It’s just transformed through the decade. And can we stop the “it’s easy to win with Mulder, Zito, and Hudson” thing? Billy Beane got all of those players, and then they left when he could afford them anymore. This is like saying that it’s easy for KW to win with Floyd and Danks. Well yeah, it is, because they’re great players that the GM actively obtained.
  17. We just need one shot in the arm, and we've got this division. Hopefully, we don't rest on our laurels. I have a feeling we won't.
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 28, 2010 -> 10:26 PM) He defected to Mexico in September. Dunno how far he is along in the process of establishing citizenship though. He must be pretty far along if his agent is making a public push for offers. No need to generate interest if the guy's going to be sitting on his ass for six months. I really hope KW is all over this one. I'd feel a lot better giving Leslie reps over Mark Kotsay.
  19. He's fit perfectly into our rotating DH theory, he's got great flexibility around the diamond.
  20. The offense is actually a lot better then the one i projected too. We need work.
  21. Fidel's former favorite son, a 1B/Cf, Leslie Andersen has defected. He's only 26 year old, and i want him on the squad. He's a guy who can do a lot of everything and was profiled in a Michael Lewis piece called Commie Ball. The link for the article about the defection is here and in Espanol. http://www.elnuevoherald.com/deportes/story/640599.html Commie Ball: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/feature..._baseball200807
  22. QUOTE (Ozzie Ball @ Jan 27, 2010 -> 08:49 PM) I know he has a huge infatuation for Starlin Castro so that's probably part of why they're ranked so high. He was the first prospect guy to hype Castro and now everyone's on the bandwagon. When J.P Riccardi thinks you're bad at talent evaluation that's saying something, becasue J.P. Riccardi knows all about being bad at talent evaluation.
  23. QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Jan 27, 2010 -> 10:59 AM) 4:45pm: Jeff Fletcher at AOL FanHouse says that Damon is unlikely to end up in Oakland. GM Billy Beane says a utility infielder is the priority now. mlbtraderumors I'd wager they'd be the ones who would pick up Nix if we had to pass him through waivers. Which we will if we sign Damon.
  24. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 27, 2010 -> 04:21 PM) Law thinks higher of Flowers than just about any other publication out there from what i've seen Sickels really digs him too, and Bill James' projecting system is in love with the kid.
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