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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Marquez hasn't had success at any level in years. Whatever concerns their are for him are very much warranted. He was a reach even before this year.
  2. QUOTE (WCSox @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 11:38 AM) I'm just busting your balls. Remind me to wear a cup.
  3. QUOTE (WCSox @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 11:26 AM) Hey, this isn't a new claim by me. I never said i hated Getz, i just think that if Nix can get his batting average up he's the better player. Hell, i'll even concede that Getz might be the better option, as of now
  4. QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 10:53 AM) Was there ANYBODY who hustled more this year than Pods? When he first came back I thought it was a sign of how desperate we were; by the end of the season he was arguably our best player. Bring him back. He's a leader. I realize we have space issues with the outfield, but he seems like the kind of guy who will play any role without b****ing. Getz is the most fundamentally sound player on the team. He hustled his ass off, and even so hustle isn't a measureble stat. Oddly, stolen base %, and not getting picked off 1st it.
  5. We need to tread carefully here. There is no need to give Pods more money then he deserves.
  6. QUOTE (scenario @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 10:23 AM) Even though his stats are underwhelming, the Sox must see something they like... they moved him through several levels in the system this year. I've heard that he can hit 100 with movement. Sounds like the White Sox love his arm.
  7. Huston Street made like Papelbon and failed. Shame, as i had a slight rooting interest in the Rockies.
  8. Not sure i like Fat Freddy pitching in Winter Ball. I'm sure it's a national pride thing, but i'd prefer for him to rest up.
  9. Andrew Lambo is a stud. He had a down year, but that's a hell of a lot of potential.
  10. I hate the Yankees, but my god if I didn’t enjoy seeing, “THE MOST FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND TEAM IN ALL OF BASEBALL. LOL” get exposed like that. Out homered, out pitched, and out played. It was a thing of beauty.
  11. Hopefully, another year in our system will see Holmberg with a nice jump in peripherals. Ideally, a tick higher k-rate, and a bit more control. I can see him leveling out in many a top ten list by the end of the year.
  12. I think (and hope) these Angels can take the Yankees. An LAD-LAA World Series would be hellish timezone wise. I imagine they'd have to start every game around 9.
  13. Wow, Papelbon might just be run out of town. That was a hell of a turn of events.
  14. QUOTE (WCSox @ Oct 11, 2009 -> 01:40 PM) Give us a better realistic option (i.e., not Figgins, Abreu, or Bay) to replace Thome/Dye next year. I'd take Thome too, but I don't really find Abreu to be altogether unrealistic
  15. I don’t see Carlos Torres making any notable long-term impact on the major league team. I see him as a guy that can produce down in AAA, but not really establish a spot on the 25-man roster. That’s my definition of an AAAA player. I find his listing at #11 suspect. Although, i will concede that his minor league performance warrants a spot on the list. Also, Upchurch got his ass-handed to him this year. I quite like the kid, and I see the long-term potential, but I find more potential in a kid like Holmberg who’s projected to be hitting 93 out of his left-arm, with solid control and poise. I do like the list quite a bit, and I can’t take much issue with the top ten at all. You guys at Future Sox do great work, and any quibble I have with this article is minor. Ranking prospects is a wooly discipline; it’s a matter of different scouting and opinion.
  16. If we can get him under a financially feasible contract, and it doesn't rule out going after Abreu, by all means, come back Big Jim, and retire a White Sox.
  17. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Oct 11, 2009 -> 12:10 PM) That's a pretty good list, but I think a couple names are missing. Santos Rodriguez and David Holmberg are definitely top 25 prospects. I understand they are less advanced, but so is Upchurch and he made the list. Can I ask why Upchurch was selected over the two of them? Agreed, i don't understand the inclusion of some of the older AAAA players, over guys like Holmberg and S-Rod. What i got from the intro to the article was that this was a combo of various opinions from a panel. So, it's possible that Santos and Holmberg did recieve votes just not enought to warrant a spot on the top 25. It's understandable, but i don't really agree with it.
  18. Fangraphs has their say on the Swisher move. Comes down somewhat hard on KW for making the move, when all indicators pointed his year to be a statistical fluke. "It’s not very often that one can say this about a Yankees acquisition, but swindling Swisher from the White Sox last fall was a thrifty move. New York bought low on a quality player, parting only with a future 5th starter, a decent relief prospect and a reserve infielder with platoon issues and no defensive home. Swish made just $5.3M this year, while providing $16.5M worth of value. He’s under contract for a total of $15.75M over the 2010-2011 seasons. Even if he regresses back to the three WAR range, he would give $27M worth of production over that time period. If you’re keeping score at home, that would mean Swisher offers the Yankees about $22.5M worth of surplus value from 2009-2011 (what his production is worth on the free agent market based on the $4.5M/WAR standard, minus his actual salary). And, he also has that reasonable option for the 2012 season. During an off-season in which the Yankees spent more than the gross domestic product of Tonga (no, seriously), the club also added Swisher for a song. This is a great example of why it’s vital to not just take a cursory glance at a player’s numbers and come to a definite conclusion about his talents. Fantasy owners who did their homework picked up an offensive cog without coughing up a high draft pick. " More At the Link. http://www.fangraphs.com/fantasy/index.php...hers-resurgence
  19. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 11, 2009 -> 01:31 AM) Then who are you willing to deal? Because I don't forsee us being able to keep all four of those starters unless we are ridding ourselves of Rios or not eventually paying Carlos, or having absolutely nothing in our payroll devoted to our bullpen. Now that Jose, Dye and Thome and are gone, and their salaries have been replaced by Peavy's and Rios', we basically have 1 more big salary coming off the books in Konerko's. Where is the money going to come from once we have to pay some of these younger guys? I'd be willing to trade Danks and Hudson. Hell, in a couple of years i might be willing to trade Buehrle too. Floyd's untouchable for me.
  20. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Oct 10, 2009 -> 05:14 PM) You know what's kind of disturbing? I wouldn't mind Milton Bradley DHing and batting 5th... We've done this dance, i got trashed for it too.
  21. I like Hudson quite a bit too, but there's no way i'd trade Floyd over him. Their is nothing in Huddy's arsenal quite as potent as the Floyd curveball, i believe Gavin had the making of our #1 starter, prior to the Peavy trade.
  22. None of those three are being traded. What motivation would the Dodgers have to trade their two best young players, who are currently leading them towards a potential World Series? Furthermore, why would the Marlins trade their potential ROY, coming off his potential ROY season? Look, for situations where the minor league system meets a head with the major league team. That’s why guys like Cody Ross, Carl Crawford, and BJ Upton might be available.
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 9, 2009 -> 04:42 PM) Is Dewayne your brother? Is Ozzie his brother?
  24. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Oct 9, 2009 -> 12:44 AM) I wonder if any White Sox were responsible? Tony Pena strikes again!
  25. I'm interested to see what happens here. In recent years both the XFL and Arena League have tried and failed to be recgonized as legitmate by the public. We'll see what comes of the UFL soon enough.
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