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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 04:21 PM) Chris Chambliss...come on down... That's the direction i think we're leaning in too. Although i wouldn't mind inviting Gerald Perry to an interview.
  2. I'd go with Lincecain. Carpwright has a lot more assurance that even if they struggle their offense will back them up. Lincecain has no such back-up plan, and are always pitching what they see as tights games.
  3. QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 6, 2009 -> 12:59 PM) How weak would a Big East-heavy schedule look, though. I had UCONN season tickets last year, and went to see them play UNC last week. You get the feeling that anything is possible in that division.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 03:58 PM) Is Beckham the new Crede to AJ? I think so. They appear to actively go and hang out together, with AJ taking more of a mentor/wingman role to Gordon then he ever took with Crede. I think Beckham is closer to AJ on this team then he is with anyone else, with Getz and Dye bringing up the rear.
  5. It's been a great run, JPN. Thanks for all your incite.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 03:00 PM) I might have to visit the in-laws in DC to go see a game there. Anyone been there to see a game? I saw them play the Rangers in DC last year. It's a great place to catch a ball game. While the neighborhood surrounding the new Nats stadium is kind of dodgy, the stadium itself is a very refinded.The scoreboard is probably one of the better ones in the game, and it's a very welcoming place to watch a game.
  7. QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 01:15 PM) Still not playing the Mets? As someone who can get Mets tickets fairly easily and cheaply this frustrates the hell out of me.
  8. Well, that was a sad series of ends to the MILB season.
  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 12, 2009 -> 06:21 PM) the capital police are in on the vast right wing conspiracy. damn you John McCain! RACISTS!!!!
  10. Epstein shot it down. Deal never happened. Even Riccardi is not this stupid.
  11. Ernie Banks is a class act, hell of a guy. Hopefully, Beckham can pick something up from him, and continue on his way to becoming "Mr. White Sox."
  12. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 11, 2009 -> 11:30 PM) I agree with this. Especially when you factor in where he usually hits in the order. And it's a plus to get that kinda power production from a middle infielder. I wish he was just average against RH pitching. As there's obviously more RH pitchers than LH pitchers. His defense is also a huge factor here too. He's a very good player.
  13. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Sep 11, 2009 -> 12:55 PM) Nix is a good utility man, but I am not impressed with his glove work. Getz is a better fielder Wow, you do not know how wrong you are here. Nix is the best fielder on our team.
  14. Reports are coming in that Joe Wilson is now getting substantial financial backing from both his constituents and other donors. Looks like it's working both ways.
  15. Beck played his hand perfectly. A day after the 1st video, which was followed by ACORN calling in an aberration, a frame-job, and a onetime occurrence. A second video, this one from Washington DC, was released. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,549241,00.html
  16. So, my roommate's loudly video chatting with some girl and its 2:28 in the morning. I've got a class at 8. This is not my best night ever.
  17. More salt in the wound. How Swish got his groove back: http://www.nj.com/yankees/index.ssf/2009/0..._his_groov.html
  18. I'd love to bring Anderson into the fold. The kid can hit.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 10, 2009 -> 08:17 PM) A number of my more conservative friends have been recommending I read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, lately. I've already read it as it turns out. The small government conservatives (not the screechy preachy social agendaites) are of the opinion that is where we are headed. The Ayn Rand thing is one Glenn Beck's big talking ponts.
  20. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Sep 10, 2009 -> 06:58 PM) I think you make a valid point and one I have argued in the past. We all want to win and that should be without argument. But, when we have someone not performing to a high standard for whatvere reason, or just becasue we don't seem to take a shining to a player, the clamor is to cut them, trade them, blow them up, etc, and not realize that people have slumps and bad years. I look at the clamoring that was done on Vazquez and Swisher for instance. Both could have helped this team in 2009. One can certainly aergue about a future contributor being acquired, but those two have worked well for their new teams. We may react to quickly and regret the move that is made. We need to stop, take a step back and a deep breath and think that 2010 may bring a healthier player or just a clean start. Trades and FA signings are made to plug holes in your team not create more or just set up another problem. Fantastic post. This is why we need to be very careful on how we treat Rios this yea. He has the opportunity to be a very big contributor in 2010, and I don’t want to see him “Swishered.”
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