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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. I really would have liked to have seen Q attempt to work an at-bat there.
  2. I'd hate to be on a board with uniform opinion. One of the joys of this board for me is being challenged by other posters for my opinions on guys like Swish or Nix,. It makes me think and it makes me work to make myself a better baseball fan. I'd hate to see this board be swallowed up by either blind optimism or bitterness. I like our happy medium.
  3. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 04:12 PM) Or that whole Coke thing too. Can i see the pictures? I'm assuming they're pretty damn conclusive to make a damning claim like that.
  4. I’m not denying that Swisher was probably disliked by a great many people in our clubhouse. Hell as far as I know, Crede, Uribe and Jenksy are the only people who openly seemed to like Swish. I’m just saying that when it comes down to it everything leading up to Swish’s dismissal from this team comes from a deep division that existed between himself and the manager. I'd say Swish and Ozzie share equal blame for how things turned out. Swish was a punk and Ozzie was stubborn. It was a bad combination from the start.
  5. Why is there so much frustration over people being objective about the team? If we stopped being critical this wouldn't be a forum, it would be a fan listing. Blind faith prevents legitimate baseball discussion, which is what we all came looking for when we found this board.
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 10:51 AM) ESPN did an E:60 report on Nick Swisher. Swisher talked about how "I have a reputation around the league as being a really great clubhouse guy"...... Yeah, except for the fact we traded you because you annoyed the s*** out of our players..... We traded him because Ozzie didn't like him.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 03:57 PM) All season, he's shown no idea when to PH for our players in situations we might need a home run. Just a terrible baseball day when you consider we lost a game in standings, and our best hitter right now got injured. Ozzie has shown the complete inability to even fill out a lineup card. To think that we gave this man a huge say in personnel decisions is ludicrous.
  8. What use is this supposed versatility if we don't use it, Ozzie? Where the hell was Dayan?
  9. ThunderBolt


    QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 01:32 PM) TBolt, what do you mean "better player at this moment" Do you mean becasue AJ is hurt? AJP is the better performer. Castro has done his role extremely well, but AJ deserves to be the full-time catcher. He is the one behind the plate and doing his job to make sure the hurlers hurl right and they have. I am glad we have AJP backed up by Castro Look at the numbers. The sample size is too small to make a definitive conclusion, but at the moment, Castro is hitting better then AJ. I'm not saying this will last, i'm just not worried.
  10. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 03:44 PM) The thing is, I don't know what can really be done about this offense right now. Kotsay obviously is swinging the bat well the past few days, but it seems we're struggling to get extra base hits. Something should have be done three months ago, or hell maybe even a week ago. It's too late now.
  11. QUOTE (GREEDY @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 03:44 PM) Who is to blame for Quentin not DH'ing? Is it Ozzie or pressure from Kenny? Jones or Kotsay need to platoon in RF and Carlos MUST be a DH if this team wants to win the division. The answer is nearly always Ozzie. He's the one who fills out these horrid lineups.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 03:43 PM) Can't afford to take the AB's away from Kotsay. We're just too damned versatile as currently constructed. Far too versatile to take a guy like that out of the heart of our order.
  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 02:13 AM) Even though Ozzie drives me crazy, I love him. That being said, he did tell the team that half of them would be gone by June in April & May. Ozzie is losing a lot more games for this team then a manager ever should. A manager's job is to put his team in the best position to ball games, Ozzie isn't doing that. Instead, he's handicapping this team by being stubborn and shortsighted.
  14. ThunderBolt


    AJ called it a tweak and thinks he can play tomorrow. He wont, but he should be back Monday. I'm not overly concerned anyway as Castro is the better player at the moment.
  15. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 7, 2010 -> 11:38 PM) If I'm not mistaken, Guthrie's not all that bad against us. This current group of guys have collectively hit .177 with a .248 OBP against Guthrie. With Rios, TCQ and A.J. putting up the best numbers against him. Of our current roster, only Lillibridge and Viciedo have never faced him. God, i love baseball-reference.com
  16. I love seeing the guys rally around Gavin like that. They really came through at the end. I confess that i'm starting to get concerned with how many outs we're wasting on the bases, although i do find it hilarious watching Kotsay attempt to navigate his way around them.
  17. We're running into an insane amount of outs this year. Ozzie Ball is killing this team.
  18. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Aug 7, 2010 -> 08:32 PM) I don't understand why Viciedo isn't in the lineup. It's because Ozzie Guillen is our manager.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 7, 2010 -> 08:31 PM) I can't answer that without looking at numbers but it's not like our offense is really that good. I'll never be able to understand how we came away with no one at the deadline. I've never seen KW fail to (eventually) address a need like that. Christ, we didn't have to get a big bat, we just needed a warm body who could post a decent line.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 7, 2010 -> 08:19 PM) To me, it seems like Kotsay is much better against sinker ball pitchers than high fastball pitchers. And jeez Alexei, STOP BUNTING! It's because Kotsay has a massive dip in his swing. He wants to uppercut everything and usually ends up tomahawking the ball into the ground.
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