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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. I liked the bit that Cowley did on Quentin last week from B & B, where he said the new Carlos Quentin was out “Carlos Quentening,” the old Carlos Quentin in the neurosis department, and that the old Carlos Quentin would look at the new one and say, “Dude, you’re way too high-strung.”
  2. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 12:35 PM) One thing Swisher hasn't improved on, is hitting in the clutch. He has a BA/RISP of .219 and a clutch factor of -4.0. But this season, he's hitting far less line drives and more flyballs, and that's translating into more power at the new Yankee Stadium. I still think though, if he ever wants to get back to where he was rated a few seasons ago, that average of his needs to get back to around the .270-.280 mark, and I don't know whether he's capable of that anymore. BABIP, for a lot of players is more luck oriented. Unless, you’re a fluke, BABIP can generally be thrown off by a slight tilt in offensive orientation, or as you said, just bad execution at the plate. Nothing, other than last year from Swisher is any real statistically significant suggestion that implies Swisher isn’t the same exact player he’s always been. Clutch, frankly, isn’t really a measurable statistics. It’s what your eyes tell you are clutch, and that’s a wooly distinction to have to make.
  3. QUOTE (shakes @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 12:30 PM) He's also not nearly as productive of a bat as Thome, even in the twilight of his career. I'm not saying Swisher isn't a useful player, but he's a liability for what his contract is becoming. Not to mention, I can't stand his approach at the plate, and I don't think he's even as good as the poor stats he's put up the last couple of years. What poor stats? Swisher’s had one bad year. That being for the White Sox last year. Including that year, Swisher still averages 28 homeruns, 86 RBI’s, an OBP of .356, and an OPS of .811. You can’t ask for much more from a guy who isn’t terrible at 1b, or any of the OF positions.
  4. This move makes very little sense. Are the Reds going for it? Maybe.? Are they going anywhere? No. What good does this do in the long-term? Does it rid you of a decent-3b, and two good pitching prospects? That's about all it does do.
  5. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 08:11 AM) I love players who are afraid to swing the bat too. Look at how many times Jim Thome has struck out. What does he add to the team? Walks, OBP and Power. These are all assets that Swish brought to the team. The problem being, in a good year, he had about 10-15 less homeruns in him then Thome, and sadly for Chicago Media and fans, he also brought an outgoing, personality with him. What does Swish have over Thome? He can play defensive priority positions in the infield and outfield.
  6. QUOTE (scenario @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 12:13 PM) ^^^^^ I could be hallucinating but I thought Broadway and Hudson were #'s 3 and 4 in the original offer. As I recall Broadway’s name only came out after he was traded for Castro. I think it was a Yahoo article that said, he was rumored to have been scouted by the Padres for the Peavy trade. So, no solid confirmation on Broadway. I also remember, don’t quote me on this, there being a list of 4 pitchers the Padres had to choose from, and Ely, Hudson, and Carter being mentioned on being on one of the preliminarily lists.
  7. Another similar article to the Rosenthal one. This one also highlights KW’s strengths. My favorite passage: “Talk about vision and guts. Who has the onions in this business to actually trade for an ace pitcher currently chained to the disabled list? Kenny Williams, that's who. "Kenny is pretty persistent," Towers said. "He's a great guy to deal with. He's probably my favorite GM. He's to the point, not a lot of BS. He can make a decision quickly. He's got a great relationship with [sox owner] Jerry Reinsdorf. "And he keeps his mouth shut. You can do a deal with him and things don't leak out. That's how deals get done. In May, nobody knew about that deal until Jake vetoed it. And nobody knew about this deal." Publically, while the general feeling in May was that feathers were ruffled and feelings were hurt when Peavy told the Sox to take a hike, privately, it couldn't have been further from the truth. Said Towers: "He told me in May, 'Somehow I'm going to end up with Jake Peavy. I don't know when and I don't know how. But I will.'" Flash back to last year's trade deadline, when the White Sox acquired Ken Griffey Jr. from Cincinnati. Who here remembers the previous July, when the Sox struck a deal only to have Griffey employ his no-trade clause to veto it? Uh-huh. "When he wants something, he usually ends up getting it," Towers said.”http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/story/12008440/rss
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 01:38 AM) I hate to keep this thread alive, but Nick Swisher sucks. There I said it. Never liked him; never will. Some of you hate Wise; I hate Swish. Or really dislike Swish as a player. This is like banging my head against a brick wall. Nick Swisher does not suck, his stats do not suck, his walks do not suck, his defense doesn't suck, and his power certainly doesn't suck. What sucks is that one bad year turned half a fan base against the guy. Now, that sucks.
  9. Rosenthal wrote a great article about this trade. Here are some highlights "If it's not my all-time favorite trade, it's close. It might not be a good trade, though I suspect it is. But for sheer audacity and shock value, how can anyone not like what White Sox general manager Ken Williams pulled off Friday? "Unreal," one general manager said of the Jake Peavy trade. "No question, it's a very high-risk move. You've got to have great intestinal fortitude to do it." Another exec was even more blunt in describing his admiration for Williams. "Biggest balls in the game," he said." http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/9879004...with-Peavy-deal
  10. Andy Gonzalez was just DFA’D. It’s a sad, sad day. Oh, and Cliff Lee with a CG, 4 hitter in his first start as a Phillie.
  11. The 7th inning was one of the best of Ozzie Guillen's managing career. I'm still trying to decide if it was better then the suicide squeeze inning from the Cubs series.
  12. They call KW “The Gambler” for a reason, and I think Boers and Bernstein said it best when they said, “Kenny Williams has Big Balls.” Nice article from Yahoo: “Winner: Kenny Williams. If GMs had nicknames (and who since Trader Jack McKeon has), Williams should be known as the Stealth Bomber. The Chicago White Sox wheeler-dealer somehow traded twice for the same star pitcher, Jake Peavy(notes), without anyone spilling his secret either time. And this time Peavy accepted. The deal will look even better if Peavy, who is out with a bad knee, will be pitching again in the big leagues by September, as Williams expects. Even if he doesn’t, the White Sox have control over him for four more years, which might be enough to persuade Mr. Perfecto, Mark Buehrle(notes), to put off retirement plans.” http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=g...o&type=lgns
  13. Wow, we just a game against the Yankees that was started by DJ Carrasco and with 3 rookies in the infield. That’s a hell of a White Sox Winner.
  14. Wow, strong words from Michael Kay. "Absolutely unacceptable from Alex Rodriguez", calls it a fineable offense.
  15. You wanna know what might work to our advantage? Most of the other AL Central parks are pretty much pitchers parks.
  16. Aj with a great game. The ball's just dying on the track for everyone tonight.
  17. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 11:07 PM) I seen that a little earlier and said the same thing... pretty sweet! I hope they have a label by home plate for Brett Lillibridge. They can call it “The Strikeout”
  18. QUOTE (onedude @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 11:06 PM) LOL....projected first baseman with Pujols clogging that spot. Everyone one of my Cardinal friends loved the deal...thought it helped the team. I as well. No doubt it helped both teams. I think the Cards are smart to capitalize on a weak division.
  19. Wow, when did they mark the spot of Wheezey's catch on the wall? That's really cool.
  20. QUOTE (onedude @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 11:00 PM) Holliday 4-4 with 2 rbi's. Second 4-4 game this week for him....great deal by the Cards. You seen Brett Wallace play at the Major League Level, yet? 'Cause i haven't
  21. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 10:56 PM) And Hawk calls him Bacon. Means the nickname is hear to stay.
  22. Somebody at the park has a (badly) handcrafted Jake Peavy jersey.
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