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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Nice, work. Lucky, but we'll take it. I was just looking at his numbers and Porcello doesn't strike ANYONE out. This suggest that a lot of what we're seeing is simple luck, and his number stand to inflate significantly by the end of the months. He has some decent grounball tendencies, but not enough to justify a sub 3.5 ERA, like he had earlier this year.
  2. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 26, 2009 -> 03:40 PM) Can the Cardinals PLEASE stop the Todd Wellemeyer experiment? He is awful. Amazing that Duncan got anything out of him.
  3. This thread need more puns.
  4. I wish this Phillies deal would just die already. The constant back and forth is becoming very tiresome.
  5. Hopefully, tonight is Beckham's coming out party on the world's stage.
  6. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jul 26, 2009 -> 06:05 PM) I don't think KW will starting selling off, he's too hard headed. If anything we'll see moves of the Quentin variety, low-risk, high reward gambles aimed at keeping quality while generating youth.
  7. This is too easy. b****es Can't Hang With The Streets She Found Herself Short Now She's Takin' Me To Court That's Some Real Conversation For Your Ass And for the most melodramatic moment in rap history Move Up The Block As We Groove Down The Block See My Girl's House, Dre, Pass The Glock Kick In The Door, I Look On The Floor It's My Little Cousin Daz And He's f***in' My Hoe I Uncocked My s***... I'm Heart-broke But I'm Still Locked Man, f*** That b****!
  8. ThunderBolt

    Books Thread

    So, I was flipping through the 1st Harry Potter book on a whim and something odd caught my attention. I get to the part where Harry gets his ticket from Hagrid for King’s Cross, finds a ride, ends up at the train station and (here’s the part where this kicks in) has Absolutely NO IDEA what to do. He proceeds to ask a handful of regular people at the train station, speaking to them in what is essentially, babble, and each incident of odd, alone 11-year old talking in weird language goes unreported, but this is nitpicky stuff my main concern is this: How many human born students did Hogwarts end up screwing over, by not telling them the process of how to get on the Wizard train? Was every student supposed to rely on stumbling upon some other Wizard family who’ve apparently been trained in this endeavor? What if no one was there at that particular moment, do we have abandoned human wizard kids in a train station, with no means of getting to school or returning home, and who are now s*** out of luck? One would think there’d be some sort of check to this: an undercover wizard train adviser assigned too this particular issue, but no such person is ever mentioned in the novels. This is of some concern and needs to be addressed. Also, how much of this post is sober and serious? You’ll never know.
  9. This would be an absolute steal for the Mariners. Brignac and Kazmir? Wow. This would be an absolute steal for the Mariners. Brignac and Kazmir? Wow. The Rays stand to benefit too given their surplus of middle infielders and a nice pitching core forming in the minors, not seeing the attraction for the Indians. Morrow is a nice arm, but they have a surplus of catching prospects, with Clement failing to really add anything revolutionary to their system.
  10. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 11:41 PM) His July has almost been as bad as his April. Hitting .211 over his last 10 games too. He is on a 5 game hit streak though. 7-21 with 2 HR. Thank you, that’s why looking at the actual numbers is important. One could judge say by a couple hits or one catch that a player is on hot streak, when in reality he is either in the initial steps of breaking out of a prolonged slump or the same poor player he always was.
  11. If this debacle in Detroit has taught me anything, it’s that we can’t afford to sacrifice our future for a whim of a chance at making the playoffs. This rules out Halladay in my mind, and while it does not rule out Haren due to his youth and quality, it does lessen his intrigue to me.
  12. Anyone have Kroeger's line over the last month? He seems to be hitting the ball really well.
  13. QUOTE (ChiSox420* @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 07:11 PM) So a closer must average 3Ks per or he does not meet your qualifications? A closer doesn't let men on base every damn time out.
  14. This is just like the end of last year. We had the chance to make some serious damage in this division, if we took the initiative and won a few damn games.
  15. This in unacceptable. I don’t care how hard these balls were hit; it’s a closers job not to give up any.
  16. QUOTE (CQMVP @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 07:07 PM) Does Jenks even have any value in a trade at this point? I can't see many teams wanting a closer that gives up base runners every time he's in to close. He walks guys. He gives up runs. Let's just face the facts. Jenks is NOT a good closer in this league anymore. He was fine when he could reach back and throw 99-100 every time he came out. Now, he's lucky to tap 95 most of the time, his hook isn't nearly as nasty as it used to be... What does he have that makes him better than, say, Thornton, as a closer? Thornton is our best Mid-relief. We leave a void, if we move him.
  17. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 07:01 PM) How much longer can we keep sending Bobby out their, if he's going to keep doing this? Bump
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 07:02 PM) He Shattered Thames's bat on an inside 96 mph pitch and it blooped over the IF. What more can he do? Ah, nice i'm watching gamecast because of a Fox blackout. Thanks.
  19. How much longer can we keep sending Bobby out their, if he's going to keep doing this?
  20. Floyd? Why would we be trading our number #2 starter for a #1 starter when we have #5th starter issues?
  21. I think we, Sox fans, have the obligation to come up with a clever nickname for Getz to go along with that of the “Bacon Slayer” Gordon Beckham. This nickname, of course, is to be used in conjunction with the awesome hit and run combo they seem to be forming.
  22. QUOTE (Cali @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 08:51 PM) How does Bill Beane do what? Put together a good small market team through trades and drafting that never makes it out of the first round of the playoffs? OVER-RATED. I would be so frustrated as a far of the A's. To choke so many times in a row.... The playoffs are a crapshoot it takes a hell of team just to get into the playoffs. And if our system had Cardenas, Weeks, Green, Anderson, Wallace, Cahill, Mazzaro, Devine, Simmons, Donaldson and Carter in it, i can't imagine anyone would complain when we traded a Brandon Allen.
  23. QUOTE (Disco72 @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 11:58 AM) Not winning the division is what will happen with two rookies in the rotation. Especially, one (Torres) who seems to fall behind every hitter, and one who hasn't even pitched about AA. I'm not calling you out, Fathom, i know this was just a hypothetical, whim of a suggestion.
  24. Dan Hudson is proving himself to be a special kind of pitcher. Sadly. i'm not liking his chances of still being in the organization by the end of the year.
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