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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 11:43 PM) Good game. I thought Torres was solid. He needs to start throwing more strikes. If he keeps getting behind hitters he’s going to get hit around, if anything he was very lucky tonight. Ultimately, I liked some of what I saw in Torres, but wasn’t wowed or overly impressed, but he battles and got results, that’s all that matters.
  2. Heck of a win tonight. Gotta hand it to the Scott Podsednik Revolution, I never saw this coming. Also, what we saw tonight what a defining moment in the Matt Thornton should NOT be our closer. Two innings, and he was shaky, but still impressive. We can’t sacrifice that type of presence in the 7th and/or 8th
  3. WASHINGTON -- It turns out that ripping his shirt off and challenging minor-league players to fight him isn't even Tony Bernazard's most recent incident of outrageous, hot-headed conduct. MetsNew York Mets All-Star closer Frankie Rodriguez confirmed this afternoon that he exchanged words on the team bus last week in Atlanta with Bernazard, the club's embattled vice president of player development. "Yeah [it happened], but I'm not going to talk about that," Rodriguez told The Post before tonight's game here with the Nationals. "Not going to get into it." Another player, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Post today: "That guy [bernazard] is crazy. No one like him." A team source also confirmed the incident with K-Rod, which came to light hours after a published report said Bernazard cursed at the Double-A Binghamton Mets and challenged them to a fight in a wild postgame scene in the clubhouse two weeks ago. Mets GM Omar Minaya spoke to reporters here today but essentially said nothing other than to confirm the club takes the reports of Bernazard's bad behavior seriously and is investigating them. Early indications from several team sources are that Bernazard, who is tight with Mets chief operating officer Jeff Wilpon, will not be fired. However, Minaya confirmed that Bernazard is now at home in New Jersey, and the indication is that Bernazard will not be traveling with the parent club or visiting its affiliates anytime soon. Assistant GM John Ricco, not Bernazard, will be traveling with the Mets in Houston this weekend while Minaya scouts the Mets' system. Buzz up!Posted by Bart Hubbuch on July 22, 2009 5:22 PM http://blogs.nypost.com/sports/mets/archiv...ngton_--_i.html
  4. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 06:50 PM) What could he possibly be saying? I don't get it. I imagine it rhymes with…. Punt?
  5. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 05:46 PM) To draft Romero over whom? Sorry, fixed. It was Romero over Tulo
  6. They've been talking about this on New York radio all day. The general rumor that's been tossed around is that Tony is a bit of a power-hungry backstabber. The Mets front office doesn't work in a traditional sense, the ownership had a lot of say, and Bernazard has often gone over the GM's head over personnel decisions. He famously touted hiring Acta over Randolph, and after he didn't get his way, would effectively tell Randolph this to his face every time the Nats came to down. Tony is also believed to be the man behind the firings of both Randolph and Rick Peterson. He's very abrasive, and has kind of leveraged his position to speak directly into the owner’s ear. This just came out today, but it's believed that Tony also traded for Emil Brown behind Minaya's back, because the day of the transaction Omar was on The Michael Kay show and was asked about his motivation behind the trade. Minaya was absolutely blindsided by this. It's unlikely; however that Bernazard will be fired. He had too much power within the organization.
  7. QUOTE (Pumpkin Escobar @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 12:59 PM) Everything he does. He ripped Keith Law - who was his former assistant. He makes horrible trades over and over. Then he has this - gift wrapped for him - a 33 year old, 1.5 year contract and he is holding out for a ridiculous offer. He is just retarded. Its the other way around. Law has consistently ripped J.P. over the decision to draft Ricky Romero over Troy Tulowitski, in fact, their confrontation in the draft room is pretty famous around sabermetric circles. It's one of the reasons Law left(was fired) from the organization. Also, say what you want about Riccardi's demeanor (and you can say a lot) he's a liar, and a bit of a jerk, but it takes a lot to win 80 games every year in that division.
  8. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 10:47 PM) Relax. Take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, and relax. Tony, I'm sorry but the last thing I want to hear after we blow a game we should have won, is a post that effectively says, “"yeah, we sucked, but we didn't suck enough to permanently screw us over."” I just don't have the patience for that. The problem is that this is now the expected outcome with Bobby, he can't have an easy save.
  9. i'm trying to be zen about this, but i feeling like punching a wall. I'm way too emotionally invested in this team.
  10. QUOTE (CWSOX45 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) You haven't seen a lot of Mets games this year have you? LOL. Just go get them tomorrow, if you were to tell me we'd be 2 games out July 21st in May, I'd take it in a heart beat. Don't give me this optimist garbage. We had this win, we f***ing had it, and Bobby screwed us over again. This is become a trend, and we can't ignore it in favor of feeling proud about being mediocre.
  11. It hadn't crossed my mind that Bobby would do this to us again. I can't believe that, i'm so pissed, right now. So, damn pissed. We can't keep sending him out their. This is unacceptable.
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 10:00 PM) Wondering that also I imagine he and Ozzie were staring, transfixed in each other’s gaze.
  13. Alright, we need to get the Cell crowd in on the "Your Love" If the Cubs can have Steve Goodman, we can have the Outfield
  14. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 09:54 PM) Guys, so lets play manager here. Who do you bring into the game in the 8th?? CR to start it? Liney? (lets hope not). (And I am assuming we don't score here) Dotel. Need a K pitcher.
  15. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 09:46 PM) Bobby Jenks holding some sort of golden egg. Perhaps he got invited to pitch in the Triwizard tournament?
  16. So, we flush one half of CRAP down and we get this. I'm impressed.
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