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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 12:12 PM) Heyman reports Menny would go to the Sox but Dodgers want big prospects back? Would you guys do it ?! I'd give them Morel and Danks. That's it. Flowers and Tank are out of the question.
  2. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 11:57 AM) you dont have to actually say "the sky is falling" to be a chicken little. You should review your posts in this thread, thats all I am gonna say. Your assumptions of the way things are playing out are a bit off, it isnt always as twitterverse says I imagine it would be hard for anyone to be Chicken Little when you're a fan of team that's 14 games above .500. I was critical from the outset of this season of the lackadaisical approach management took to correct the self-inflicted DH hole. I stand by my criticisms, just like I stand by my opinion of this Jackson ordeal, until I get information proving that I was wrong here. And when that happens I will readily admit I was wrong. You know me, by now, KyYie. I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong even if I’m damn stubborn in doing so. Just because I have, and will continue to have this specific criticism does not make me a doom-sayer, or a gloom-monger, it means only that I’m frustrated with one aspect of the puzzle not the whole.
  3. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 11:41 AM) you assume a lot and you are a chicken little I never said the sky has fallen, and I’m making an assumption based on a substantial amount of talk that's been flying around. I'm just frustrated, KyYie. For me, this is a culmination of the rotating DH thing. A concept that we both knew wasn't going to work, wherein management created a hole, which is proving very difficult to fill. And if we really did make a move, to set-up a lateral move without an agreement hashed out, I’m going to be furious. The Sox put themselves in a position of weakness coming into the season, that weakness appears to be getting exposed.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 11:37 AM) I don't like the idea of waiting until late August to try and pick up some offensive help. We already waited till July. What's wrong with giving Mark Kotsay more at-bats? The answer? Everything.
  5. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 10:12 AM) So you're going to go on a rant and spew venom at KW and the org about a subject where we will NEVER have the full info about? I don't care about Berkman, i care about KW putting himself in a position to be screwed out of Dan Hudson and David Holmberg, for a pitcher he doesn't want, because he thought, not knew, that the Nationals would want him Edwin Jackson in return for Adam Dunn.
  6. I'm going to sleep. I'm confident that nothing will happen at 3:00 AM, but i've been wrong before. Keep the faith everyone.
  7. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 02:48 AM) Well you certainly have the condescending criticism part down. The point i'm trying to make is not to overvalue a kid like Harrell after one good start. When his minor league pedigree and in-game performace suggest that he's little more then a feel good story and organizational filler. Remember Lance Broadway? He looked pretty good too his first time out, he was a #1 pick, he had a similiar track record to Harrell . If you're not a LHP, and you walk about as many people as you k, you're not long for this world. Harrell is no exception.
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 02:32 AM) Fourth round pick isn't too bad. That's a pretty high pick in baseball, ain't it? That was a well-written sentence, though, and I'm not being sarcastic. It had a flow to it and was kind of funny with the word flimsy in it. It was well packed criticism in a free flowing format. I use this board to practice beat poetry as well as for baseball discussions. I'm banging on a trash can as we speak.
  9. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 02:09 AM) If people listened to hawk harrelson for impressions on who to trade for Carlos Gomez would land albert pujols. And Randy Ruiz would not be playing in Japan.
  10. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 02:15 AM) That must have been cool. I haven't heard anybody speak to the fact that Harrell just gave the Sox another trade chip tonight. That's because a 4th round pick, with a flimsy minor league track record, who walks 5 and relies on that much luck in his major league debut is not suddenly a trade chip.
  11. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 12:22 AM) The Sox have a pretty damn good track record of both self-scouting and pitcher reclamation projects. Not recently. I’m still waiting to see some results from David Aaardsma, Mike Mcdougal and Jeff Marquez.
  12. Why didn’t they structure a three way deal from the start? This way no one has to take an unnecessary risk, no one gets screwed, and all parties can back out none the worse for wear. Kenny is a good friend of Billy “Master of the three-way trade” Beane: you’d think he’d of gotten some good tips.
  13. This thread is futile. Like it or not Kotsay is going to get the majority of at-bats that should be going to Viciedo. Take it up with Ozzie.
  14. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 08:00 PM) You will see J4L 'unleashed' if the offense isn't legitimately upgraded. Expect to see a nice rant from we as well.
  15. A little more on this from Law on Twitter. "Could also be just a miscommunication between the clubs, where CWS thought they had a deal but Nats thought it was just a discussion. 8 minutes ago via web .Just speculating, but Nats could have had other irons in the fire and said "if you get Jackson, we can talk, but w/o him you have no chance" 10 minutes ago via web .@EricAColucci KW Jr. isn't stupid - I'm sure if a 3-way trade was possible, it would have happened. 11 minutes ago via web in reply to EricAColucci .If this all true - and while I believe it is, ultimately it's hearsay - the White Sox would be right to be upset. http://twitter.com/keithlaw
  16. QUOTE (ChiCard @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 12:12 AM) Hudson is Ruffcorn, McCarthy, Broadway, Poreda, Dexter Carter, etc, etc...... Yes, because Hudson is exactly like all of those guys that you just rattled off the top of your head. The facts as of now appear to be simple: KW got played out of the best trade piece we had. I don’t care about our past trading history. I care about the present and the future. Dan Hudson appeared to have a pretty big part to play in the puzzle.
  17. Remember how one of the justifications for the rotating DH was that we could easily fill the spot if we had to by the deadline? We can all admit that was bunk now, right? We can still make a a move by tomorrow, but it sure wasn't the walk in the park that management seemed to think it'd be.
  18. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 11:59 PM) I am so OVAH Adam Dunn to the Sox. The Nats have priced themselves out of the trade market with Kenny. They are demanding Viciedo AND Jackson and Kenny ain't gonna do that. The Dunn deal is dead. As it should be. Kenny is targeting another big bat and this time tomorrow he's gonna have it. Sweet, maybe we can trade our most valuable piece in Dan Hud- Wait, s***. That's not going to happen.
  19. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 12:03 AM) I'm sorry, but KW has no one to blame but himself if all this is true. If you're making what equates to a 3-way deal, you better make sure all teams are 100% sure. Exactly, this is a huge blunder by Kenny. You never commit to something like this without something worked out in advance with all parties. It sounds like we just got robbed of two prospects for a trade chip that we can't trade.
  20. Rosenthal says that the White Sox are out of the Dunn sweepstakes again. In other news, we should have resigned Jim Thome. http://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/19963760931
  21. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 11:21 PM) I don't think this is the case. Same thing with the Rios roster claim...KW knows what he's doing. If there was an agreement between the two GM's and the Nationals backed out, Rizzo won't last for long before he starts to get a bad reputation. JR wouldn't have let KW take the risk this would happen as well...unless our financial concerns have been wildly overstated. You don't make this deal without a tenative agreement with the Nats in place. You don't trade Hudson and Holmberg under the assumption that the Nats want Jackson, you need to know for certain.
  22. Harell seems like a good kid, not much of a big league pitcher long-term, but this must be the thrill of a lifetime for him.
  23. How the hell can you make a move like this to set up a lateral move that you don’t know for sure will be of any of interest to the other team? Kenny got played hard if this Nats stuff is true.
  24. Ethier and TCQ on the same team would be insane. We'd bludgeon teams to death.
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