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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Feb 18, 2009 -> 04:29 PM) maybe we send Salmons somewhere else in a three-way trade? mmm, maybe we can get Peavy and Roberts while we're at it? I'm fine with this move if it actually improves the team, but after this Amare/Bosh fiasco it's hard not to see any other deal as anything but a move for the sake of a move.
  2. Anyone here have a thing for Buffalo Chicken Wraps? Wings +Ranch Dressing + a Pita= GOODNESS
  3. That sucks, man. I have a lot of trouble doing the whole nap thing too, so what I’ll do is regardless of how much crap I know I have going on, I’ll have a specific time set out for me to just go anywhere secluded (not in my room and not near a crowd, usually upstairs in the Union on campus) and read or just relax. I don’t know if you have that type of personality or that kind of interest but to be alone with just your thoughts is a hell of a thing when you’re having a tough time.
  4. ThunderBolt


    It’s a possibility though everything we’ve seen so far seems to suggest that Christian is more of Jacob’s conduit. IF I remember correctly he seemed to be speaking for Jacob at the end of last season, but as we learned from the whole Henry Gale/Leader of the others thing the writers have played this game before So yeah, it could happen I just don’t see it turning out that way.
  5. 1) Game 2 of the World series. 2) Game 163 (Yeah, it was that special) 3) Game 4 of the series 4) The El Duque Game VS the Red Sox 5) the Piersynski play, 6) Buehrle's NO NO. 7) The Day Owens hurt his groin last spring
  6. I'm getting into some of the Post-Oasis Brit punk scene started with The Libertines, moved to BabyShambles, now on Dirty Pretty Things. It's fascinating that a guy like Pete Doherty is huge over there (in an Amy Winehouse fashion), but it's get no publicity except for his whole Kate Moss thing. Regardless, he makes good music, and I’m not even into punk.
  7. We hear this crap about Konerko, Dye and AJ falling off every year. I'll believe it when i see it.
  8. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Feb 16, 2009 -> 03:17 PM) Is it me, or does Tony Romo look like Paul Konerko in this picture? Is Jessica Pregnant? Because she is not... natural, right now, and i'm not even making a fat joke.
  9. If i was a betting man i'd say that no matter what happens with Owens during spring, unless he's injured, he's getting that job.
  10. Danny Mcbride could take a crap and it'd be gold with excellent comedic timing
  11. ThunderBolt

    Book Thread

    Finished the Dead Zone yesterday, really good, probably one of the top 5 i've read that he's written. Moved on to Dead Even by Brad Meltzer.
  12. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 02:14 PM) I think there should be a run-off between Tex and Heads A dance-off
  13. ThunderBolt

    Book Thread

    Great Thread! I just finished with The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and have moved on to The Dead Zone. Bith biiks i couldn't finish when i was younger. I'm a huge King fan, probably, have his entire collected works.
  14. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 01:34 AM) John Mayer must be stopped. Agreed, Mayer and Zach Braff are two guys that you can just see without even hearing them talk, and know that they’re probably a-holes. In Mayer’s case he certainly is one.
  15. Dukes, Harris, and Patterson (gah!!!) can all hold down center, but yeah, Poreda and Link for Milledge would be ridculious.
  16. Sadly, i can almost guarantee that unless Owens gets hurt this spring their no way he doesn't get the CF job. Regardless of performance this about as much a competition as last years Orton/Grossman battle.
  17. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 12:47 PM) I thought you were kidding at first but I checked it out and it's not bad , he's a talented guy. Yeah, Broussard's got this kinda throaty John Mayer thing going on. I kinda like it.
  18. I wonder how high the Nationals would sell on Milledge. I'd offer Russell, Broadway, and Cook and see if Bowden laughs it off.
  19. QUOTE (flavum @ Feb 11, 2009 -> 04:49 PM) If they're clearing #1 for Obama I'm going to puke. I may join you.
  20. Looks like Dirty Thirty was truly irreplacable.
  21. Wow, Bowden has an Outfielder fetish, doesn't he?
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 11:19 PM) Josh Fields is to 2B as Carlos Lee/Konerko were to 3B...except worse. Fields is a hell of a lot more athletic then those two ever were, but i get your point. It might be worth a shot if we're out of it come July, and Viciedo's hitting well.
  23. Wow, VDN and Tyrus have really gotten their act together. Rose-Gordon-Deng-Tyrus-Noah have a lot of potential to do great things with each other, which is part of the reason why i hesitate over an Amare deal.
  24. My ROY voting total has gone from cute to depressing. Knew i should have registered in a post-Cubano Year.
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