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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 09:46 PM) Yeah, that's one of the intriguing things about this kid, he's SUPPOSED to have a great arm. Maybe Cubano has more insight, but some of the reports have said he was a pitcher previously and threw upper 80's/low 90's but has given that up a long time ago. That said, in current condition, Jermaine Dye would look like Roberto Clemente compared to this kid lumbering around out there. Assuming that Dye gets moved, and we commit to this kid. We'll See Q in right, and this kid in LF.
  2. QUOTE (winninguglyin83 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 10:36 PM) I just hope this doesn't trumpet the arrival of the Jerry Owens Era in CF. I think we'll see BA again before Owens gets a shot.
  3. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 09:30 PM) That is just a ton of money. I don't know if I would accept that if I were him really. I'm sure he could get something around that number perhaps and not have to play for the Nationals. It's really a tough choice. The Nationals have no pitching staff. That being said C Flores 1b Texiera 2b Belliard 3b Zimmerman ss Guzman rf Kearns/Willingham cf Milledge lf Dukes/Pena is a force to be reckoned with.
  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 08:39 PM) guess Pauly's not going anywhere. so now the question is... with Swish and Dye gone, who the heck is in the outfield besides CQ? What happened to Dye? Did he die or get traded, and i didn't know about it?
  5. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 08:12 PM) I love the unlucky argument. The guy struck out how many times? So unlucky. I watched most of the games. I didn't find anything unusual about his luck. Guys that aren't good hitters have low BABIP. One Down year! One! Have you even paid attention to Swisher other then what you saw last year? Last year was so statistically abnormal that it be attributed to bad luck. Nonthing prior to last year ever suggested that Swisher's as bad as last year implied. Swisher, is a good hitter, his disipline is an asset. just becuase you don't like what you see doesn't mean it doesn't have value.
  6. QUOTE (tommy @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 08:02 PM) Can Betemit play 1B when Paulie needs a day off? Yes, he often spelled Giambi in New York. He can play every position, but C, P and CF
  7. I'll update this when i hear anything interesting. From the Conference call KW likens Marquez to Garland Sees Betemit as utility/insurance to Josh Fields Sees Nunez in the bullpen Attributes Nick’s struggles to being unlucky, He refers to babip. Says that Swish changed his mechanics (Walker?)leading to a mental breakdown. Uribe is gone. Crede is gone. KW doesn't want background noise on his conference call Biatch!
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 06:15 PM) To be honest, this team should be planned around when talent like Danks, Beckham and Allen or Shelby reach the majors. This is the year then, because that year is looking like next year. I really think that if we're out of it by Sept Konerko, Dye, and Thome will most likley be gone.
  9. QUOTE (Wanne @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 06:10 PM) For Paulie not only stay healthy...but be better than pathetic until October (if he's not dealt). Lot's of upside I guess...and I still think Kenny's building more towards 2010. That's why there may not be any big deals (BIG back to us anyway)...no Roberts-type deals. I think we'll get a 4th Of with pop. A Randy Winn type, i really don't think we'd leave D-Wheezey and Owens as our fallback if BA craps the bed again.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 06:01 PM) Well, at least on paper, that's a downgrade offensively from Cabrera to Getz/Nix, a probable upgrade from 2 months of a hurting Crede and a long stretch of Uribe to Field/Betermit, maybe a lateral move in CF with the bat given how bad Swisher was, a defensive downgrade at 3b, and a massive defensive upgrade in CF. It's at least close to balancing out. Yep, assuming the pitching staff is solid we can probably win about 80-82 with the kids we have here.
  11. QUOTE (IrishSoxFan @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:54 PM) That's what I was thinking too, 19 is just to young. But it always makes you think of Miguel Cabrera in 2003. I would prefer him in AAA than to have him start from day 1. I think him and Alexei will be really fun to watch, and potentially open up the Cuban pipeline even more. Triple A is no place for the kid to develop. Assuming he has a decent workout with the team he'll be in AA.
  12. AS of now, next year is looking like C AJ 1b Konerko 2B Getz/NIX 3B Fields/Betemit SS Missle Rf Dye Cf Anderson Lf Q DH Thome Don't call me out on this, because i think we'll get a CF (not TAVERAS!) But in two years it gets really juicy. We're talking Allen, Beckham, Danks 2, Viciedo, Armstrong and maybe even Shelby on the bench,
  13. QUOTE (IrishSoxFan @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:44 PM) He's essentially a Sox right? There's no other teams that are in the hunt that could take him away from us tommorrow? I don't see how that'd be possible as we just freed all that cap from todays trade. And if(once) we do sign him, do you think he'll be the starting 3B man from day one, or we'll stash him in the minors for a little seasoning? Traditionally, speaking the Yankees, Braves and Rays are as interested in Cuban ball-players as we are so don't write this one off. That being said, we definitley have the inside track to the kid who will most likley end up in the minors for a year or two.
  14. Nah, we're going either Jenks, Dotel or Thorton. Wood's most likley going home to Texas to play alongside Josh Hamilton.
  15. So we might be seeing a platoon at 2b and 3b, and a reasonably large pick-up for CF. I also think we'll see a six-year deal for the cuban kid, and we'll be fast-tracking not only Beckham, but also Danks 2.
  16. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:24 PM) That would make my dream come true. I am a huge fan of Dunn. Mainly because I dont think I've ever seen him hit a ball under 450 feet. Really, yeah. Some of his shots are just majestic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dunn hit a cheap homerun.
  17. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:20 PM) I know I'm going to get ripped apart, but if Dye goes I want the Sox to make a run at Dunn I don't know, people were always complaing about Swish's K's. Imagine how they'll like Dunn. His power though.... oh boy.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:17 PM) I like to hear that. Save the bullpen. I heard a comparison to Carlos Silva. Not sure i like that.
  19. Betemit can still play SS. He's bulked up over the last few year, but he has the adequate range out there. We're not talking Gold Glove Defense here, but he'll give us a bit above league average defense for the position. What really interests me (this kills me, i loved Swish) is that the term light-tower power definitley applies to Betemit. He hits the ball with authority.
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 04:50 PM) Wait... you aren't saying that Betemit would be better at 3B than Crede was in his 2nd year (equivalent to Betemit), are you? Nah, but i can see Betemit being a good deal better than Crede has been since his back troubles set in. Betemit will be more than tolerable, he won't be 2006 Crede certainly, but he'll be more than adequate assuming his bat kicks in.
  21. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 04:41 PM) Could this be one of those moves that now we turn around and deal Fields, Betemit, and Marquez to Baltimore for Roberts?? How is this any better than Fields, Swisher for Roberts?
  22. The good news is that Betemit on a very similar offensive career path to Crede. In fact, his defense might be a bit better. The kid can handle every position on the field barring C, P, and CF.
  23. The kid had massive pop, and has a very decent glove. What we might be seeing is a platoon at both 2B, and 3b, with whoever’s left out on any given day becoming the utility guy.
  24. I don't think this is a precursor for a Jenks deal, but i think Poreda's recent surge means we could see Matt Thorton being dumped for multiple prospects very soon.
  25. Looks like i have to change my profile to Swish being my favorite FORMER White Sox. I don't like this at all, and i hope i'm wrong. We bailed way too early on Swish. He was more then tolerable in CF, and his plate disipline was a welcome change from AJ "i'm swinging at everything whether you like it or not" Pierszynski at the top of the order.
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