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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 03:53 PM) I'm so confused... I'm hearing reports about Betemit, Marquez, and Melky. Not as bad, but we could use one more player.
  2. Melky's a joke. You do not give away Swisher like this. This is B.S. One down year, and we bail for a bust of an arm? Are you serious?
  3. IF this is true i am absolutley furious. There are no excuses for this Kenny. None.
  4. QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 10:27 AM) See Rick Sutcliffe, 1984. See Lincecum's Strikeout to walk ratio, his awful run support, terrible bullpen, and domination of some of the best in division hitters.
  5. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 03:03 PM) Yeah, thanks, I KNOW its based on the regular season, but Manuel is still far more deserving, imo. His team won 92 games, wasn't an overwhelming pre-season favorite, and overcame injuries (it lost the reigning MVP for over a month, and Utley, Gordon and Jenkins all got hurt) to win its division. Lou's team, coming off one division champion and having been installed as a runaway favorite after adding Fukodome, the NL ROY, and then Rich Harden, won only 5 more games than Charlie's. I guess that's all because of Lou. This award is probably the most subjective of all the post-season awards, but I don't see how it can be said that Lou managed better than Charlie. If the award is going to go to the manager whose team wins the most regular season games, why even have a vote? The cubs won 97, lost Soriano and Zambrano during significant parts of the season. Had to deal with a stuggling RF, a CF platoon, a rookie catcher, and a highly touted pitcher (Rich Hill) impoloding. So, yeah. The Cubs had their own problems too.
  6. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 01:00 PM) And with the owner of the Padres having to give half of everything to his wife in a divorce settlement, the Padres are definitely seeing some financial trouble right now. The problem with that theory is that the Padres operate differently than the majority of Major League organizations in that, their Front Office is pretty much run, and publically represented by three individuals. Kevin Towers, the “GM”, Sandy Alderson (CEO), And Paul Depodesta “a special assistant.” While each of these individuals is somewhat different in their approach one thing that is certain is that they are very smart. Another thing is that they are very financially savvy, (schooled in the Money ball approach), and have set their priories to finding financially accessible and opportune players. I find it difficult that they’d have the wool pulled over their eyes in terms of trading the best pitcher in the league. I’m fairly certain that even if money is an option for them they have their act together. Who knows maybe they see something in the Cubs spares (Hart, Marshall, ETC) that we don’t?
  7. QUOTE (almagest @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 05:42 PM) He basically is Carlos Gomez -- talent, but a long long way to go to realize it. No, Gomez's upside doesn't even come close to what Gonzalez's. Gonzalez is a legit five-tool guy. He was the centerpiece of that Haren deal. Gomez's will probably top out and about 15 hr's per year, Cargo has abour 35 in him. Gomez is a plus-defender with great speed, Gonzalez combines these elements with a bat that allowed the D-Backs to be comfortable with trading Quentin.
  8. QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 04:47 PM) Horrible, horrible, horrible trade for the A's. So, the A’s just traded a solid #3 starter, a guy with the potential to be the next Carlos Beltran, and an above-average Reliever for one-year of a good hitter playing in an excellent hitters park. I love Billy Beane, but this I don’t get.
  9. The A's have the right idea. They're not falling for this Willy Taveras crap, unless its as a throwin. I have a feeling Matt Murton might be going rocky mountain high which i'd find hilarious.
  10. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 02:37 PM) Wow, I didn't think of that. I’m not too worried about the kid not having the Missle and Contreras around in the Minors. For one, assuming that the kid starts in AA the new manager of the Barons Everado Magallanes speaks fluent Spanish, and is apparently a very friendly guy. Not to mention the kid will have numerous teammates, and special instructors around him from day one. I can easily see the White Sox doing a similar thing to what the Cubs dif for Fukudome last year. They’ll invite the kid to Spring Training, and also invite a Cuban Veteran to show him around (as the Cubs did with Shingo Takatsu) just to get the kid acclimated before sending him down to the minors.
  11. I’m hearing some very strong talk that the A’s just acquired Matt Holliday. Does anyone else have confirmation?
  12. "I really like the way are minor leaguers are progressing. We've seen significant improvements sinch the Ozzie era began. I mean With a potential AA lineup of Price, Allen, Mercedes, Viciedo,, Beckham, Danks, Shelby. Gatrell, and Castillo is their anyway the Barons actually lose next year? It's stuff like this i love, we finally have a draft class that is deservedly being fast tracked.
  13. Don't look now but our potential platoon second basemen went 3-for-4 with a homer, a double and five RBI for Obregon of the MPL on Friday Also, Nix has homered in three of his last four games and is now batting .295/.362/.526 in 95 at-bats. I'm liking this move more and more.
  14. Here's to an unstoppable Charlotte Knight team. Scott Thorman, Joe THurston, Jason Dubois, Carmen Piggy, Rob Macoviak, Morgan Ensberg, Todd Linden, Freddy Guzman, Yorman Bazardo, Jack Cassel (all in the family baby), Val Majewski, Ben Broussard, Brandon Watson, Justin Huber, Paul Mcnulty, Victor Diaz. Yeah, i've got a thing for "failed" prospects, but then again so does KW.
  15. QUOTE (daa84 @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 09:51 AM) they were interviewing him on one of the news channels (probably fox but i can't remember) last night ....sounded like he'll run for sure as he said hes going to do some campaigning "for other candidates" in iowa in the coming months...i think he's a smart guy and a good speaker, but he's pretty far right on some social issues that may hurt him Jindal is basically the Republican Obama. What i imagine will happen is that he'll be the VP candidate in 2012. Most likley for Romney as Palin has been discredited at this point, and he'll branch off from there. Very likable, very well-spoken, and very much the future of the Republican party.
  16. QUOTE (TCQ @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 07:28 PM) Hey you think we could pry royce ring back from them??????? I'm assuming this is sarcasm that being said i belive Ring is a Brave now.
  17. QUOTE (scenario @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 06:38 PM) What defensive deficiencies? I phrased it wrong. He's left-handed and a lot of people take issue with that. Behind the plate he is fairly solid, you're correct.
  18. QUOTE (knightni @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 06:28 PM) He is the white Juan Uribe. Actually statically speaking Greene is the offensive equivalent of Jhonny Peralta and Brandon Phillips. Last year was a down year he’s quite a good offensive player when healthy.
  19. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 06:18 PM) Danks was 0-5, but still had a SB and threw out a runner. They would be an awfully fun combo at the top of the order for the next few years. Exactly, I really do think the perfect situation would be Danks leading off and Beckham hitting second. Cole Armstorng is really impressing to the point that It sounds like the organization might even overlook his defensive deficiencies if he can offer consistent offensive contribution off the bench.
  20. If I were the Padres I wouldn’t accept anything less than Vitters, Veal, Ceda, Pie and Marshall
  21. There is a very real chance that in four to eight years we will have a president of Indian descent in Bobby Jindal
  22. The works of Tolkien, King, and Crichton defined my childhood. Crichton, especially influenced my writings and has had a clear and profound impact on pop culture. He will be greatly missed.
  23. The Danks family is really close to George and Laura Bush. Apparently, John went to Laura’s High School, and since Bush is such a big baseball guy (and used to own the Rangers) he really took to the up and coming pitching prospect. Since then they’ve just exchanged kind words, and signed baseballs, but I always thought that it was kinda cool for the POTUS to be such a big fan of the White Sox ace.
  24. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 05:45 PM) There were plenty of whispers about Swisher when his power dropped significantly from '06 to '07. The veracity of "whispers" is always suspect, but his '08 season MIGHT be a confirmation of this activity. Here are Swisher's numbers though four years in the minors G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS SB CS SB% SH SF IBB HBP GDP 4 Seasons 320 1169 219 305 85 8 50 214 222 300 .261 .379 .476 .855 9 8 53% 0 0 0 1 0 The biggest power year he had was 29 hrs (after which he was called up ), prior to that he had a 6 and a 15 homer year which in the majors projects out to be about 15 and 25 respectively. IF anything his peak year in the majors, was simply a peak year. Every other year has seen him reverting to a certain norm that being, about 20 to 25 homeruns in about 560 at bats. There's nonthing shocking about his stats that can't be labeled as simple year-to-year improvement
  25. Penny isn't the 1st to be punished for partying with BA, and he won't be the last. On a serious note, If you could promise me a healthy Penny for a decent price I’d give him a spot as the 5th starter. However the Penny we have seen over the last few years is anything but healthy. He's too much of a liability to put any real investment in.
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