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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 08:31 AM) I wonder how hesitant KW will be to include $ in any deal if he also has to cut payroll though. It depends how much. I imagine Kenny could get Jerry to bite on something like 1.5 million dollers if it meant legitimate return from a deep Rangers system.
  2. Dayan was 2-3 with a double.
  3. QUOTE (Knackattack @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 10:49 PM) Levine reporting that the Rangers have serious interest in AJ, but can't take on any salary. Sounds like Fathom may be right, haha. I imagine, given the timetable, that this is going to move very fast. Luckily, the Rangers have a fantastic system, so a fair transaction is doable.
  4. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 10:36 PM) You're the man Hiatus. Since most of us agreed that the starting staff was supposed to be the strength of the team and it hasn't been by a long shot, then it should follow that they can all turn it around and be what we thought they would be. It doesn’t work like that. Just because you’re expected not to suck, and then suck, doesn’t necessitate some kind of miraculous reversal of fortune the same year. There’s a decent chance that these guys will pitch better, but likely not at all enough to make any meaningful headway while being 8.5 games behind a superior team.
  5. It's hard to pin down how i feel about this draft. We took so many arms that i need to see them in action before i draw any conclusions.
  6. QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 05:16 PM) We won't make the playoffs for another 10 years, time to clean house now and work on building the farm back up because there is nothing there. Goodbye Ozzie, Goodbye Kenny, Goodbye overpriced-under performing veterans and Goodbye young guys that the organization has completely ruined already. I’m pretty down on this team too, but I wouldn’t even rule us out for making the playoffs next year.
  7. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 07:42 PM) no, not at all. The Sox have 4 proven MLB starters at relatively good ages locked up for another year, what's the alternative? Trade these guys for prospects? OK, well this org hasn't shown the ability to consistently develop or scout young talent. We have two starters in Floyd and Danks that are the by-product of good scouting. We also have a kid in Daniel Hudson waiting in the wings that we developed ourselves, just waiting to assume a rotation spot beside those two.
  8. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 07:38 PM) Maybe it's more "I'm tired of this crap, let somebody else fire Guillen." If that's the case, i imagine we'll be seeing the start of the Rick Hahn era in the near future. All of this behind the scenes stuff is painting a very interesting picture. The reality show might be a perfect avenue to reveal a lot of that stuff to the viewing public.
  9. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 07:11 PM) KW might resign because he doesn't want to be the one to fire Guillen. Ozzie really must have Reinsdorf's ear, if KW doesn't want to risk firing him.
  10. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 05:38 PM) Looks like Oney's done running his mouth (for now): Looks like Oney got wind of this (from the article i posted on the prior page). "Reinsdorf made it clear that Oney, Guillen's middle son, has a right to express his opinions now that he is no longer in the organization but added that Guillen would be wise to consider the impact of Oney's actions. "Well, when he worked for us, then he had no right to have his own opinions published," Reinsdorf said. "He had to make a decision to keep mouthing off or keep working here. He made the decision that he wanted to keep publishing stuff. "Therefore, I have no problem with him publishing stuff. As to the content of it, he and his father have to be the judge of whether the son of the manager should be saying things bad about the ballclub. People might think this is Ozzie's opinion. I talked to Ozzie and essentially what he said is these are Oney's opinions. It's up to Ozzie and Oney if he wants to keep doing it." When apprised of Williams' comments, Guillen calmly stated that Williams had every right to make such a judgment in regard to his managerial status and the direction of the club. Guillen said on his first day on the job back in November 2003 that he understood that he, like all managers, was hired to be fired."
  11. Balta is money with the stats this week. He's not letting anything fly that has loose numbers behind it.
  12. QUOTE (Knackattack @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 04:37 PM) We haven't had a drunken optimism thread yet, so I think there is still hope for this team. We're still 9 games back and the Twins are playing the Royals again tonight. We can beat the Tigers as much as we want, they're not the team we have to worry about.
  13. Reinsdorf on the behind the scenes tension betweeen KW and Ozzie. Heres's a very interesting secion from KW. "We are both very competitive men, strong-willed men," said Williams, talking about his relationship with Guillen, the club's manager. "I believe in self-assessment, and I think you have to assess all parts of our operation from top to bottom to determine if it's, in fact, still a productive working relationship. "Whether or not the maintenance of that relationship is such that we still have the drive to get through some things and still have the drive to get through some differences ... I'm still in that assessment mode for myself, in particular. "That should not lead to the assumption that I mean that [Guillen] is the one [who may benefit from a change of scenery]. If I determine that I am the one that is the cog in the machine, then I am the one who will stand in front of [White Sox chairman] Jerry Reinsdorf and tell him so and step aside. ... I will not deny that I am growing weary of the soap opera." http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb
  14. Looks like he will be pitching the 18th, not the the 19th. That was a bit underhanded by the NATS. http://www.nationalsdailynews.com/columnis...-19th&s=rss
  15. QUOTE (BFirebird @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 03:39 PM) This is kind of random, but has Alexei's defense improved? According to Fangraphs his UZR is 2.8, 2nd in the AL behind Scutaro. Or has the SS position just gone to crap? Alexei was average to above average last year too. He's just kinda spacey out their.
  16. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 03:24 PM) This doesn't even have anything to do with Cowley, any reporter in town would have phrased it that way. When you're dealing with a subject as complicated and potentially explosive as the waiving of a NTC or asking to be traded in the event of a complete rebuild a tweet paraphrasing a player's quote is not going to suffice. The solution is Cowley not tryng to condense this into a cryptic tweet at all.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 03:20 PM) I know, I was the first one to say that was probably the case. Cowley's tweet was basically the headline, The biggest mistake in all of this was assuming that Cowley wasn't a piss-poor journalist. Our bad.
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