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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. KW JR was an embarassment that i don't think we'll live down for a while. I have no problem with nepotism, just not in the 7th round.
  2. The Sox just selected John Spatola from Boston College. He's an OF who i've seen play against UCONN a handful of times. He's a decent player, a bit stiff in the field, but the guy can hit.
  3. The A's just selected a RHP named Andrew Bailey. DeJa Vu, all over again.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 12:57 PM) Given that you are taking his quotes that say one thing, and posting that he is saying something else, I'd say its you who wants it both ways. I see zero entitlement in any of his statements. I think your points are more than fair, NorthsideSox. I think given the state of the White Sox organization, right now, and my frustrations with the team, that when I pick up on things like this, I have the tendency to blow them a touch out of proportion (I have a bit of Cowley in me, that disturbs me greatly). Even still, I do think that this is a further example of Ozzie taking his work home with him, and I think the entitlement that seems to have formed around that is a big problem, just perhaps not as big a one as I’ve made it out to be.
  5. I'm the biggest Nix fan on this board, but you put that guy at SS, you should prepare to lose. A lot.
  6. White Sox take another LHP (Yay!) Robert Young from Dartmouth.
  7. Adam Gaylord and Parker Bangs selected back-to-back. If this wasn't the MLB draft, it would be a porno.
  8. Third and Final day of the draft brings the gripping rounds 30-50. Anyone of interest? Nepotism at its finest? Post it here: http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/events/draft/y2010/drafttracker.jsp
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 11:27 AM) Its not, and if you read the article in the Trib today about this, and read Ozzie's quotes, you'll see that Ozzie handled it quite well. He wasn't angry, he wasn't upset with the Sox, etc. T-Bolt brought this up in the FS forum too, and its not reality. Oh, please. If you weren't so busy trying to make this a non0issue, you'd realize that Ozzie actually made a much bigger deal out of this then he needed too. He's trying to have it both ways: express his dissapointment with the Sox and motivating his son. The entitlement alone bothers me.
  10. Yeah, I’m in the: if you get by a giant rock, it's going to hurt like hell and potentially cause long-term damage camp. This kid made a lot of bad choices that day. Not saying he deserved to die, I’m just saying that there may have been provocation here.
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 09:10 AM) If you actually read the article, you'd see that... Look at this in the greater context of this year, On the 5th of the month, Ozzie said this to Merkin, "I respect the scouts' opinion about how low or how high they have my kid." He would later say to KW "Don't feel any pressure about him being my kid," Ozzie said. "Whatever team out there thinks he's good enough for them, that's fine with me." He would couch that by asking the organization not draft his kid as favor to him but on talent alone. Now on the 8th we get, ""Obviously, it's a disappointment," said the White Sox manager … shortly after his son was selected." Despite, Guillen’s admission to not having talked to “anyone involved with the Draft to see where their projections had Ozney slotted. “ Ozzie felt the need to talk through both sides of his mouth here, "I saw him play, and it surprised me that he [fell] that far before getting picked," Guillen said of his son. "I know baseball a little bit. This kid has a good future as long as he doesn't get hurt. ...” This seems fair to me, he is the kids’ father after all. I’d be disappointed too, but he doesn’t let it lye there, “Twenty-second round? Anybody can go 22nd round," Guillen said. "I respect the scouts' opinion with all my heart. I hope the 20 guys they pick before [Ozney] help us or help the White Sox ... But I'm a baseball man. I saw him play, and I saw him compete against a lot of people out there and I think this kid -- it might help him to improve himself. “ This is an interesting section here. We have Ozzie couching his comments with, "i respect the scouts' opinions" while saying that what they thought about his kid was wrong (in his baseball experiences) He finishes this off with saying that Ozney should use this as an incentive to improve himself. Which is exactly right, and is what he should have been saying all along. “I think the 22nd round in high school doesn't mean anything. I think the White Sox did what I told them ...” Ozzie is trying to say in the most diplomatic fashion possible, that the White Sox scouts were wrong. He'll say later that they pretty much dicked him over. Despite, Ozzie's admission that the White Sox simply did what he told them, he goes on to say that the drafting was a slap in the face, and that he’d pay Ozney the sighing bonus he would have received NOT to sign with the White Sox. Ozzie approached this from two ways, as a good point of adversity for Ozney and as an attack on the Guillen Family, by the White Sox organization. You can’t have it both ways.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 08:49 AM) It strikes me that Sale is most likely the replacement for D1. I didn't even begin to think about that. Do you see this a response to him not signing his extension and an indication that he's going to be moved?
  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 01:50 AM) FWIW, if Sale blazes through the minors (big if) soon, I'd be open to shipping Gavin right away once he regains his value. A rotation of Danks/Peavy/Buehrle/Hudson/Sale would be hypothetically wonderful. Has Buehrle shown you anything more then Floyd has that he'll still be a quality pitcher in the 2-3 years till Sale gets here? I think Peavy, Danks, Floyd, Hudson, Sale is the more likely option at this point.
  14. Hynick put up another great line tonight. Still biding his time till the start of the Hudson era, so he can mosey his way up to AAA.
  15. At the end of the day, it's nice to know that our Manager can seperate this home life from his work environment. It's nice of him to make sure that his employer knows that he's pissed off at it for not doing him a favor that he said he didn't want, actually going so far as to pay his son not to work for said employer in revenge for said unwanted favor, and then speaking about it in the media while his team flounders away their dignity. That's a man who deserves to keep his job. Can we just fire him already, so he, Ibis and the kids can take there Osbourne-esque reality show somewhere else?
  16. The entitlement of the Guillen family amazes me. They continue to bite the hand that feeds them. It's time for a parting of the ways.
  17. It looks like there’s some serious bad blood forming between the Guillen family and the White Sox organization. The Oney stuff is well documented (although, Ibis Guillen’s parking lot confrontation with KW has flown a bit under the radar.), but this Ozney stuff seems like a further indicator of just how bad things are getting. Cowley had this to say about the Ozney pick, “Ozney selected in the 22nd round by the Sox - basically a slap in the face as far as the Guillens are concerned. He will go to USF says Oz,” and the comments given by Ozzie (in direct contrast to an interview with Merkin three days prior) confirm this. Cowley concluded with this, "Translation - the cold war between manager and GM is as frigid as ever. “An ominous but unsurprising conclusion. A conclusion that was retweeted (and reaffirmed) by Oney Guillen. What’s clear here is that while Oney is not representative of his father or his father’s opinions, there does seems to be something at work here. I imagine a lot of the juicy bits will be saved for the reality show, but things aren’t right between the Guillen's and the White Sox. I can’t help but think that Jerry Reinsdorf is the only reason that Ozzie is still here. http://twitter.com/cst_sox
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 11:15 PM) Bringing in new coaches isn't the answer. You need different players. See Mazzone, Leo and Jaramillo, Rudy as a couple examples of guys given a ton of money sent to bad situations. See what happens when the talent level isn't up to par. I'm just amazed that no one has been given the boot yet. We've been terrible nearly all year and the only player we lost was Lucy. I'm not saying that a change would make us better, i'm just saying that i expected one to have been made at this point.
  19. That's a fun line from Huddy tonight.
  20. How has Walker not been scapegoated yet? I'm not saying he deserves all the blame, but i would have thought someone would have taken the fall for this.
  21. Gut this thing like a fish, KW. Thanks for 25 years, Hawk.
  22. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 06:37 PM) I agree with wite. Joey Votto is right there with Evan Longoria and Ryan Zimmerman as far as superstar caliber players 26 and under. He's going nowhere. And Thunderbolt should be shot for mentioning Justin Upton. i actually thought this was a hypothetical thread when I posted in it. I don’t actually think we can get Upton. Seriously, I’m not crazy.
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