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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Poor Hawk sounds really dejected. All he really wanted from today was a Sox win
  2. Anyone have our current run projection for the rest of the year?
  3. Pierre (we expected him to carry a two month hot streak over to the A.L.) The expectations for Beckham were out of this world. Jenks (not to suck like he did last year.) TCQ to come back from injury and carry an offense without Thome and Dye hitting around him. Jones Kotsay Vizquel
  4. I think the biggest problem with Vizquel and Kotsay are not the players themselves, but rather that they being on the roster is emblematic of a larger problem in the way we approached things this offseason. Mainly, how we showed a disturbing trend to settle for guys on this team that we had unrealistic expectations for. We wanted these guys to surprise us with results, we didn’t expect them.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:36 PM) He'd have had to strike out 13 in a row to end the game. Towards the end they weren't even touching him. They weren't even coming close.
  6. QUOTE (chisoxt @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:38 PM) Kenny Williams has destroyed this team for years to come. I wouldn't go that far, nor would i give him all the blame here. He got us Peavy, Beckham and Rios. It's not his fault that two of these franchise cornerstones didn't bother showing up.
  7. The entitlement behind it is what bothers me. Ozzie, the Sox are employing you, not the other way around. They don’t owe you any favors especially, when you explicitly ask that you don’t give them to you.
  8. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:34 PM) Hah, we just can't put anything together. We finally get a QS out of Gavin, and one of our few mainstays, Matty Thornton has a horrendous outing. It's just Murphy's Law right now. I feel badly for the Ozzeroo... I'm about done feeling bad for Ozzie ever again. This Ozney-fiasco might be the last straw.
  9. So, it turns out that Ozzie actually was really upset that Ozney fell. This coming from a guy who said that we shoudn't draft the kid as a favor to him. It's not a surpise to see how his children behave, when he himself acts like a hypocritical child. http://www.chicagobreakingsports.com/2010/...-usf-bound.html
  10. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:29 PM) Prior's fastball average was like 94 mph and he never really perfected his change-up. Strasburg is like a combo of Wood's stuff with Prior's command. Has anyone ever played MVP Baseball 2005 As Zach Greinke on the easiest difficulty level? Strasburg was like that tonight.
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 09:40 PM) Another controversy with Ozzie and family brewing? http://www.chicagobreakingsports.com/2010/...-usf-bound.html Who was it that said, i was reading this wrong? Ozzie was upset.
  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:26 PM) We should just continue playing like we currently are, and get a good draft pick for next year. Fixed, not a stretch either.
  13. Every thing that Strasburg threw today moved. That was the most accurate depiction of a Bugs Bunny curve that i've ever seen.
  14. That was amazing. I honestly he could have K'd twenty if he hadn't been pulled.
  15. The comedy of errors continues. Perhaps, it's better that we lose this one. Now, there's no justifying not breaking this thing up.
  16. QUOTE (Ozzie Ball @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 06:43 PM) Where did you hear this? Baseball America. It was in a Harper article. Keegan played in Nevada, so got some coverage too.
  17. Sounds like Keegan has great speed and hits to all fields.
  18. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 06:33 PM) Sale looks like Poreda and throws like Clayton Richard...it's pretty amazing to me. It's kind of cool isn't it? If you close your eyes and imagine him learning the cutter and the Buehrle-tempo, he looks like a perfect fit for this organization. I think that in a couple of years we'll be praising a higher power that he fell into our hands.
  19. Lefty OF Jordan Keegan to the Sox.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 06:12 PM) The answer to that isn't to start spending picks around the 15th round on LHP like crazy. The answer to that winds up being to pick people around the 15th round who develop; whatever position they actually play. You pull off a couple of low draft picks who actually succeed, and suddenly you're a lot more free to spend money to fill other holes that crop up. How much of a difference in the later rounds is there between arms? A gamble on a left-hander is just as likely to pay off as one on a RHP. Then again, i wouldn't want to miss out Doug Murray or Tyler Jones.
  21. Wow, the guy who scouted University of Tampa is racking it up.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 06:05 PM) But obviously the Sox didn't believe anyone in the top 6-7 rounds, outside of Sale, fit what they were looking for from the left side. As someone just pointed out, it's all a matter of luck now anyways. So, take one of the many lefty arms out there and hope you luck out.
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