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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Pretty good lineup today. Pierre7, ARam 6, Rios8, Konerko3, Jones DH, Quentin 9, Castro 2, Beckham 4, Nix 5. Peavy pitching.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 5, 2010 -> 09:54 AM) I'm no fan of Ozzie, but a few more wins really doesn't make a difference except for draft spot. Managerial moves or non-moves can't make up for a roster full of crap or under-performing players. Ozzie's made a mockery of baseball strategy this year. A few wins may not mean much this year, but in the long term we can’t have a guy make decisions like he does in charge of this ball club. 2005 was fantastic, wouldn’t trade it for all the world, remove that from the picture you have a manager who turns on players at the drop of the hat, nearly destroyed his clubhouse in 2008, seemingly lost complete control of it to the veterans in 2009, has one of the slowest hooks in the game, and runs his team out of the inning routinely. That’s not how a major league manager should operate.
  3. The facts are that if Ozzie had been running this team in a semi-competent fashion we could probably have a few more wins than we do have the moment. The lineups have been atrocious from spring on, the man has no idea how to manage the pitching staff this year, and the clubhouse clearly doesn’t buy what he’s selling anymore. IF he hadn't been put in charge of most of the personnel decisions this offseason, we could be competing in this division instead of floundering it. Instead, we took a great pitching staff coming into the year, and surrounded it with a bunch of guys whom you had to squint hard through the nostalgia to see any sort of positive impact coming into the year. Ozzie has demanded his share of responsibility for this mess by both his actions and his words, and I see no need to not give him his fair share.
  4. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jun 5, 2010 -> 04:23 AM) There is absolutely no reason at all for Lucy to ever be a starting catcher in the big leagues. None. In fact.. I didn't even bother posting in that thread on pale hose about it cause I would think some posters would have the sense not to think that way. People should not let a sample size effect their judgment. No one has ever said he's the answer there. The thought process is this: we suck, A.J. should be traded, Flowers is too bad to give the job too at the moment, and we'd all rather continue to suck with Lucy instead of Ramon Castro. I don't think anyone has been arguing that he's anything more then a guy trying to be the backup catcher on a decent roster.
  5. I've been in KW's corner for a while, but i'm starting to think that if changes are to be made they need to be sweeping. I think it's time for the Rick Hahn era to start, an era that will hopefully usher in a more sabermetrically-inclined approach to running a baseball team.
  6. We're in huge trouble as is. The only reason that Lucy should be our starter is to give Flowers some time to get back on-track, and to reward a guy whose busted his ass off for this organization for a couple years.. Also, i think it's time to start asking when is it time to send Danks back to AA.
  7. I was really happy to see that Danks went 2-5 but then i saw he had two k's and i stopped caring. He's very close to falling off the map completely. Also, Dayan is turning into a really, good hitter.
  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 04:38 PM) Grandal? Where did the hell did this come from? I think he's a stud. I just never thought he'd be on the Sox radar. Would drafting him speak volumes negatively towards the long-term future of Flowers? I think the Sox could play it off as simply taking the best player available. Assuming Flowers gets back on track in the next two weeks, he'll have roughly 2 1/2 years to cement his name as the franchise catcher before he has to worry about Grandal.
  9. I'd take Grandal if he fell to us. Catchers with his ability are hard to come by.
  10. I could see the A's being VERY interested in Freddy Garcia.
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 04:04 PM) Didn't Paulie just get a day off a few days ago? Why again tonight? Because Ozzie is abusing versatility yet again.
  12. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 01:08 PM) I really wanted Brothers. But not in the first round. Looks like he's going the route of set-up man, closer. You don't use first round picks on relievers. I don't care how talented they are. I wanted him when i thought he could start. As the draft got closer and it being pretty clear he was headed for the pen my enthusiasm lessened. I still really like the Mitchell pick.
  13. QUOTE (docsox24 @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 11:04 AM) it wasnt the sox who messed with his swing He's been trying to incorporate some tips that Walk gave him, so i think that's had a negative effect on him.
  14. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 12:39 PM) You could threaten to cut my arms and legs off and I will never say winning it all in 2005 was a bad thing. But I think the way we won it has ultimately turned out to he the death of this franchise (for the moment). That’s what I meant when i said that the 2005 World Series was both the best and worst thing that could ever happen to this franchise. It was incredible and I wouldn't trade it for the entire world, but it made this organization far too willing to make excuses for the guys in charge.
  15. This is a really odd draft. Last year a lot of us wanted Rex Brothers, while it was pretty clear that the organization was heading in the Jared Mitchell direction. This year it's up in the air. If we're going to take a "safe" pitcher, i want Workman. If we're going for a bat, i want Castellanos.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 09:04 AM) They'd have paid the price when he was called up if they didn't. Now, his production is such that he'll never be called up. So, nobody wins here.
  17. We have more invested in Flowers, but i don't see any problem with giving Lucy his play at C, until Tyler makes adjustments at AAA.
  18. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 10:53 PM) You said "came on" strong. He's been one of the best players in baseball all year. I meant came out strong today. I'm aware that Rios has been awesome almost all year. So, has Freddy.
  19. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 10:40 PM) ? He hit a home run. That's good, right?
  20. ThunderBolt

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 07:56 PM) I watched the Hurt Locker the other night. Great film. I did too. Liked it a lot.
  21. Freddy, TCQ and Rios came on strong today. We needed this.
  22. Of course Bobby lets the fastest guy get on-base with the two hottest Rangers hitters coming up.
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