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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 27, 2010 -> 07:48 PM) I would rather go to a Hall and Oates Rays' summer concert series than watch our offense. I think there's one after a D-backs game on July 2. Seriously, i saw that on a broadcast today.
  2. Beckham hits the ball hard again, right at someone.
  3. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 27, 2010 -> 07:05 PM) Is that former Angel prospect Sean Rodriguez in CF? Wow.. Yep, they've got two guys in Zobrist and Rodriguez who can pretty much play everywhere across the field. It's pretty cool to see.
  4. I saw his injury happen in person and it was an awful thing to see. It's great to see him on track.
  5. ThunderBolt


    Even though I’ve made my gripes with the direction that the show took very obvious, I will always treasure the episode, Walkabout. That might be the most brilliant hour of television ever produced. I’ve never cried over any piece of film, literature, whatever, but the last 5 minutes choke me up every single time. The minute the music kicks in while Locke is twitching his toes, that look that Terry O’Quinn gets on his face…. I get chills just thinking about it.
  6. I think Danks is too laid-back to take the reigns of the team. The team is Beckham's if he steps up and takes it.
  7. QUOTE (Heads22 @ May 27, 2010 -> 05:36 PM) Not sure what other lineup you want out there tonight. Yeah, i'm not a big fan of Kotsay but i have no problems with him being in the lineup today. When you're hot, you're hot. Smoke 'em while you got 'em
  8. The most telling example of clubhouse discord to me was the fallout behind the Getz comments coupled with Dye's obvious discomfort with having Rios on the team. Something was at work behind the scenes between the veterans and the younger core.
  9. Dusty Baker said he loves having a veteran guy like O-Cab to set an example for some of the younger guys on the team. So, he likes him for the Reds.
  10. QUOTE (iamshack @ May 27, 2010 -> 05:44 PM) The Yankees have a collection of some of the more professional players in the league on their team. I just really don't believe that Derek Jeter gives a s*** what Nick Swisher says, especially if he knows what Nick Swisher has been known to do in his free time. These guys are not naive. The Yankees guys adore Swisher. So, i can't imagine they'd have that much of a problem with his antics. I've heard countless reports about how loose Swish made that clubhouse, how he got guys like Jeter, A-Rod and Pettite to lighten up. It's of interest to me that Ozzie is pretty loose himself and Girardi is a stone-cold taskmaster. That says something about the clubhouse enviroment that a managers personality can create.
  11. If Peavy goes out and bombs against the Rays, i'm going to be pissed. He needs to start backing up his talk.
  12. The pre-game for the Dodgers broadcast keeps dwelling on how much Jon Ely hates the Cubs. It's pretty funny.
  13. QUOTE (T R U @ May 26, 2010 -> 10:09 PM) How about just not throwing him in non save situations? I think he needs to stay at closer for now, hes 7 of 8 in saves and unless he starts LOSING us games I dont have a problem with bend but don't break.. even if its bent to hell.. It’s not a closers job to not suck just enough to not completely blow a ball game. It’s his job to come in and lock down the game. This means he should not be giving up hits or letting people on base. What Bobby has been doing can no longer be tolerated. Make Putz the closer, let him gain value and expose him to all suitors. Keep Thornton and Santos for high-leverage spots where the game is on the line. Let Jenks come out of the bullpen for long-relief or blow outs.
  14. Yeah, Cora is about as bad, if not worse.
  15. QUOTE (longshot7 @ May 26, 2010 -> 02:53 PM) Should HAVE. Both work, spell check. I'm not trying to win an English No Prize here.
  16. QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 26, 2010 -> 02:52 PM) Hey he got the job done in the end! That's all that really matters, not need to change anything now, right? Great closers like Mo, Papelbon and Jenks do this all the time!
  17. We should of traded his ass when we could . This is the price of loyalty.
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