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Everything posted by ThunderBolt

  1. Do not throw Branyan a curve, Bobby. Get him on high heat.
  2. This is why Cora needs to go when Ozzie goes too. They're both too stubborn for this teams good.
  3. What the hell happened here? He used to have a hammer curve, and fastballs that moved. All he has is straight heat and a change he can't locate.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 26, 2010 -> 02:41 PM) So how far do you let Jenks go? He gets to give up a two-run cushion. Then he's out.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ May 26, 2010 -> 02:40 PM) Yeah I imagine teams would be giving up top prospects for a 7.5 million dollar Bobby who doesn't pitch in the 9th. Sadly, we can't afford to use him any other way. He's really, really bad.
  6. Congrats, Bobby. You've created a save for someone else.
  7. s***, can we put Santos up in the pen, please?
  8. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ May 26, 2010 -> 02:34 PM) Method to the madness I reckon, or they are building up his confidence? I think we're letting other teams scout him without giving him enough of a challenge where he could hurt the team.
  9. I love how we've been using Jenks. Thank you for letting him gain value like this Ozzie.
  10. QUOTE (Ozzie Ball @ May 26, 2010 -> 01:11 PM) Jared Mitchell to represent Sox at the draft http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=cws That's really cool. It's nice that this organization is still trying to keep him involved while he recovers.
  11. Looking at the boxscore. Wow... what the hell has gotten into TMK?
  12. Why the hell isn't this game being televised, extra innings?
  13. Sale projects out to about plus-30 homers, doesn't he? I'd prefer us to upgrade positions outside of the OF, but that's still not a bad guy to have.
  14. ThunderBolt


    QUOTE (kev211 @ May 25, 2010 -> 10:37 PM) Read what you just wrote, and then tell me its not a character driven show. You just wrote in your post that it was without realizing it. Yes it could have happened anywhere but they choose to have it happen on a mysterious island, and not the supermarket down the street. Brace yourself, guys. It’s a long one: I fully realize what I wrote. It doesn't change the fact that even if these characters were victims of circumstance, those circumstances went completely unexplained. They could have gone through a lot of cool s*** in a desert in Africa and still gotten close together. Instead, they were placed on a deserted island by an mysterious man with intentions that are wholly contradictory, they were terrorized by a group of "others" who operated without any sort of internal logic (Jacob gave them a list of people he wanted, but refuses to talk to them himself, even though he talked to them when they were kids, that one time he somehow got off the island, so they decde to scare the s*** out of them and kidnap their kids, because they can't have kids, because of some sort of pregnancy thing that never got explained) Also, these people were haunted by a group of numbers that seemingly followed them everywere, these numbers were offered a tangential explanation and then contradicted by Jacob ("just chalk on a wall, Kate".) and so and so forth. Anyone trying to say that the character ultimately outweighed the mythology should realize that the mythology was grown and expanded upon beside the characters for 6 years, and ultimate went unexplained. I remember how during the writers’ strike one of the head writers Carlton Cuse carried around a sign that said, "Do you want to know what the island is?" Yes, Carlton. I do want to know what the Island is. Explain it to me. What? It’s a glowing energy source protected by a magical cork in the center of the Island that sometimes turns people into smoke, which somehow links back to early Egyptian mythology? Awesome, now explain that. Why didn't the sign say, "It's the characters, stupid?" That’s the same type of crap that most writers do when they run out of time to give proper answers to the questions they raised. I enjoyed the four seasons of set-up i got. I just wanted two seasons of answers instead of time-travel and purgatory.
  15. QUOTE (hawkubes @ May 26, 2010 -> 08:37 AM) he's the one stopping the sox from making a run. Yes, it's not the inconsistent offense that's keeping us from going on a run, it's our #2 starter.
  16. What the hell Q? Work a damn AB. No one on this team actually wants to get on-base.
  17. Kotsay 3-4. He'll be in the lineup for the rest of the year.
  18. QUOTE (fathom @ May 25, 2010 -> 09:14 PM) Manny Acta has made Ozzie his b**** this season. I'm very impressed with Acta. I love Acta. He's one of my favorite managers, i've said as much last offseason.
  19. ThunderBolt


    QUOTE (Cali @ May 25, 2010 -> 09:04 PM) I watched 2 mins of that before I got bored, and I didn't find one question that, if answered, would have made the show more enjoyable on any level. I feel really sorry for you guys that are so obsessed with these "unanswered questions!!!11!!!" that you can't just enjoy the f***ing show for what it was. It was a show that raised questions about a mysterious island, and then preceding not to answer half of those questions, while the writers desperately sought to justify this decision by screaming, “It’s all about the characters.” It’s not. It was never about that, it was about the circumstances that these characters were thrown into and how they coped, and what they learned. Ultimately, these characters could have met and grown close anywhere. Why did they need to meet on an Island of unexplained coincidences so they could go to heaven together?
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