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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. QUOTE (Lillian @ Jan 31, 2013 -> 06:10 AM) This article suggests that Ethier might be available: http://losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com/news/art..._la&c_id=la I don't know what it would take, and that contract is pretty expensive, but he is the kind of left handed #3 hitter who could really help versus RHP. If Viciedo were not traded, he would make a great platoon with Ethier in LF. I suggested that once, some time ago, in another thread. That would be one expensive platoon.
  2. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:38 PM) In your baseball world wins don't matter. It was about run differential. Of course wins matter. They're ultimately what get you into the playoffs and what you need to win a World Series. Unfortunately, wins don't tell the whole story, since output and outcomes aren't always equal. Look, I'm not arguing that the Sox are the better team on paper. I think the Tigers are the favorites heading into 2013. I just think the two teams are a lot closer than a lot of people realize. A big part of that IMO is the defensive advantage we have, which was my original point all along.
  3. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:38 PM) You're cracking me up dude. But, if you're under 12 years old I seriously apologize. In your baseball world wins don't matter. It was about run differential. Now, it's all about defense. But, you don't want to address the fact that the already far superior World Series appearing Detroit Tigers were better than the Sox prior to adding Torii Hunter, Victor Martinez and a full year of Anibal Sanchez? That somehow improves the Sox chances? Are you feeling alright? And, for your information, I never stated that Detroit's defense was better than the Sox. Please try to repsond to actual comments. Let's see, my original point was about defense, specifically how the White Sox's defense was far superior to the Tiger's defense in 2012 and how I expected it to remain a signicant advantage in 2013. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 03:07 PM) I think the defense part is what needs to be emphasized here. Detroit was horrific last year, while we were very good. I anticipate we'll be much better than them in 2013 as well. Seems like a lot of people are overlooking this. Then you come along to discredit my opinion, using the Tigers' World Series appearance as proof the difference was minimal or non-existant. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 04:46 PM) Yep. It killed Detroit so much last year they ended up having to play all those World Series games. I then use run differential to show that if the Tigers have a better pitching staff and offense, then the Sox must have significantly better defense. Again, my point was always about defense. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 05:38 PM) LOL...we had a higher run differential than the Tigers last year. If the Tigers' offense and pitching staff were so much better than ours, as you've already implied, then how do you explain this?
  4. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:24 PM) And, if you are going to respond to my comments please learn how to respond to the comments that I've actually made instead of fabricating them in your head. LOL...I've asked you the exact same question three times and you've dismissed it three times. Not sure what I could possibly be fabricating.
  5. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:24 PM) What a lame response. Where's your run differential trophy? What an ignorant response. Obviously you don't like using stats to try and tell the whole story, just wins and losses right? Just admit you're wrong here, that we have a much better defense than the Tigers. I don't see why this is so difficult for you.
  6. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:12 PM) Talk about an irrational response....In waht presure packed playoff games did Detroit's "horrendous" defense destroy them? Answer: none. Secondly, it's quite obvious that Detroit has both a better pitching staff and better offense. The team had a horrible start and took time to jell and then easily blew past the overacheviving White Sox. And, they actually won playoff games beating the Yankees for the second year in a row. So, yeah they are a lot better than the Sox after adding Hunter, getting Martinez back and having Sanchez for a year The Sox rotation is FAR from solid. Peavy, Sale, Floyd (the guy Sox fans have been bashing for years), Quintana?, Santiago/Danks? C'mon. the only two guys there that Detroit would even be interested in would be Sale and Peavy. Only a cool aid drinker would even compare these two rotations. So how did we have a higher run differential last year?
  7. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 07:12 PM) Talk about an irrational response.... Thanks for playing. Now go back to b****ing and moaning about how the Sox are doomed and the Tigers are the greatest team in the history of baseball.
  8. QUOTE (Cali @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 06:52 PM) Didn't Gio's Dad have some other issues back when Gio was in High School or something? That was his mom. She got in a public fight with his HS coach over his brother's playing time. The coach ended up kicking both Gio and his brother off the team as a result.
  9. QUOTE (WilburWilhelm @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 04:46 PM) Yep. It killed Detroit so much last year they ended up having to play all those World Series games. LOL...we had a higher run differential than the Tigers last year. If the Tigers' offense and pitching staff were so much better than ours, as you've already implied, then how do you explain this? Unfortunately, I don't expect a rational response, considering you just used a team making the World Series, despite underachieving all year, as proof their defense didn't suck.
  10. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 02:43 PM) I think the Sox have the best pitching staff and defense in the division, and by quite a bit too. That alone is going to keep them in a lot of games. If they score at the clip they did last year, they're going to be in the race until the end. I think the defense part is what needs to be emphasized here. Detroit was horrific last year, while we were very good. I anticipate we'll be much better than them in 2013 as well. Seems like a lot of people are overlooking this.
  11. QUOTE (CWSpalehoseCWS @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 10:22 PM) I don't think the left-handed bat argument has any merit here. Gimenez is a switch hitter, which by that argument would make him the better option. Regardless, I like Gimenez just a little more, but let the two of them fight it out. Reminds me of 2005 with Widger and Davis. I agree with what you're saying, but some switch hitters just suck from one side or the other. What I'd really like to know is if Gimenez is naturally a lefty or a righty. Regardless, I'm not sure how much it matters. While we all like to think about the big picture and how a left-handed backup better complements Flowers, we often forget that it only matters if Robin will use the backup effectively. Unfortunately, based on last year, he didn't really play into matchups much, as it seemed like he always played the backup catcher in day games after a night game. If that's the case, then I'd probably go with Gimenez regardless who is better from the left side of the plate.
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 05:07 PM) Hopefully neither, but getting a lefty hitter than can play for Flowers against the tough righties in the division would be great. We talked about this briefly in another thread, but the bench as it stands right now is awful and I'm not quite sure what the front office is thinking. Agree with the overall bench issue. Assuming Gimenez, Wise, & Sanchez make it, I'm still not even sure who the last guy on the bench would be. That's a huge concern IMO given that one of the four guys on the bench is a minor league journeyman catcher and another is a Rule 5 pick infielder. I'm actually perfectly fine with Wise as the 4th OF, especially with Danks, Tekotte, & Mitchell as left-handed OFs in AAA who offer similar skills. A left-handed hitting IF would help big time. Against tough righties, it would be nice to plug in a left-handed bat at 3B, SS, or 2B. Who knows, maybe Hahn thinks Carlos Sanchez will be ready by mid-season and can fill the role then.
  13. Regarding Mitchell, his ability to get on base is why he's still a solid prospect. If he can cut down on the strikeouts and make a little better contact, he can still be a special player. He's got more than enough speed and power as long as he's getting on base at a very high rate. The other thing I'd be interested in his splits. Given that's he a lefty, he could be a very valuable platoon player or 4th outfielder, assuming he hits righties much better than lefties.
  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 12:27 PM) You need a reality show. For someone with three jobs, he apparently doesn't spend much time at any of them.
  15. QUOTE (kevo880 @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 12:20 PM) Pretty shocked to see Simon Castro at #3. Yeah, I was high on him at the beginning of last season, but I was very underwhelmed with him in the 2nd half. I think he should be more like #9 or #10.
  16. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 11:40 AM) If Viciedo only hits 22, I'll quit the Internet. Same here, I think 25 to 30 is a pretty safe bet if he stays healthy. People need to realize two things about Viciedo, first he was extremely raw coming out of Cuba and second he was rushed through the minors. It took him a couple years to start putting everything together, but in 2011 at AAA he showed much improved contact ability and pitch recognition in addition to the power potential he had previously displayed. Unfortunately, people who look at his year end totals won't see the whole picture, as he broke his thumb in spring training and started off slowly as his thumb was still healing. Regardless, his K % increased by 5 or 6 percentage points in the majors last year. That number will go down as he makes adjustments, and as it does he'll make more contact and hit more home runs.
  17. QUOTE (JoshPR @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 09:45 PM) Have you seen how many times De aza k'd last season?? Hint: he was third on the team... I never said anything about De Aza striking out, but he's a leadoff hitter, so who cares if he strike outs a lot. He leads off the game with no one on base and then comes to bat the rest of the game after our worst hitters. Plus contact isn't needed from him, as he won't have a lot of opportunities to drive guys in or move runners along. OBP is what matters for him and he put up a .349 rate last year.
  18. Calling the owner of this site a little vagina is probably a good way to get banned. Well done troll.
  19. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 10:22 AM) Yeah I was hoping he meant two-hole. That could be very successful. I think having De Aza & Keppinger at the top of the lineup is perfect. Very good OBP from both of them, and Keppinger's plus contact ability makes him a better fit in the two spot than Youkilis IMO. Dunn, Konerko, & Rios should have plenty of opportunities to drive guys in next year.
  20. While I don't think he was being serious, Keppinger in the three hole would be an epic fail.
  21. QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 09:15 AM) Had amazing time at Soxfest. Now I'm off to New Orleans :-) What are you, a trust fund baby?
  22. I love this is the Matt Lindstrom thread and yet Marty has found a way to derail yet another thread by spewing the same unrelated garbage again and again.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 12:40 PM) When a guy is in the closer's role and he has a pitch that is being hammered? Yeah, you stop throwing that pitch. If you have a problem with that...then the guy can't be in the closer's role. He was the closer for like a month and it was a stupid decision from the get-go. Not sure why he couldn't throw more screwballs after they pulled him from the role.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 12:32 PM) Trouble with him throwing the screwball, particularly early in the season was...it wasn't a very good pitch. People hammered that ball early in the year. So you just give up on the pitch the rest of the way? His screwball can be a serious weapon, especially if he's going to start or pitch long-relief.
  25. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 12:31 PM) Pretty funny Santiago wants to throw his screwball but AJ doesn't call it so he won't throw it. Its the pitcher's decision in the end. How many rookie pitchers call off a veteran catcher?
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