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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. I 100% agree with this, there is a ton of untapped potential with the Sox. I’ve said it many times, but it’s going to require our ownership group to actually invest in the team and build a product that demands attention. Signing a whale would be a great first step in that regard.
  2. Let’s hope the Royals aren’t the model unless you like 10 year rebuilds.
  3. Just to maintain some optimism, good ole Jim Leyritz also reported Cole to the Yankees was a sure thing last offseason.
  4. I guess I don’t get how Twitter works because I don’t see that in his feed. That being said, never trust a man that tweets in fragmented sentences.
  5. I mean, he kind already is. Most Orioles think he is full of shit based on his track record, mlbtraderumors won’t even run his “report”, and one the most respected journalists (who local ties no less) has blocked him. I guess I don’t see a lot of downside for him, but maybe that’s just me.
  6. Gotcha, didn’t realize you were speaking from a general perspective.
  7. Hopefully Manny announces his decision soon after New Year’s, because this shit is painful as fuck.
  8. I’m not sure getting this wrong will have any impact on his career. He can simply say his source (who he already revealed to be a friend / former teammate) misunderstood the certainty of what Machado told them. Meanwhile, he’ll have gained some Twitter followers which long-term likely results in more clicks for his blog. Sure, his reputation will take a hit in the short-term, but look how many of you beleive hik despite all his previous misses / cover-ups. To me, there is nothing but upside for him here.
  9. This in regards to Andujar, but weird phrasing given how certain he is that Machado is signing with the Yankees:
  10. The dude is a total joke whether he’s right about this or not.
  11. I just saw the bow tie tweet...I personally think this guy is full of shit or at a minimum exaggerating what he heard, but I know I’m in the minority on that.
  12. I don’t want to suck next year, but I don’t want to commit big dollars to B free agents at this point in time. And while I wouldn’t be against Moustakas, it would have to be on a one year deal. Giving him four years would be the definition of insanity IMO.
  13. Has anyone else commented on this rumor? Rosenthal hasn’t posted to Twitter in a few days, so he may in fact be on vacation as Shack had suggested. But all the other major insiders have posted since Dan Clark’s “breaking news” and there hasn’t been a peep from any of them. All I’ve seen is a couple questionable New York “insiders” jump on this but bring nothing new to the table. The silence is pretty odd if there’s any truth to this rumor and I find it really odd that mlbtraderumors hasn’t made a post about this yet if Dan Clark had even the slightest amount of credibility.
  14. Rebuilding on the fly is the definition of retooling. When the Sox traded Sale was the first time the Sox committed to a legit rebuild under KW & Hahn.
  15. How do you know they didn’t? Does Morosi get real time info from every single GM?
  16. The fact you call 2014 to 2016 a “rebuild” shows you are unable to be objective in this conversation.
  17. No, it suggests they’re doing their diligence in case things don’t work out.
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