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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. People are buying into this way too much IMO. I’m not doubting Rock was told this, but from what I have heard there is zero chance this would ever leak to a beat writer.
  2. The only question that remains is will Bryce take the 1 to 2 year deal or the 20 year offer.
  3. I find it fascinating that this Dan Clark rumor didn’t even make the cut at MLBTradeRumors, at least not yet.
  4. Most rumors are bullshit. You’re literally stringing three turds together and calling it a necklace.
  5. His defensive value comes almost entirely from his arm. When people stop testing him as much, he’ll lose a ton of value. This is no different than when Eaton put up that ridiculous season in RF except Schwarber doesn’t have anywhere close to the range Adam had to remain a quality defensive OF once the arm value regressed.
  6. Are you suggesting Schwarber is better defensive LF than Engel is in CF?
  7. What do those have to do with this? And the vast majority of rumors are simply plants intended to create misdirection. The Encarnacion rumor (if that’s what you’re referring to) is exactly that.
  8. Dan Clark reporting this doesn’t cause the Phillies or Sox to drop out of the race, it simply makes them reconsider if their “final” offers are actually final.
  9. If “final” bids have been received, this is exactly how you have the Sox & Phillies resubmit their final offers with a much bigger dollar amount. The agent does not benefit from this rumor being shut down.
  10. I’m pretty sure it does count against the luxury tax and there is zero chance the Cubs actually go past the second luxury tax threshold.
  11. Then they can’t add Harper. They need to cut significant salary to have any chance at Bryce.
  12. Come on, the White Sox aren’t going to move on to other targets because Dan fucking Clark says Machado has made a decision. They’d simply call up Manny’s agent and ask him. And it makes perfect sense to say he’s choosing the Yankees if the Sox & Phillies are offering more money. The Yankees are the ultimate threat here and the one thing that can force these teams to bid against themselves.
  13. 100% agree, they’re not going to call this guy out when he has 1/3 chance (at least) of being right. Not be able to confirm or even commment on it says a lot IMO.
  14. Let’s just put this all into perspective. The Giants are going absorb the albatross that is Heyward’s contract just so they have the luxury of adding three years of Schwarber when they’re nowhere close to competing? Even if they unload Melecon’s contract, what does that accomplish for them? There would have to be other pieces coming back there way IMO.
  15. Sure, no one can say anything with 100% certainty, but I have very good reasons to believe they can not add Harper without moving signicant money and that means Heyward or Darvish.
  16. Isn’t this a Yankees guy too? I think there is good reason to be skeptical of this Dan Clark guy.
  17. They can’t add Harper without moving Heyward (or Darvish).
  18. Just to play enternal optimist, it would be incredibly awkward if Manny was telling his other buddies and not his own brother-in-law and this is how Alonso found out.
  19. He wouldn’t have revealed his source if he didn’t want to have the ability to back track. He’s already planted a seed of doubt and can easily say the friend must have exaggerated Machado’s certainty about the Yankees.
  20. No, I wouldn’t because I think him getting access to this information right now (especially through a friend) reeks of being an obvious plant.
  21. Ok now I feel better. That’s exactly how you plant a rumor to drive up your price.
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