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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. I don’t even know what’s worst to be honest. Like it should totally be not offering a sizably larger contract than the opposition, but at the same time if guys are turning down tens of millions to play elsewhere then we are seriously fucked.
  2. I’ve seen reports saying both things, although I tend believe they did in fact meet with him.
  3. Yup, 100% agree. It’s going to be a long January though.
  4. Theoretically good for us (our front office, not our fans) since we have nothing but time. The Dodgers & Phillies will not wait around forever.
  5. That’s all I was getting at. He most definitely could be right here, but I’m shocked none of the national guys have jumped on this given that Dan Clark isn’t some no named hack. Just seems odd to me, but admittedly I’m an optimistic and an prepared to go down with the ship here.
  6. I don’t think he knows anything we don’t, but the logic is exactly what I’ve been saying the last few weeks.
  7. Did her ever break something this significant though? Like Merkin has because he’s the voice of the club, but usually the big stuff is from national guys or complete rando’s from what I’ve seen.
  8. Why are we acquiring two more OF prospects? I can get Frazier since he’s major league ready, but Florial just creates an even glut in the minors.
  9. I’m with you man. Seems like a weird time & place for this to leak out if true. I’m leaning towards this being one final Hail Mary to drive up the price for the Sox & Phillies. If I know one thing about negotiations, final offers are never final until an agreement is actually signed.
  10. If this is true, hopefully one of the national guys confirms it. I could have sworn DanClarkSports through out some garbage rumors at least year’s Winter Meetings but maybe I’m wrong about that.
  11. You should proud that we missed out on a player that could desperately help our franchise...bravo!
  12. I think this Encarcion tweet has to be compete “these fucks are crazy” misdirection unless like fathom pointed out somehow Abreu is on the move.
  13. Not that it wouldn’t be a fair trade, but I would really hate giving up Cease.
  14. I think he would have most definitely accepted it or struggled to find a halfway decent contract. I mean, how many relievers make $17M or whatever the QO is worth? And LeMahieu would have definitely accepted it and been significantly overpaid.
  15. Do you have something to support that because I don’t think that’s true? This article suggests his stuff returned to form in Low A with the Nationals: https://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/the-fangraphs-top-200-prospect-list/
  16. Agree on Moncada (he was a 70 FV guy though), but Giolito does not have the velocity that once made him a 65 FV prospect IMO. I think he’s a high variance, potential #3 type starter.
  17. Just to make sure? Why don’t we worry about him finding success in AAA before we even consider him part of the major league mix. His K/BB ratio was 1.11 for Charlotte last year, giving him a major league rotation would be a travesty.
  18. I’m not saying anyone should have assumed it was most definitely going to happen, but the risk of a blown out elbow is par for the course with high velocity pitchers and him needed TJS should surprise nobody.
  19. Adams would get destroyed in the majors.
  20. Hold up now, pitchers blow out their elbows all the time. If you thought that was unlikely to happen at some point with Kopech, then shame on you. No doubt Burger losing a year plus of development time sucks, but flukey injuries (or worse) do happen. Need to have prospect depth to overcome those type of things. Giolito being the worse starter was not according to plan, but he was always going to be a high variance guy. No one should of had any expectations for Fulmer and if you did that’s 100% on you. He was broken well before last year. As for Moncada, I just don’t agre that he’s that “far in”. Last year was his first full season and he was basically a league average despite his K issues. He has really never dealt with failure and IMO this was a much needed part of his development. I’m not going to panic unless he shows no progress with the bat next year.
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