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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. If Jon Gray is unattainable, I would love to get me some Jeff Hoffman. I have no idea what we could offer though. They still could use catching help, but Castillo has little to no trade value and Narvaez is such a polarizing guy because of his defense. Abreu theoretically could be a fit to address offensive needs, but he’s coming off a disappointing season, will make a lot of money, and only has one year of control left. I’m guessing the Rockies will explore cheaper options.
  2. His last name is Bohm, not Brohm. And lots of people / publications had him in the #3 / #4 mix. He may have signed for underslot, but he was far from a reach. I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish by showing him as the #50 prospect other than to prove he’s an incredibly valuable talent who will be costly to acquire. The Phillies will be in no rush to trade the kid, even if they sign Machado. I’m still not understanding how Bohm fits into all this.
  3. It’s not good, but I wouldn’t call it awful, especially not for a backup who also provides an above league average bat. His entire value prop is can play all over the field without killing you and actually provide some offense. In today’s game that’s incredibly valuable.
  4. I don’t follow at all. Why are we trading prospects for an overpaid 1B/DH? How does Bohm fit into any of this? And I don’t understand how Franco is blocking anyone (he’s not good), especially the #3 pick in last year’s draft who is multiple years away.
  5. They want trade Santana to open up 1B for Hoskins, so I’m not sure why’d want Abreu.
  6. At this point, you wait and see how his first half goes. If the bat looks good, I’d be open to a short-term extension with the plan of making him a full time DH. The good news is if he’s not open to a team friendly deal, we can always extend an QO and control him for one more season (assuming the Abreu of old). That buys us some time to see what we have in Sheets, Burger, etc.
  7. He’s played more innings at SS than any other position in the majors. I think you’re confusing his recent usage and assuming a lack ability and not realizing a lot of it is simply team need.
  8. No offense, but reserve infielder should be amongst the lowest of priorities to improve this team. We have a couple capable options and any potential upgrade would represent diminishin returns. We have much bigger fish to fry and should be allocating our resources to those spots.
  9. I mean, I’m assuming we’re going to do our best to land a whale. Regardless, he wouldn’t be signed to be a flip candidate but rather a stabilizing veteran for the next couple seasons. Whether Happ is realistic or not, I do think we’ll add a veteran to eat innings & take pressure of the young arms. And hopefully that guy is actually a halfway decent starter unlike Shields.
  10. I agree with your general points here, but not sure how Marwin Gonzalez falls into the “veteran reclamation DH” category.
  11. So did I, then I became incredibly confused when I saw who was actually traded.
  12. I guess I don’t see much of a difference and given Yolmer’s age / character he’s a better fit for us.
  13. Houston is probably going to lose their high-end utility guy. We have a better, $5M reserve IF in Yolmer plus an interesting kid in Rondon. There is no fit here for us.
  14. Maybe he’s looking to settle down and given his ties to Illinois/Chicago we might be an ideal landing place. Obviously the money would need to be there too and I wouldn’t be surprised if he prioritized earnings over winning given this is likely his last big contract and he already has a ring.
  15. Interesting we hired him away from Mizzou before he even coached a game for them: http://www.journalreview.com/sports/national/article_4142d6cb-6e37-5f54-b38d-4da471c2f8ad.html
  16. I didn’t know how to title this thread without obvious trolling, but I wanted to start some discussion on J.A. Happ. Does anyone else think he’s our #1 SP target? Very productive, left-handed starter with local ties and whose age should prevent him from getting too long of a deal. I personally think the Sox will be all over him and could see us signing him to something like a 2/$35M deal right before the Winter Meetings. How would people feel about such a move? Is the he veteran we should be targeting to stabilize a young rotation? Please share your thoughts because there aren’t a ton of rumors at the moment and I need something to distract me from the endless Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the background. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcsports.com/chicago/white-sox/white-sox-free-agent-focus-ja-happ%3famp
  17. Lol...let’s hope we don’t drop to attendance thread levels. But in all seriousness, even some small signings, (Sox or not) would be nice. I still think we make some pitching move before the Winter Meetings.
  18. We definitely need some real rumors. You know these are trying times when KW vs. Beane debates start filling the thread. Although I will admit that Royce Ring section in Moneyball still gives me a chuckle to this day.
  19. Not to be a dick, but I don’t understand why we would ever make that trade. Nick Williams isn’t worth taking on Santana’s contract and giving up three pieces on top of it (even for a small discount) doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. What does this move accomplish for us exactly?
  20. It gives no sort of representation whatsoever unless you’re able to filter it on people in Chicago. Even then, I’d wager a much larger portion of the Cubs core fanbase uses Twitter than ours. What your doing with this “data” is quite frankly lazy & wrong.
  21. And how much of the Cubs attendance in that season was driven by their local fanbase? There is no doubt in my mind the Cubs are more popular locally, but a lot of that is casuals looking for a good time. Their core base is definitely not 3:1 the size of ours. Ultimately, the biggest difference is the Cubs are a huge regional & national draw. That doesn’t make us a small market club or mean we have 25% of the city. Using the number of Twitter followers to estimate the size of each fanbase is just stupid.
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