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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by chisoxfan09

  1. If the Cubs offered Baez, Bryant, Alcantara and Vogelbach, I think that would be enough for them to get Price. You're talking 2 of the 5 best hitting prospects in baseball most likely.


    I'm not exactly sure they wouldn't prefer to ask for Sale instead. I am no expert but is Sale's upside much better than Price's? I mean from a delivery and mechanics point of view Price is much smoother but he has multiple winning seasons under his belt and 2 years of ARB control which will cost probably between 15-18 million each. Then come the Free Agency years that are sure to be north of 22-23 million and it gets crazy real quick.

    The thing that will really put Sale in the Kershaw and Price conversation as one of the top 3 lefty Aces is if he can have multiple winning seasons starting 2014. Then there is the question of his mechanics. Some on the board have already predicted his arm will fall off sooner rather than later but the blogger that posted this article seems to think that his delivery although violent will not be a long term injury concern. Who knows. It was a fun thread though.

  2. A deal doesn't make sense for the Cubs, but I would totally send Sale their way for Baez, Soler, Edwards, and Bryant. The Cubs would be better off sending Soler, Edwards, and a couple low levels prospects for Price though and signing him to an extension.


    I think the most the Cubs will give up for any TOR Ace is two of their big 4 prospects (Soler, Bryant, Almora, or Baez) but not 3 or 4. Then throw in 2 B propsects like Alcantara or Vogelbach. But that won't get it done for either a Price, Sale, or similar type pitchers. Especially lefties which are rare enough as it is. Toss in Sale's extremely cost controlled contract and that makes it virtually impossible.

  3. Don't even waste your time getting your panties in an uproar over a bloggers article. It is complete crap. There is zero basis in reality here.


    Has he ever gotten anything or called anything right? Just askin if he has ever been right about any rumor?

  4. Well, I think it will get binned just like everyone else but I would want Baez and Bryant (He would have to be a PTBNL). With those 2 and 1-2 lesser prospects I would find it hard to say no. Like Loxas said, will not happen but hey we can dream right?

  5. Link: http://www.chicagonow.com/loxas-factor/201...-in-chris-sale/


    Loxas says Cubs might trade away Samardzija and then pursue Sale. Like he says file this in the "Not going to Happen" bucket. But never say never. Not much going on so this was as good as any rumor out there.


    The Cubs are looking for pitching.


    That is why it may still surprise most that Jeff Samardzija will be made available this winter. The factor to consider here is the Cubs want young, controlled pitching. Samardzija is still under the Cubs control for a couple more years. Yet, the Cubs want to lock their younger talent up even longer a la Starlin Castro and Anthony Rizzo.


    I told you back at the July trading deadline the Cubs were taking calls on their de facto ace. The price was sky high at the time. The Cubs still wanted to work on securing “Shark” in a long-term deal.


    The two sides apparently have gotten further apart, and I hear the Samardzija trade market is heating up already. The Blue Jays, Royals, DBacks, Pirates, and Nationals have all expressed their interest. One possibility could have the Cubs packaging a prospect with Shark to get another team’s coveted young pitcher. Think of an Archie Bradley type from Arizona as a possibility.


    Speaking of young, controlled pitching, I’m told the Cubs plan on placing a call across town to Rick Hahn. They want to see if the White Sox are entertaining any thoughts of dealing Chris Sale. I would file this in the never going to happen drawer but, you cant blame them for making the call.


    The Sox want to build around their young pitching. They would also likely list the Cubs as the last team they would make such a daring move with. Sale is signed through 2019 with a final year of $13.5 mil. That is the type of control the Cubs are looking for.


    I’m told any deal involving Sale would have to include names like Javy Baez and Jorge Soler to start. It is possible the Cubs could get more in the way of ammunition from a Samardzija deal. When it comes to a pitcher like Sale you have to wonder if he is destined for TJS with his violent delivery. However, one scout told me his arm action is surprisingly clean for his arm slot.


    Again, obtaining a Sale type is pie in the sky. However, it does give you an idea of what the Cubs are trying to accomplish this offseason.

  6. Does anyone on the board agree with Tyler Kolek as a safe pick at number 3 which is we will probably land at? Big bulk frame at 6'5 240lbs. He has a great FB (95-98) with a good curve. I know he has been talked about before but does he have the upside you would look for in defending taking a pitcher in the draft VS. a polished hitter? I think he would be ready for the bigs in 2015??

  7. Just to temper the mood on Abreu Jerry Crasnick (ESPN) has a nice article up detailing his shortcomings and basically giving us a buyer beware summary. The talent evaluators mostly agree that Abreu has legit power if he can harness it but will be challenged by fastballs in tight and breaking balls at te MLB level. The article says he has no value as a base clogger and may be a bit heavy but at thend it is pointed out he has trimmed down a bit. They try to guess his contract value and mention something like a 4 year 40 million contract.




    It doesn't mention the Sox as a potential team to match him up with but maybe that is a good thing.

  8. OK, call me bonehead, meathead or whatever you want but here goes:


    The Cubs farm is getting quite good and with the addition of Bryant at some point they may be top 5-10. If you had a choice of the below top 4 which would you start a package wish list with? Noting that Bryant cannot be traded until a year after he signs?


    1. Javier Baez

    1. Albert Almora

    3. Jorge Soler

    4. Chris Bryant


    What other pieces would you demand back? Would you try and make it a 3 team deal?


    We would send Sale (As untouchable as it gets) for the right package, why not? I know the Flubs are going to off load some of their one year contracts (Feldman, Baker) and others to get more prospects to either flip or keep growing.


    I know we just locked up Sale to one of MLB's friendliest contracts but we need good hitting in our system. OK flame away.

  9. What a real shame, I really liked the guy and the upside he had when he was here. I wish him the best.


    Link: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/sources--d-ba...-204549220.html


    Arizona Diamondbacks starter Daniel Hudson re-tore the ulnar collateral ligament in his right elbow and will require a second surgery, a devastating injury sustained as he was on the cusp of rejoining the team's rotation.


    The 26-year-old Hudson left his first rehabilitation start Tuesday with Double-A Jacksonville after his arm tightened up during the second inning. An MRI on Thursday afternoon revealed the tear.


    Hudson is expected to undergo a second Tommy John surgery in the near future, a little more than 11 months after his first. The late Dr. Lewis Yocum performed the first operation. A source said Hudson likely would use Dr. James Andrews for the next surgery.


    The injury shocked Hudson as well as Diamondbacks officials. Aside from a few minor setbacks, his rehabilitation from the first injury was considered to be going well. In games at the Diamondbacks' spring training complex, he had worked up to 75 pitches. His progress was evident in the first inning of his rehab start in Double-A: The first pitch he threw, a fastball, sizzled at 95 mph, leading to loud chatter in the scouts' section of the stadium in Jacksonville, Fla.


    Hudson settled in around 92 mph and finished the first inning. In the middle of the second inning, his velocity started to dip, and his fastball leveled out around 88. He removed himself from the game, concerned his arm felt dead, after two innings and 48 pitches.


    Now comes the difficult part. While recovering from multiple Tommy John surgeries is increasingly common, doing so as a starter is rare. Los Angeles Dodgers starter Chris Capuano is the most successful case. Doug Brocail, like Hudson, had back-to-back surgeries and returned for six more seasons out of the bullpen. Relievers Joakim Soria and Brian Wilson have yet to return from their second surgeries, and free agent Todd Coffey, throwing up to 94 mph, is expected to work out for teams in the near future after returning from his second surgery last July.

  10. Ventura is on a roll of late. Hope he can get the team to stay fired up against horses*** teams. Sox really could take 3 of 4 from the Cubs if they maintain focus (cliche) and play good defense to go with what figures to continue to be strong pitching. I won't even comment on the offense, but are 4-5 runs out of the question each of the next four nights?


    I would not think 4 runs a game against the Flubs' weaker pitchers is impossible, hope we surprise and fire on all cylanders. :)

  11. I know we have kicked around the fan issue endlessly here but I came across this just reading my daily Bulls rumors. Has anyone seen this before? Interesting reading at a rumor level though. Thoughts?


    Link: http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal...f-NBA-role.aspx


    Bulls’ boss finds different need, role in NBA



    By Bill King, Senior Writer


    Published May 20, 2013, Page 28


    It is no secret that Jerry Reinsdorf has been less engaged at the league level in basketball than he has in baseball. He attributes that mostly to the fact that the leagues operate differently, largely, he says, because of the styles of the respective commissioners, Bud Selig and David Stern.


    Reinsdorf remembers getting the first clear view of that dynamic not long after he bought the Chicago Bulls, when he served on the negotiating committee during labor talks in 1988. He dedicated himself to the process so deeply that, when his father died that year, he took a red-eye flight to New York after the funeral. They made no progress and Reinsdorf went home.


    A week later, Stern met with union head Larry Fleisher and made a deal.


    “He does it all by himself,” Reinsdorf said. “I never really enjoy being part of the industry in basketball, because I had no influence. Nothing to say about anything.


    “You go to NBA meetings and David Stern tells you what to do.”


    Reinsdorf went out of his way to stress that he and Stern have maintained a cordial relationship, and that he doesn’t mean his observations about the commissioner as a criticism. Teams were bleeding money when Stern took over the league. By navigating so dramatic a turnaround, Reinsdorf figures, Stern earned the trust and support of the owners.


    It is something he and the commissioner have discussed many times. Reinsdorf doesn’t begrudge him that. “It just never gave me the same opportunity to be involved,” he said.


    If Reinsdorf already was less engaged in NBA matters as a result of his early days as an owner, that distance only grew in 1990, when the league tried to block him from airing Bulls games on WGN, a superstation that did not hold NBA broadcast rights. Reinsdorf said he suggested a compromise in which he’d limit the number of games that aired, but the league wouldn’t budge.


    So Reinsdorf took the NBA to court.


    “I said, ‘David, please don’t make me do it,’” Reinsdorf said. “It killed me to have that litigation. But without it we would have gone broke. So that’s what I was forced to do.”


    Stern said he doesn’t recall Reinsdorf using those words. But he does remember Reinsdorf saying as much to his fellow owners. For the most part, they sided with Stern. Reinsdorf remembers sitting at dinner at an owners meeting when Jim Fitzgerald, the former Milwaukee Bucks owner who was a friend before Reinsdorf got into basketball, came over and asked how anyone could sit with him.


    “I was a pariah,” Reinsdorf said. “After that, I stopped going to meetings.”


    Reinsdorf says he is on better terms with the league these days. The family succession plan calls for the Reinsdorfs to retain their stake in the Bulls, while selling the White Sox. Michael Reinsdorf will take his father’s place. Jerry Reinsdorf said he doesn’t think there’s any baggage left from his disputes with the league.


    “David and I patched things up,” Reinsdorf said. “We get along real well now. But I act sort of irreverent to him. I think I’m the only guy who busts his balls from time to time.”


    Stern laughed when told of Reinsdorf’s assessment.


    “Actually, he’s quite wrong — he has much company in that respect,” Stern said. “His fellow owners have also broken the code, because they know I enjoy it. It makes me better to spar.


    “We enjoy a good poke back and forth, and we also have a good friendship and we share good memories of very good years.”


  12. He can't be sent down without his permission. He could instead request release and hang the Sox with the remainder of his contract.


    He said after that 2011 nightmare season he would rather hang it up than endure another season of constant booing and negative press. I sincerely hope something happens soon. This can't go on indefinitely. Rather have him ride the pine and give someone else a chance honestly.

  13. There is no way we can unload this incredibly awful contract on anyone so I really hope all the booing forces him to soul search and do the right thing, but I still would wait a little longer in the hope he can snap out of this funk. Just don't see it happening TBH.

  14. As it should have been. I don't think it's ever a good idea to mock other posters. There's been a dearth of topics to discuss here lately. Constant mocking of people who start new threads is detrimental to this sight. I come here to discuss White Sox baseball. We are all not equal in our knowledge of the Sox and mocking and berating new members or posters reeks of bullying.


    While I still come here often I often leave more quickly when there is nothing to read and go to places like southsidesox, whitesox.com or twitter for better and fresher info. The game threads here are much better than at southsidesox though where they rarely discuss the games while they try to out-smarmy each other. My choice is to read and discuss baseball. Any place that starts to belittle the less knowledgeable instead of educate loses me quickly.


    Thank you for a well thought post that is considerate of everyone here. I used to post a lot more and have started more threads lately. I stay away for long periods of time when I see people getting put down by sarcastic and condescending comments. I have never claimed to be a knowledgeable fan but I do try to do my homework on the team during the regular and off season. That's just my way of looking at it and it works for me.

  15. Why would you sign Chris Sale to an extension then turn around and trade him? I ask because that's what it would take to get Headley right now.


    I was thinking anything on the farm and except maybe our starting core of 1-2-3 but hey it's just speculation. Q and Santiago are good cheap pitchers with some upside. Just an example. I knew I would get flamed.

  16. I poached this from a Yankees site but it is relevant because the Sox have shown interest in Headley. With Hahn being aggresive I never say never.


    Link: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball...ticle-1.1282771


    Piece of article I thought was interesting - just a rumor.


    We’re talking Chase Headley here. Or maybe even Giancarlo Stanton.


    Even though it’s spring, when GMs supposedly make only garbage-dumping deals, the word is the Padres are starting to listen to offers for Headley, their 28-year-old All-Star third baseman who led the National League with 115 RBI last year but who is a free agent after 2014 and will undoubtedly command a contract they can’t come close to affording.

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