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Posts posted by dpd9189

  1. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 09:23 AM)
    I thought they were in LA...still impressive.


    The Astros just love to have starting pitchers who were good in 1999. Russ Ortiz is pitching batting practice today. Maybe we should deal Bartolo to them.

  2. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 03:37 PM)
    Z is Z


    Lilly, Dempster and haren are no longer sure thingsthe rest of the way


    Wells, Hart, etc. I am not sold on


    Carpenter, Wainwright and Pinerio are better right now than anythign the cub are putting out there except maybe Zambrano. Lohse could be rightthere but with his health I will put him in the Lilliy, Dempster group.


    Duncan and LaRussa are as good as they get.....Pinella seems to be happy getting paid.


    We'll agree to disagree. Pinerio is 9-9 this year, Lohse hasn't been very good and Wellenmeyer flat out sucks. I'd take anyone on the Cubs staff over Pinerio too. Thought I'm not fond of the Cubs, I'll give them their due when it comes to starting pitching....they're pretty good and that staff has kept them in it when they weren't hitting for over 2 months. They really should be about 10 games out because of their season long power outage.


    As impressive as the DeRosa and Holiday moves were for the Cards O, they still have major pitching concerns. Aside from their top 2 and Franklin as their closer, nothing else is impressive. They're very similar to last years Brewers. They got a squad that can get to the post-season just not very far unless they get some more pitching help. Like I said with the Cliff Lee trade I think the NL is a one horse race right now. You can have your Dodgers, Cards, Cubs, Rox, whoever....Philly is head and shoulders the best team in the NL and maybe the league.

  3. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 02:33 PM)
    I pointed out that any team in the NL Central except maybe St. Louis would have Colon as a 3 or a 4 at worst. Seems some teams just do not care to win.


    Gotta disagree, the Cubs have the best starting pitching depth in the NLC. They don't have a true ace but their 1-5 when healthy is very serviceable and is really what has carried them this year with their lack of hitting. The Cards have two very good SP, mediocre 3&4's and no #5. However the best 1-2 now belongs to Philly (Lee, Hamels).

  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 08:27 PM)
    This Cubs/Astros game is a joke. W. Wright can't throw a strike, as he's walking the world in the 4th.


    6-6....ARam just hit a 3 run bomb, Stros suck. First up 4-0, then 6-3.

  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 07:12 AM)
    I still don't like the Cubs pitching. I take back whatever I said about the Cards and Cubs having no pitching (I was plowed and wasn't thinking correctly...drunk now, but willing to atleast do research), but I still don't really like the Cubs rotation, especially without Lilly, mainly because I completely doubt Wells is going to keep up what he's been doing (especially against good hitting teams, ala the Dodgers, Phillies, Cards, and Brewers), I still think Zambrano is more of a great #2 than he is the true ace he's paid to be, though he's been great this year, I believe Harden is too fragile and strike out friendly (meaning simply that I think he will throw too many pitches and that Piniella will be very quick with him) to be as effective as he really could be, though he is quite obviously their best and would be most teams' best starter. That's 4 of their 5 starters, and they then have to hope that Dempster comes back at somewhere near where he was this year...a 4.15 ERA for 2 months would do wonders for that team.


    The bullpen, as I see it, has 3 good pitchers and no great pitchers in Gregg, Marmol, and Marshall with a 4th possibly included in Guzman. Samardzija seems overrated and falling out of favor, Heilman has done his best Rick White impersonation for the past year and a half, and Kevin Hart, no matter his ERA, won't be effective if he keeps his K/BB ratio right around 0.50.


    Their offense is starting to perform to what it can, but I don't believe that team is built for the postseason.


    I still like the Phillies in the NL but I think the Cubs and Cards both make the postseason. If the Phillies pull off the Halliday trade I like their chances for a repeat.

  6. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 10:46 PM)
    Why can no one hit the Cubs pitching? Outside of the Lilly game against Philadelphia, their pitching has been amazing since the ASB.



    Their pitching has pretty much been their strength the whole year. They haven't really hit up until the past 2 weeks.

  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:53 PM)
    The defense certainly didn't help today.


    One of those "close" losses....but not a heartbreaker. Danks isn't quite as good or consistent as he was the last two months in 2008. Quentin's ball goes out in 2008 at the end of the game. Konerko makes those scoops or at least stops the ball from getting past him. Ramirez also made a sloppy throw.


    We're 2nd or maybe now last in errors committed in the AL.


    We have a bright future, still, but it doesn't seem this is the year...just frustrating with how beatable both the Twins and Tigers are...both teams are begging to be wiped out by a massive trade (Haren/Halladay), but there are so many potential flaws and weaknesses in this team.


    Our offense and pitching really came together for about a month, but now both have slipped, especially the offense recently.


    We're barely hitting .240 at home, there's simply no excuse for that at all...or explanation even. The home field advantage we enjoyed last year has disappeared almost completely.


    KW is in a very tough position....if we are swept by the Twins and lose to the Yankees Thursday, he should hold off or maybe trade Dotel and then ride out the season, trying to find out what Getz and Fields can do everyday. Maybe put Ramirez in CF and rest Quentin a lot and see if Pods can hold up over a full season of play.



    KW won't sell now, if anything he'll try to buy. If we were 6 games out plus then I can see him selling but unless we go winless the rest of the week I just don't see that happening.


  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 10:33 AM)
    The Blue Jays just aren't going to get that kind of deal from anyone. They're not getting Becks from us, they're not getting Billingsly or kershaw from the Dodgers, they're not getting, you know, Tommy Hanson from the Braves, whatever. If they're asking for untouchables, they're not really interested in dealing him.


    The Dodgers could make a solid package perhaps with a guy like Elbert combined with one of their more recent draftees, but it's still a package that I think Poreda + Richard + one of our A ballers likely beats. Halladay for either Billingsly or Kershaw is just stupid from the Dodgers perspective.



    I just don't see the Jays dealing him unless someone offers the farm. This isn't Peavy, Halladay is better and the Jays would want a kings ransom for him. I don't see KW or any other GM doing this unless they don't mind losing their top 3-4 prospects.

  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 01:32 AM)
    I wouldn't say they've had "everything" go wrong. Ramirez going down was a big blow. What else has happened to them that you can legitimately say "Damn, that's a real tough blow for them?" They've had some guys under-perform. But they've had some guys over-perform as well (Randy Wells, Jake Fox).


    Aram out 2 months, Soriano in a 6 week slump, Harden being on DL and hasn't been very good this season, Bradley in a season long slump and a DL stint, Pot Head catcher not hitting until late June, Zambrano being on 15 day DL and suspended, having no 2nd baseman since trading DeRosa, Marmol having issues, Gregg blowing quite a few saves, etc.

  10. QUOTE (elmo9246 @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 11:58 PM)
    I really would rather hold onto Dye rather than Thome in terms of a DH for the future. A lot of people have slammed me for this but in recent years all Jim really has on Jermaine is OBP. Dye is as good or better in most other areas, is younger (a little), and costs less.



    I think JD might be the most underappreciated Chicago athlete EVER. He's been nothing but money since he's been here.

  11. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 10:50 PM)
    The division flat sucks. But it's not like the Cubs are the only team that's had injuries/ect to deal with. Ludwick/Ankiel/Carpenter/Lohse/Greene have all either spent time or are currently on the DL. The Brewers have been without Richie Weeks and Manny Parra (I can't remember if Parra got hurt or if he was sent down). I expect it to come down to the Cubs/Cardinals (although if the Brewers somehow upgrade their rotation that changes things).


    The more I think about it, though, who cares if the Cubs win the division? They matchup terribly with the Dodgers, Phillies or a healthy Mets squad. You think they want to see the Giants in a short series? The way they've struggled against quality RH pitching in the playoffs the last two years? I think not.



    I don't think they would do much in the postseason unless their lineup got hot at the right time and they improved their bullpen. However I'm not sold on LA and I think Philly repeats as NL Champs. I understand that Milwaukee and STL have had their issues too but with all the Cubs basically having everything go wrong the 1st half and for the other two not to have a put any distance between them and the Cubs is just asking to be passed up in a matter of time. It goes for us too, I think Detroit and Minny didn't take advantage of us when we were playing bad and hopefully we will make them pay.

  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 06:48 PM)
    You can no longer question anyone who comes from the Iowa Cubs!! My grandma went to a game there, and she automatically gained 20 pts to her batting average and more power.



    Just heard that the Cubs (before tonight's game) were the same amount of games out of first that they were when Aram went down. That's an epic fail by the Brewers and Cards not to capitalize on that and put more games between them and the Cubs in 2 months time.

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