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Everything posted by GASHWOUND

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, had to get that out. WTF is going on here!! Our D starters are dropping like flies! Its against all logic of man to lose so many players at the same time..Well, if you don't count last years Sox.. This f***in sucks..now we won't have Washington, Holdman, R.W., Daniels, Grey, and BRob is still not at 100% with his broken wrists still recovering..And next week we play the HATED Packers..On Monday Night..in front of the entire country!!! Good God almighty!!! Not saying the Packers are any good themselves this year..their D has stunk this season too.. But with all the injuries we've been reduced to the Lions.. Damn it, is it possible for us to have back to back bye weeks so we can get back some players? than face GB?
  2. Yeah, that pathetic excuse for a drive in OT was pitaful..but our D lost this game And what's up with Train?? Did he have a run for more than 4 yards!?! I don't think he did. don't now his final #'s, but I'm sure there pathetic
  3. Whew, are we bad..I said if we didn't score on that first possesion in OT we WOULDN'T win..and by golly that's what happened..The Bills drove up and down the field like we weren't even there..But in the Bears defense I don't know how you can be any good on D with some many defensive starters out...Is it more eveident now on how much we miss R.W, and Daniels? HURRY BACK!!! For God's SAKE! I'm f***in dying here
  4. Why don't you post them on Spiff's Sox pics MB? and aren't the Lions playing the Saints..why did you pick both?
  5. What's the damn score..I'm over at IUN using the f***in fastest internet connection known to man(Damn, speed is great) got a 5 min break, what's the score?
  6. Thanks for the welcome, and no, you can ask me anything..personel or whatever.. It's all fine with me ok lol anything at all huh??? whats your shoe size.. hat size... umm do you take viagra....how many times have you gotten laid in the past three months...and whats your favorite color.. that should keep you busy for a while....lol lol lol lol lol lol 11 1/2 don't know my hat size, use the adjustable one..Nope, never taken Viagra Have a girlfriend, so about average about 3 to 4 times aweek(maybe)you do the math Fav color is black, sometimes blue..sometimes green any more questions?
  7. Thanks for the welcome, and no, you can ask me anything..personel or whatever.. It's all fine with me ok lol anything at all huh??? whats your shoe size.. hat size... umm do you take viagra....how many times have you gotten laid in the past three months...and whats your favorite color.. that should keep you busy for a while....lol lol lol lol lol lol
  8. Rauch pitched great, but we had ample opportunity to score but is the story of the '02 Sox, couldn't get the job done.


    I seen his show like 4 or 5 times and there were some good bits in there and some not so much..


    I think Tina Fey is a great writer, I still think SNL is funny they have such a good cast. We'll see how much Will Ferrel leaving will effect them. I kinda like the Weekend Update with Fallon and Fey. Also Darrel Hammond is pretty damn funny with his impressions. Saw him on the Toight Show a few ays ago and does a great Jay. Fallon even does some good impressions


    Conan's show blows everyone outa the water..but he'll never get an award..Triumph the insult dog should get an Emmy by itself..Ever see when he went to interview the geeks waiting in like at the new Star Wars movie a few months ago?! I f***in pissed my pants i was laughing so hard..That damn Smigel is a f***in genius!
  12. Highschool!?!? LOL!Have no clue how I got through HS.
  13. I pretty much put 2 and 2 together that you post over at WSI since you do sign your posts "HeatherTheRedbird" Oh yes, I figured that all by myself:) RPS? Who is he;)
  14. Do gnats have their own form of government? Where can I buy a gasoline powered toaster? I'm not sure if gnats have their own form of governemnet..who knows, maybe that one CG movie ANTS was taken from true facts..so if you go by that, than yes. And don't know where you can by a gasoline powered toaster, but could probably build one for you. Oh yes, its true
  15. Thanks for the welcome, and no, you can ask me anything..personel or whatever.. It's all fine with me
  16. What's up guys, you guys don't know me which is understandable cause I'm new here..although i think I registered to the older MB here last year..who knows.. Anyways, I'll be coming around here more often than not..Have nothing against WSI, not bitter at them either..will post there to, but there's some new faces here to get to know, as well as some old ones. So posters, ask me anything and I shall answer all..


    Also I saw The Queen of the Damned this past week, and was very disappointed..How the hell do you screw up the damn Vampire Chronicles like that..sheesh..waited almost 10 years for the sequel to 'Interview...' and am spewed this.. There was SOME decent parts in the movie, but come on.. Although the Soundtrack nearly saves the movie by itself..OUTSTANDING soundtrack..even bought the CD and am very pleased with it..


    Hell yeah, saw that last month and f'n loved it..I don't know how it did at the boxoffice, but very underreated movie. The theme/end song may be the best I ever heard..I have the soundtrack for RE.
  19. Nice, very nice indeed:P Can't post my pic right now, but will in the future..(when I get my 'puter and scanner in a few months)
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