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Everything posted by GASHWOUND


    Hot for Teacher

    That pic there, she sort of looks, like Jerri Ryan Damn..Can you imagine this 13 year kid with here?!?! He must have lasted 3 seconds..sheesh
  2. ahh crap, i hate Realplayer... :headshake
  3. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:14 AM) I really feel sorry for them. They're MLB's version of a Shakespearean tragedy--except not as fun to watch. And to think they took 2 of 3 from us and then started that long that losing streak they're on...Ughh.
  4. QUOTE(GasHeGone @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:29 PM) With Frank out for the year and Carl nursing his groin back to health, our need for another bat has never been more obvious as it has been in the last two games against the Yankees. I mean, Timo batting fifth for the best team in baseball against the Yankees?!?!?!?!? Unacceptable. Granted, Carl got an AB tonight and I heard that he should be in the line-up tomorrow but it's not enough. When you lose future HOFer Frank Thomas for the year, you gotta make a move...or, at least, a better move than acquiring Geoff Blum. Blum's glove won the game tonight, but he can't hit squat. I'm not well-versed in what kind of talent is available off waivers so, Sox fans, tell me who we should pick up...And let's be realistic about this, so hopefully I won't be reading any Griffey posts. Borchard might be a good option... Hmm, how bout we try to get Pujols... I doubt we're gonna get anyone good through the waiver wire that's gonna be better then Carl..except Griffey cause he has the big contract and team aren't gonna want to pick that up. And we being the team with the best record picks last..a good bat with low pay is gonna be snatched up with the teams ahead of us... Its Griffey or bust
  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:24 PM) http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=250809110 Jeez, Moron of the morons..
  6. QUOTE(mwolfson @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:09 PM) I WAS AT THE GAME IN THE FIRST ROW BEHIND THE WHITE SOX DUGGOUT AND SAW THE THING HAPPEN AND THEN HEARD OZZIE SAY "CRAZY GUY, CRAZY" (WHILE STARRING AT THE GUY ON THE NET)... IT WAS PRETTY STRANGE! P.S. Paulie threw me a ball and I was the kid wearing the Black Sox shirt and Sox hat... Some friends saw me So he jumped on purpose? Because didn't it happen during the bunt attempt so a foul ball didn't go back there as if he was trying to catch a foul ball and went a bit to far...cause he didn't look shaken up as if he didn't jump on purpose..not sure
  7. Jeez, when we don't like somebody we rip them a new a-hole..I thought maybe Timo might of massacred a small village or something..Then I would go along with the hatred for him..I'm no Timo apologise or care for Timo batting in the 5th hole..gotta put him more in the 8th or 9th hole...but its going to, yeah he sucks bad..to I HATE TIMO..almost like you want to kill the guy...literally kill him..for being not that good. Don't you think that's a bit ridicules? Earlier in the year it was Crede, then even Hermy got some hate..Cotts was battered also earlier in the year.. But the utter hatred for Timo doesn't make sense..I'm guessing he's a good guy, you see him in the dug out always smiling..keeping things loose..I'm also guessing that's how he is in the clubhouse... Not saying Timo should play more then once a week in the starting line-up...but to call out hate for the dude is quite ridicules..He's just playing where he's put and trying to help the club..he fails alot of the time..OK...maybe try to question or bring up for some intelligent discussion on why Ozzie puts him in the 5th hole, or why he's on the team..But from what i read its personal with Timo..and I don't think it should come down to that. Just my opinion
  8. Was this posted??? If it was then..here it is again.. All parties deny Griffey-to–White Sox trade report By Hal McCoy Dayton Daily News CINCINNATI | Ken Griffey Jr. was not traded. Period. Paragraph. End of story. A report in USA Today said that Griffey was traded to the Chicago White Sox on Saturday, but that Cincinnati Reds CEO Carl Lindner squashed the deal. The report was denied Wednesday by Reds General Manager Dan O'Brien, Griffey, Brian Goldberg (Griffey's Cincinnati-based agent) and White Sox officials. "My reaction is short and sweet," said O'Brien. "Throughout July we had no conversations with Griffey or his agent about his 10-and-5 status, and that says it all. We were consistent in indicating we wanted to keep our outfield intact, and that's where it stands." Griffey said he hadn't heard word one about a trade. "I heard the White Sox were interested in me, and that's a very good team," said Griffey. "But ... spring training in Tucson?" For the Reds to trade Griffey anywhere, they need his approval, and Griffey was genuinely surprised when asked if he heard he was traded to the White Sox. "I hadn't heard that," he said. "I hadn't heard about any kind of trade. But I did think it odd that the front office told Kent Mercker, David Weathers and Adam Dunn they wouldn't be traded, but nobody said anything to me. And nobody asked me or my agent anything about going to any other team." Griffey has given the Reds a list of, "Three or four teams," to which he would accept a trade and the White Sox are not on that list. Griffey's agent, Goldberg, was as surprised as Griffey by the report. "Not anything to it," he said. "Conversations I had with the Reds recently revealed that nothing was up as far as trades other than a couple of inquiries. They told me he was going to remain with the Reds. "And they never came to us to ask whether Junior would accept a trade," Goldberg added. Much was made of the fact Griffey wasn't in Sunday's lineup, the day of the trade deadline, "But they told me Friday I wasn't going to play Sunday and I told all my friends and relatives so they wouldn't think I was traded," he said.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/08/03/t...w.ap/index.html I read that earlier and was wondering...Didn't he sign that huge contract??? which would make him under-contract..I wonder if he has to give the money back..Its like the Ricky Williams situation all over again.
  10. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 08:35 PM) Yeah i thought the offense changed to however according to Stats INC, the White Sox have score 40.3% of their runs off the Home Run. Is the something we should be concerned about Well, coming into the season i thought again we were gonna hit our share of HRs, but we do lead the league with sac flies and bunts, and SB I thing so we are tryin to play small ball..but we do have some slow hr hittin guys in the middle of the line up with the uppercut swings...Don't know how to change that..
  11. Jenks looked good..and it proves he doesn't have to get by just throwin 99MPH..Plus he had pitched 2 innings on Monday, so the velocity wasn't there if he has maybe 3 full days off..but good curveball..especially when he struck out Sweeney
  12. I found this funny, don't know if it was posted or not..but look what Casey blake surmised Indians right fielder Casey Blake appeared to be unbowed even after the trashing administered to the Tribe by the White Sox. Asked if Chicago is the best team Cleveland has played, he said, ``I don't know. No. I think they're a good team, not the best team. I don't think they're any better than we are. ``Things are going their way. They're pitching well, and it seems like they always come up with the big hit, and that equals winning. LOL
  13. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:39 PM) Entourage.... This is the only other show other than the Sopranos and WhiteSox games, in which i will plan my schedule around. Jeremy Piven is the shiznit. Yeah, its great..Can't believe more people aren't watching it..
  14. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:39 PM) I don't know how to do either one, but here is my deal. I am selling my computer to a friend and want to wipe it clean for him. Should I reformat the hard drive? Reinstall Windows? Are they one in the same? I have the original System Recovery and Application Recovery CD's, but am not sure how to use them. Can anyone help??? Well, you could use Window Washer..I ended up buying it and its great..It has a bleaching "Option to erase your hard drive to safely sell or donate your PC with the peace of mind that your privacy is protected." You can download for free for 30 days... http://www.webroot.com/products/windowwasher/ Here's more in-depth on what it does http://www.webroot.com/products/windowwasher-indepth/
  15. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) Mine: 2005-07-04 12:50:08 EST: 6336 / 655 Your download speed : 6488307 bps, or 6336 kbps. A 792 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 670765 bps, or 655 kbps. you have a T1 line?
  16. QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) 2005-07-04 11:47:47 EST: 3921 / 350 Your download speed : 4015987 bps, or 3921 kbps. A 490.2 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 358472 bps, or 350 kbps. just did another one and my DL speed is a tad better 2005-07-04 13:34:43 EST: 3960 / 350 Your download speed : 4055781 bps, or 3960 kbps. A 495 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 358472 bps, or 350 kbps.
  17. QUOTE(Yoda @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 10:51 AM) Happy Birthday to both and here's hoping that everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July! Yes, Happy Anny of the Days of your Births...
  18. 2005-07-04 11:47:47 EST: 3921 / 350 Your download speed : 4015987 bps, or 3921 kbps. A 490.2 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 358472 bps, or 350 kbps.


    QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 04:17 PM) depending on how the new xbox looks will decide which system i get. I think I'm forced to get PS3...I have the PS1 and the PS2..I have to complete the trifecta..
  20. Another 'toilet' story :puke http://www.wsoctv.com/print/4662466/detail.html#


    QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 04:09 PM) Wait 6 months and it'll be 1/2 that price. What are ya, nuts? and deny me the joy of waiting in line for days with my brethren.....


    Gonna cost 400 bucks...not bad considering how powerful it is.. http://games.slashdot.org/games/05/06/30/1...tid=187&tid=233
  23. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) I predict we win 2 of 3, because we got Garland tomarrow and Buerhle on Sunday. But Im not too confident with Contreras on the bunk against Harden. This whole series will be a good pitching duel. Contreras vs. Harden, Garland vs. Saarloos, and Buerhle vs. Mr. '12-6' Zito. Do remember this is Oakland we're going to...It could be considered that if we do just win one game it would prob be todays game.. Although statistically it might be the worst opportunity with Contreras going against Harden..But its the bizarro world down there.. I will have my many crosses ready, and hang up the garlic around the television..maybe even start a chant to rid of the curse of the Oakland. The Oakland of HELL!!!!!
  24. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) I have to say, unlike some in the game thread who will be happy just taking 1 game this series, I like our chances this weekend. We do have Buehrle and Garland going and the only matchup I wouldn't put in our favor is the one tonight. I realize that our previous performances in Oakland spell trouble for us. But I've learned not to doubt this current team. I predict we take 2 out of 3. Lets hope so...somethings gotta give.. We have to have some luck down there at least one damn series..sheesh..
  25. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 02:52 PM) I ran a check of how we have fared against other teams between 2000 and 2004. Here's the link. http://www.baseball-reference.com/games/he...4&submit=Submit For teams we have played more than 10 times, our worst winning percentage is against the A's, where we are 15-30, or .333. Our next worst showing is against Anaheim at 20-24, .455. It is time, if this is going to be a special season, that we turn around this nonsense and start beating this team. They think they are hot, but have only beaten up on Seattle and SF recently. They could put their minor league team in there and we would still probably struggle..and the last time we went down there were the 3 strangest games I've ever seen..it sucked.. If we can win 2 of 3 then we are truly blessed, but that Oakland curse is a strong sonofab****...We're gonna need the jaws of life to break out of it.. OAKLAND..... :puke
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