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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Fuck Cody Heuer. I was so pumped for him this year. Home grown for years. Thought he was ice cold in the veins with 97-99. He was our boy. If he had just continued his 2020 we’d be sitting super pretty right now. We traded Heuer and Madrigal for 1 out. The 1 out Kimbrel got that mattered. 1 fucking out.
  2. Lynn, Giolito, Kimbrel. Dudes, you gotta find that extra gear for the playoffs. Gotta do it. You’re all probably top 50 pitchers in the league. You gotta be menacing. Walking people? What?
  3. None of the micro decisions are worth getting mad about. The pitching is just shitting its collective pants. Gotta get some stud ass performances now boys.
  4. If Heuer was just fucking Heuer this year…unbelievable.
  5. Absolutely. This was a great outcome for us- lotta huge power bats removed
  6. Completely disagree with your post but I understand your opinion. I’m expecting the Sox sweep or lose 1 game
  7. The Sox have more talent than the Astros. It’s not really that close. Anything can happen in a series though. I imagine we’ll sweep them or maybe lose 1.
  8. Absolutely. All the crybabies whining about Preller running circles around Hahn. Lol their team sucks and has so many huge contracts
  9. Lol. Look at all those 66k, 18-22yr old conspiracy theorists.
  10. Yea. If Engel is healthy I’d seriously consider giving him all of AV’s playing time. All of it.
  11. Good point. He definitely out-Keucheled Keuchel. That can eat some playoff innings for sure as a worst case. Feel bad
  12. TA is our giant middle finger to the other team. He bats first.
  13. I can’t wait to hear 40k chanting Lu-Bob, Lu-Bob. Maybe they’ll just do Luuuuuuuuuuuuu
  14. Definitely a legit concern. I hold out hope that most of this was by design. If you were the Sox and Rodon coming off of those surgeries & missed years, wouldn’t the plan probably be 100-150 IP? With the division all but officially locked up in June, maybe this is by design. Wouldn’t that explain Rodon being pissed. He feels he can go but Sox are being extra cautious
  15. Lol Eilish concert had 100k? Lol biker rallies? How bout the 10s of millions of college football fans crawling all over each other? Baseball, NFL, Lolla…10s of millions protesting…bikers So what’s the overall weekly attendance at all sporting events now- high school through the pros. 50 million+? A few isolated superspreader events lol? Yea let’s check vaccine cards at the pizza shop
  16. Thought it was cool how Kenny called for the blackout the first time. Felt like word spread on the streets and spread fast. It was organic. Pure badass. KW was God. Then he called for a second blackout some other time and nobody did it- I can’t remember when that was cuz it sucked ass. And now I feel like that’s what I remember more, the second one sucking ass. Even though I don’t remember when it was. That’s how much it sucked ass. Forced. Not sure anybody has or will ever forgive the second one. BUT…this is a new era of dominance we are entering, maybe playoffs for a decade. We have a chance to take over baseball. All black would be a badass tradition for playoff games. Black towels too. It would be intense. Hope it happens. I forgive, I think.
  17. The 8th inning is the only thing of concern. Everywhere else we should be better than our opponents.
  18. Is there a way to make this post of yours pop up on the screen before somebody submits a full-priss reply? Kinda like a captcha that says “please read this twice before clicking here and going full priss about something”
  19. I think this is a wise post. Overall, you’d think this group should probably give up less runs than most other bullpens. Unfortunately games are won and lost over 1 run and a guy shitting his pants. In theory though, this group is deep and throws really, really hard.
  20. I really wish Heuer didn’t suck. What a compounding issue that became. Bummer too
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