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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Absolutely. People somehow think this is now a 2-3 yr window. We have multiple super elite prospects joining the team this year. We’ll probably win the World Series this year and this team is STILL a prequel of the coming juggernaut
  2. Are you saying that because our FO hired TLR that they would look the other way if say KW pulled a Mather? I’m not sure I see the connection
  3. Knowing Jerry is cheap I totally expected zero spending this offseason due to Covid. According to spotrac, we’ve spent the 7th most in FA. One has to wonder how much the Sox were planning to spend this year before Covid hit. Kinda cool, maybe?
  4. Lol what’s it like having your brain?
  5. Anderson is our giant middle finger. He’s 1st.
  6. Exactly. And if the Sox wait and Dunning regresses even a tiny bit you can’t trade him for a Lynn-type. It was a risk but I think that the Sox might have seen this as selling high on Dunning.
  7. That’s not indicated at all. Maybe they saw Dunning as basically a non-contributor
  8. Same. He’s legit. Never thought I’d say that. He’s really good. Still jacks up a few hero balls tho...
  9. Maybe it’s cuz I spent $99 on the nba package, but damn, I like watching them play. Haven’t felt that way since prime Noah/Rose
  10. Absolutely. I think we’re pretty much a top 3 destination this decade. Hahn has a lot of cost certainty with those brilliant extensions no other team is doing. Let’s let it play out. So far, A+ across the board
  11. I’d rather roll with Trubisky over Wentz straight up with this OLine. And to give up tons of picks- oh my
  12. Ok so now I’m hoping for this: 3/15: Michael Kopech signs extension ridiculously cheap, like 6/40 plus 2 options, as Gio signs expensive extension. Kopech then rips up ST, mysteriously allowing actual contact a few times (later determined to have been caused by Arizona mound imperfections), breaks camp and finishes second to Gio in CYA.
  13. Absolutely. People don’t realize just how absolutely stacked this team is. This is going to be a truly historic run of dominance.
  14. Hell yea. I can’t wait for all the shutting up when we start like 15-2 and win over 105 games.
  15. It’s strange right. The general pessimism doesn’t apply to Katz, SOLELY because the hate for Cooper and his dinosaur status is greater. The pitchforks are still fresh with the blood of the Cooper
  16. I don’t really see why it should be such a dramatic drop off for him- gonna have to wait to see how he plays to get a feel for this
  17. You’re going to win quite handedly
  18. Spend the extra cash and get Bauer. The time is now to take over the city from the cubs. It could really happen. Just invest in the fanbase Jerry
  19. Maybe Q was pissed about the trade to the cubs and didn’t want to come back.
  20. Can I set an auto laugh to any Balta post
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