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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Look what he does for a living. I think we should cut all these guys some slack- they have to look their kids in the eye at some point and explain that they tweet about sports rumors. That’s gotta be tough
  2. I actually think it does. I get your point if Lynn was an addition to a regular solid roster...but I don’t think you realize just how much talent THIS roster is dripping with. Dude we might have the entire all star team, like all 26 guys
  3. What about this: WAR is the quick, lazy version of assigning general value to a player. Tim Anderson & Paul Goldschmidt both accumulated 2.1fWAR in 2020. 2 completely different players got to the same place in completely different ways. You look at WAR and can lazily see that they provided similar value despite their different games. Now if you were building a team for 2021, there’s probably zero front offices in baseball that would give a shit about the WAR these guys put up. They look under the hood, at every measurable statistic BESIDES WAR to see if the guy is a good fit- the smart stuff. I love WAR and think it’s really cool, for what it is- ranking all the dudes who play baseball on 1 list.
  4. And inflation has been flat too- look at the CPI! ?
  5. Correct. But we’ll see it coming. That’s why I’ve said a few times “don’t get left behind”. The asset inflation by me is out of control right now. House prices selling at 100k over list cash. That 5 trillion has to park somewhere. And another 2 coming!
  6. I think the short answer is that it’s interesting, but also not important. Like any stat.
  7. Exactly. Why spend the coaching resources and the rotation spot on the guy topping out at 93 when you got ACTUAL PROSPECTS banging down the door. Sox just turned that chump, 3rd piece of a trade into Lance fucking Lynn. What a homerun of a trade. This Dunning fluffing is getting ridiculous.
  8. Dunning is not a quality player. Why don’t you get that. Maybe he becomes one in a few years? Anything is possible
  9. Dude. They don’t want to rebuild this year and let Dunning throw 100 innings of unknown quality. That doesn’t help the White Sox this year. Lynn is going to probably throw 200+ Badass innings. You’re trying to argue that they gave up 6 years of good pitching for 1 year of good pitching. That’s simply not true.
  10. It’s not “All in”. The move vastly improved the current team, yes. I say this all the time, but I’ll keep saying it until people understand: There’s a very good possibility the Sox wanted to move Dunning at all costs this offseason and sell high before he had no value. That possibility MUST be acknowledged. Through that lens, there’s no reason to get all worked up about all-in etc.
  11. No evidence is a great lead-in to your 4th point.
  12. Give Bauer 3/120 with an opt out after each year Lets just be done with it- cash schmash
  13. Hadn’t thought of this angle. Well said. There isn’t a better destination. I forgot how great it was knowing that CLee was OPSing like 1.200 or whatever against the cubs.
  14. Man I think so. People forget that we are going to score about 2000 runs
  15. I needed to see this. Sometimes I wonder if 2021 is going to explode his value to the moon or crash it down into a fiery pit of flaming garbage. I feel like there’s not much in between. He is, or he isn’t. That’s why I often feel like cashing in on his value now if they can get top value. Maybe Burnes is a good use of his value. But after watching this again, eff it, sink or swim with this beast.
  16. I would think a Kopech for Burnes straight up is close. Burns established himself a bit last year so he’s ahead of Kopech in that regard. Kopech has way better stuff and also comes with I think 2 more years of control. Isn’t that close?
  17. He’s going down. He’s done. He needs to think about legacy now. He needs to think about a press conference & memes. There’s Jim Mora’s “playoffs”, we got Iverson’s “practice”, Dennis Green’s “bears etc.” What we don’t have is “I sent her 60 pictures of my penis” or “C’mon, everybody sends dick pics”. Whatever the quote, however he wants to do it is fine. Just go down in flames is all I ask
  18. What does one man’s penis in New York have to do with Jerry and La Russa? Was the penis involved in the DUI?
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