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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. I know this doesn’t answer your question but they seem like 2 of the beat catchers in baseball heading into 2021. Glad we have one of them
  2. Nice find. Have you explored the idea of Tim at catcher? Any data points?
  3. Bump + no fans 2020 + Jerry projecting no fans for 2021 * secret Jerry cheapness multiplier
  4. Schwarber isn’t a proven guy. Schwarber is pretty bad at baseball. Why would we sign something so awful? I’m cool with Collins/Yermin/Grande/Abreu to start the year. jettison Yermin for an ace after Vaughn comes up
  5. Who wouldn’t want to be on this team. It’s incredible.
  6. Yea the national guys realize we just got a 200IP horse Badass that will probably put up 4-6 WAR. All for a scrub semi-prospect coming off TJ. Just incredible.
  7. I still can’t believe we turned Dunning into Lance Lynn. The Rangers couldn’t do better than that LOL?
  8. Really excited to watch the 891 lineup turnover every time. 2021 White Sox might score the most runs, ever.
  9. Man you guys. We just fleeced the Rangers and people are mad. we fleeced them, not the other way around.
  10. In fairness I’m still picturing Reylo popping 97-98 when we got him not whatever the hell he got Cooped into lately. That stuff smokes Dunning’s control stuff in theory.
  11. How can you talk about 2.5 WAR like it’s some kind of layup?
  12. Exactly. And what the hell team is going to let some dude pitch 6 seasons of 1-2 WAR
  13. That’s exactly my point. Lopez has 10x the stuff Dunning has and has back to back 180+IP seasons. Dunning is 26, coming of TJ and probably has 2-3 years before he even ramps up to 180+IP. Lot of things can happen but the smart money isn’t on Dunning being successful.
  14. Doesn’t Lynn actually allow them to spend? 6.8 WAR for $8M opens up tons of doors.
  15. That 1.5 put him in the top 20 or so guys in the game, ahead of Gerritt Cole. He put up 6.8 WAR the year before and there’s a legit chance Dunning never sniffs 6.8 for his career
  16. Agreed- I think we should expect to lose that a bit. But then again it may end up being closer than most here realize. Lynn could put up another 6.8 WAR for $8 million bucks...little bit of SV there.
  17. That’s not the point. Dude said the only way this trade is worth it is if we get 3 years of an ace. Like Dunning is worth not 1 year of DeGrom. No no. 3 years of ace. That’s how great of a prospect Dunning is. GMAFB
  18. If we can extend Lynn and get 3 years of ace out of him, he will be worth...Dane Dunning? Cmon
  19. So the rangers were supposed to expect a “5 WAR over 6 years” pitcher in return for Lance Lynn? A reliever? I don’t think that’s how trading works.
  20. I feel ya but I think people are overestimating how many innings Dunning was pencilled in for next year. 100? Maybe 120? So 3 years until he’d be a potential horse, assuming he doesn’t get shelled. I think we traded at peak Dunning value
  21. All fair points for both of us. Only one of these guys is going to throw more than 120 IP in 2021 for $8M
  22. Dunning is a 26 yr old pitcher who has thrown a handful of major league innings, is years away from a 180+IP workload, coming off a recent TJ surgery... who also happens to top out in the low 90s. He was also the 3rd toss-in piece of Rick Hahn’s masterful fleecing of the Nationals and just netted us a 200IP horse for a hard push at the title in 2021. This is not a bad trade. I can’t believe we got that much for dunning TBH.
  23. Great move. Anybody saying they are upset Dunning wasn’t used for a more cost-controlled pitcher is wrong. Just flat out wrong.
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