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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Absolutely. The day a person is able to understand that Democrats are not better than Republicans, ESPECIALLY NOW, is a very liberating day for that person. Good didn’t just defeat evil. Evil beat evil
  2. Sounds like the Mets tainted some pee to get outa that 25 million
  3. I agree. On top of that most don’t even get sick or know they have it. So the damage is just not VISIBLE enough to scare everyone into their houses. Some. But generally no.
  4. Correct. I think it’s just guys with advanced bat-to-ball. There aren’t many of them and it goes against the popular theory that high BABIPs MUST regress to certain norms.
  5. I think you’re throwing around “fills a hole” a bit too easily with Heyward. He’s bad. Unless you meant his body physically fills a hole because that’s all one can reasonably project.
  6. I want Les Grossman on a huge screen in the dugout if Madrigal ever hits a flyball. “Punch that second baseman in the face”
  7. Yes. This is such a perfect opportunity to become a monster franchise for a decade+. Spend cash galore in a discounted market. Then we have a fully maxed team with a huge farm on tap. Better than the Dodgers for half the price. Just spend this year to bridge the pitching development gap.
  8. Do you expect that to become public knowledge?
  9. As far as I’m concerned, the Soxtalk Mt. Rushmore is the following three things in no particular order: HoT FiRe peavy44 and the guy about a year ago who posted the 90,000 line post and then the people quoting it in reply This is the power 3. Tim at catcher is a close 4 but quickly becoming my favorite. what do you have?
  10. Yea. I mean if they want to trade him for a good pitcher and then sign Lemehieu, you know, no complaints here. Sox have plenty of options for sure. I think a big signing and a big trade puts them in a good spot, no matter who is involved 400 hits between SS & 2B? Mercy
  11. I think Madrigal easily destroys those numbers for league minimum. I know you’re saying “IF they trade Madrigal”, but maybe this just proves that keeping Madrigal is a super no-brainer?
  12. Interesting. I would totally mind a Mendick out there.
  13. At least one per year man. So for better or worse, we know the Sox are considering a veteran, homer-only type guy. They can’t help themselves. For whatever reason that’s one of their main keys to a championship roster
  14. And the one constant remains Jack: you have to learn to be good at something. If you do that you should have no problem. If you go around just having “jobs” you shouldn’t expect much. I’m not sure if that’s fair or not but it seems to be the case.
  15. Yep. Knowing something 5 min before the team announces it is completely pointless. Why not just wait? Nothing is funnier to me than Ken Rosenthal or MLBtraderumors giving credit to whoever for “scooping” or “first reporting”, like the world cares. Enjoy your scraps n crumbs you submissive little doggies lol
  16. I liked Ricky but he got a lot of flack for trusting his gut too much. I’m excited that LaRussa’s gut is going to be based on decades of managing men in high pressure situations and being able to read the players and the game, on top of a bed of the captain obvious analytics. I think the players are going to love playing for him. Glad he didn’t hurt anybody and I hope the law does what it’s supposed to do. Hopefully he comes out of this better and ready to kick some AL butt.
  17. I’m really glad Tony didn’t hurt anybody. Hopefully the legal system does what it’s designed to do so Tony no longer puts lives at risk. He’s here in our dugout to not get out-managed by the opposing dugout. I look forward to him doing a great job of that. I liked Ricky but he definitely lost games and got out-managed quite a bit. I think Tony beats the A’s.
  18. I agree, but it kinda saves the country too at times. It’s really hard to make sweeping big changes which is probably a good thing.
  19. Totally. It really shows just how awful the democratic message really is. The far left scares the shit out of most Americans over 25, and the middle left is just a mess of messaging and policy confusion. The only reason the dems won is because they “weren’t Trump”. That won’t work in 2022 midterms. This isn’t a mandate for anything.
  20. Looks tight as shit everywhere. Polling is pointless. It’s early but I doubt you see any of this Biden +5-10 in swing states materialize.
  21. Agree. The goal should be to piss all over the league on the way to the World Series. Firehoses of piss.
  22. I hope this works out. No need to get prissy about it- just gotta play wait & see.
  23. Bold is signing Bauer AND Stroman AND Springer. Or replacing one of those with an elite trade. That’s how you piss all over the AL
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