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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Well it’s hard to imagine the starting pitching being worse the next time through. Only 1/5 being effective is probably not the norm. But Delmonico WTF
  2. They still do this show? I remember it from like 2005
  3. How is that not awesome. More shit talking is good. Fans love that
  4. I’m sure. I think this year should just be about as much excitement for as many fans as possible. And expanding the playoffs helps a lot of teams get some more bucks and maybe keep more employees, not trim 2021 payrolls as much etc. Stimulus
  5. Pretty sure everybody is going to remember the Covid season without some tiny little asterisk. Where are we putting the asterisk anyway? On Bref? In the HOF? How about ☣️
  6. It’s legit no matter what. In fact, this will be a year everybody remembers. Plus there are new rules and new regional competition. It’s cool AF. Somebody bats .700? Great!
  7. But it’s just sports. I’ve enjoyed watching the White Sox the last 25 years or so. Most of the teams from 2000 until now have had really good teams in paper. I enjoyed watching most of the seasons. I enjoyed his product. Why don’t I love him? Because that seems really weird, to care enough about sports to idolize or demonize an owner. Or to blame front offices and front office personnel. Seems so weird to me, caring that much. I think he’s been a pretty good owner, seems like a nice guy and I REALLY respect his loyalty to employees.
  8. My answer for now is hell no. But if people start dying like crazy I’d definitely give it some serious thought. I’m hoping people don’t start dying like crazy so I can avoid it.
  9. Especially since we play the cubs 6 times. Over
  10. So the lineup is absolutely stacked at every position for the next 5-7 years. Greatest rebuild in the history of rebuilds. Except RF remains to be seen. Pressure on Mazara.
  11. I understand the comments about quitting on the team and I agree...but my arm could be twisted to view it as it was the end of an era for the Sox in general. Took a couple years but the whole thing top to bottom turned over those last few years with Ozzie being one of the first to go. 2010-2011 looked good on paper though but it was the end. If Rentería for whatever reason isn’t the answer, although he deserves this year and at least all of next year at a minimum, my arm could be twisted for him to come back as long as his kids aren’t allowed to breathe any air outside of a dungeon. Agh, this all just feels too forced the more I think about it.
  12. Oh I agree. I meant just more generally, salty opinions about “people today” are always a fun read. I detected a bit of grizzled salt with the “going to see my dad, high school coach” thing
  13. He makes good points. Always love an old grizzled opinion that calls young people soft.
  14. Eh. Everyone is affected. It’s okay for the world to take stock of how it hurts different groups. Nobody needs to win at getting hurt the most or be shamed for being hurt less. It’s okay for people of baseball to point out that near-zero revenues will have adverse effects for the following seasons.
  15. Screw these rich guys! I’m super tired of this crap. And I’m super tired of them funding all the science we depend on. Just stop already. Stop all these useless charities
  16. Also, it’s two months. He’s sitting out 2 months. I can’t wait to watch 102-105 next year
  17. Amen. I think people sometimes get confused that OPS should be the measuring stick for ALL types of players. It really doesn’t apply whatsoever to put-the-ball-in-play guys.
  18. Yep. Just think of all the teams that are gonna have a shot the final week. All the great players battling to make it. I don’t want to see the normal routine of Mike Trout playing his last few games of a season with the Angels 10 GB, but I can’t wait to see him play when he’s 2 GB with 7 to play.
  19. Dude it’s gonna be so crazy that even the purist fans who want to scoff at this season are gonna be like, “You know what, dang, this is pretty awesome”.
  20. Man this is one of my favorite teams ever. I became a huge fan 1997-2000, early high school, so I loved this team. I got pulled out of school to go to the first playoff game which was awesome. I also remember watching them get swept and I was eating an apple during the final out. I was so pissed & whipped it super hard at my bedroom wall and it exploded everywhere- some of those little chunks are STILL on that wall at my mom’s house 20 years later. I loved that team and that time
  21. I already want this to be how regular seasons go from now on. Just tons of regional action. Love finishing the season against the cubs. How exciting. That should be every year
  22. No, Jerksticks was saying that there is no data for asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases. Still isn’t. Therefore death rates are still a complete mystery. The same as the common cold? We’re all friends here. Why gaslight? Why make that up?
  23. Of course not. Headlines: “Xenophobia is officially in charge. Prison camps next?” ”Look at unracist Sweden wide open doing just fine!”
  24. We were supposed to shut everything down with martial law and never let anybody or any imports into the country ever again. Even doing that the urban areas would have still gotten hit hard but overall we’d have less dead
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